#97003190Tuesday, May 07, 2013 6:32 AM GMT

[Zaerae] Stone grey. Stone grey, stone grey, stone grey and a bit of dirt brown. The colours I had seen for almost my entire life. The fact of the matter is, I didn't ask for this. I didn't want to be someone from nobody. Whining won't help me now, though. I have two years. Then I'm free. I gaze upon the tattered book beside me, 'Paragon'. I had read it at least a thousand times but the book was still brilliant. Reaching over to it, I gain a sudden hit of pain towards the bottom of the spine. I'd gotten used to it over the years, the pain becoming nuller and nuller with each blow.
#97029490Tuesday, May 07, 2013 6:37 PM GMT

(Was@ You can have as many characters as you want as long as you can handle them. Again, I'll try and make a character for your group later, but I'm fresh out of ideas at the moment.) Cataclysm I followed the Revolutionary in silence, my robe blowing in the wind around me. The light behind the mist of my face that represented my eyes stared at the man, waiting to see if he would noticed that a Harbinger was following him. I imagined that he must have met another of my kind, for Harbingers were charged with guiding those affected by Destiny, but I was yet to met the Revolutionary. I had mainly working with the Sovereign in the past, but now, not even Destiny has been the face of the leader of Edge-wood for ten days. Many aspects of Destiny were sent out to find our leader, but no one has made any progress yet and I knew that the others were getting anxious. But now, I had a different task to focus on. I hovered closer and closer to the man, a trail of mist floating behind my robe. Maya I walked down the streets, passing by various stalls of worthless trinkets like jewelery and children's toys before finding my stall of choice. I approached the stand, looking at the gigantic figure who was working on a sword at a small anvil set up behind the stand. "Greetings, Ursablair, how's business?" The great shape turned around, revealing the slim face yet bulky body of a Parcania. "Terrible," she grumbled in a gruff tone. "Most people refuse to buy weapons this time of year. I haven't sold a single dagger!" I nodded before answering my friend. "Well then, I brought you some business. Did you get an order of those cross-bolts I had my eye on the last time I visited your shop?" She nodded, giving me a slight smile. "Course. Just had them imported. I would have made them myself, but I had spent the day few days preparing for tonight." Ursablair turned around slowly before grabbing a huge box and slamming it down on the counter of her stall. "Excellent. I'll take the whole box." I replied, handing the blacksmith a pouch of gold. "Thanks for your business. You should let me check out that crossbow of yours the next time you visit," she grunted, placing the gold in a lock-box under her stand.
#97047005Tuesday, May 07, 2013 9:50 PM GMT

Agroth I glanced around feeling something, but shrugged it off. I walked on through the crowd humming to myself.
#97050445Tuesday, May 07, 2013 10:21 PM GMT

-Narthal noticed a robed figure following him it was a harbinger he stopped and stood facing it. He stepped closer and stared at her.-"Hello."(Short post sorry.)
#97051368Tuesday, May 07, 2013 10:29 PM GMT

(Does this have mythical creatures? Like dragons and unicorns.)
#97068838Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:00 AM GMT

(It has some mythical creatures. I hadn't thought of which ones, but I always imagined that Edge-wood would at least have a few.) Cataclysm "Greetings." I replied. "I am known as Cataclysm. I will be one of your taskmasters during this turn of the Cycle. I was sent here tonight to try and find those affected by Destiny here to prepare them for the restart of the Cycle."
#97069412Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

(Two questions! Are there any special things in the festivities that I can ruin, that can in turn, lower the morale of the people and increase their desperation for the Paladin's death? Also, how many characters can I have?)
#97070429Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:13 AM GMT

(Oh wait, scratch that last question! Gonna post my character sheet immediately and rp.)
#97070672Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:15 AM GMT

(Yeah, I could probaley add some holidays in the role play or other events where you could start some trouble. I'll see what I can do.)
#97082433Wednesday, May 08, 2013 2:56 AM GMT

"Well it is nice to meet you."-Narthal said pulling out one of his apples and taking a bite. He looked around at the joy, waiting for the harbinger to reply.-
#97082728Wednesday, May 08, 2013 2:59 AM GMT

CS: Name: Cruor Aegrum Age: ? Race: Spirit How does Destiny affect you?: Adversary Gender: Male Appearance: In spirit form, Cruor is only just a scarlet vapor cloud, but he was given a suit of armor to help improve his "effectiveness". Firstly, he wears a frog-mouth helmet, and plate armor, but there are some strange things on it. The entire armor set is colored a dark black, but scarlet energy emanates from his helmet. A red demonic growth covers the armour, black spikes growing in multiple places of the armor. Personality: In a past life, Cruor must of cared for puppies, or worked in an orphanage, unfortunately, he is more likely to feed live puppies to sick orphans in this life, his tortured soul far from human. Bio: Current items: "Sanguis" [Demonic Spear] , Tower shield . Other: [Vis] "Now then...", Vis waves his hand over the orb, the view changes to Basthrumal, bird that is giving the view, circles the sky, looking down upon the fortress. Then it changes to a much lower view of the fortress, some trees blocking the way, the sound of growling and murmuring echo in the room. Then again, the view changes to a scene in Rainfall, the Revolutionary and and a blue mist in view. (Can I see Cataclysm? I am kinda like Manipulator, cause I'm trying to used Destiny) Then it changes to other views of the Wards, such as Maya, and Agroth. He then continues going through views of other things, checking on all his resources and foes. (I'll start attacking when the festivities are at the peak, so try not to go so advanced in the story.)
#97108235Wednesday, May 08, 2013 3:29 PM GMT

[Zaerae] There was not much to do down here, besides observing. More pain hit me in the back like poison-tipped arrows. Gazing up toward the ceiling, my sight passed through it and into the open air. "Why? A fluke is just too much to ask for, isn't it?" My vision suddenly turned back normal and I gazed at a small pot plant I had been cultivating for a while. I had originally started growing it when I became the Sufferer. It had had several offspring since that, such as Jeremiah and Asequre. But this one, Kismet, was special to me.
#97116622Wednesday, May 08, 2013 6:27 PM GMT

(Accept and yes, you could see Cataclysm. It's mainly only those who have no relationship with Destiny who can't see Harbingers. I just had a major idea for a plot twist...) Cataclysm I turned around for a brief moment. I could feel something in the air, the growing presence of danger. I faced the Revolutionary. "I'm afraid that I must go speak to others for now, for my time is short. Keep your eyes open, for I can sense evil in the sky tonight. Take care." I said before melting into the crowd. Maya Waving good bye to my Parcania friend, I walked through the crowds of people, heading towards the center of town-square. I could see that there were a few activities going on there, but I didn't really have much of an interest in any of them. Passing by a couple of stalls, I decided to browse to see if there is anything useful to me. A few trinket shops here, a knickknack stop there, a meat stall there. Finally, I saw something that caught my interest. A man was selling a special type of sugar bread, a delicacy made especially for New Years. I went over and paid 5 coins for a loaf; although I tried to stay off from such foods, New Years was the one day I made an exception. Taking a bite of the sweet bread, I sat down at a table in the center of the festivity. There was lots of small events here, but I knew why people were gathering here. At the stroke of midnight, the moment the official New Year had begun, they would light up these special explosive lamps and toss them into the sky in the form of a show. They would burst midair and sent sparks across the night sky, where they would drift into the lake. It was quite a beauty event. They called it the Moonlight Shower, I think. Although it was still hours away from midnight, the main events were here and people from all over town had gathered to talk, laugh, and share stories while enjoying the music. I took a few more bites of my bread before letting Advar off my shoulder to sit on the table and feeding him a few chunks of rabbit meat, which he happily accepted.
#97119375Wednesday, May 08, 2013 7:10 PM GMT

Agroth I kept on walking glancing at the various stalls my eyes roaming over the vast array of items for sale. My eyes lingered afew times on weaponary but I doubted highly that I could use them without them breaking. No I'd need something special. I made my way through the crowd to the center festivity and then sat down at a table. My eyes glanced around again before dropping to my hands. I made small bolts of lighting dance around my finger tips.
#97160640Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:36 AM GMT

-Narthal watches the harbinger leave. He walks over to a table and takes a seat, he looks around and sees a girl with a hawk and a filex sitting at different tables. He opens up his canteen after a drink he enjoys the rest while he can.-(Sorry for errors I am on my phone.)
#97164312Thursday, May 09, 2013 2:04 AM GMT

Cataclysm Feeling the strong presence of Destiny at the town square, I took on my full mist form and swarmed around. Noticing two Wards along with the Revolutionary. I wished to speak the Wards, but I had to be brief. I intended of also trying to contact the Sufferer tonight and I knew that I had little time to spare. With the leader of Edge-wood missing, I knew that I would need to contact as many affected by Destiny as possible. I assumed my more humanoid form and drifted forward, giving a quick nod to the Revolutionary as I passed before approaching a Ward, a Flinix by the looks of it whom was examining his hands it seemed. I walked up to his table silently before letting out a murmur of greeting. "Hello." Maya I threw another piece of rabbit to Advar, watching as the simple bird ate the meat greedily. The tables around me were starting to fill up, and I noticed a man and a Flinix sitting at separate tables. I also saw a Harbinger. I imagined it would have business with me after it was done speaking to that Flinix, so I carefully watched them, trying to listen what the Harbinger had to say.
#97169259Thursday, May 09, 2013 2:54 AM GMT

-Narthal gave a quick nod to Harbinger as well he watched it head over to a Flinix. i watched the women feed the bird he always liked animals since he spotted so many when he would travel.-
#97176376Thursday, May 09, 2013 4:47 AM GMT

[Vis] Vis watches, as the people flock to the middle of the festivities, a malevolent grin etching on his face. This had taken years of preparation, and now, it can all start. All the players are here, well, except the Sovereign, and the Sufferer, who will be brought a very "physical" invitation. It's a nice treat to be given the ability to secretly watch people, and the ability to give those same people pain while doing so. Hopefully, things go according to plan, it's gonna be pretty funny to watch the people, light their own bomb! I chuckle silently, then I sit down on the comfortable chair that has been behind me, for some time. I then wave my hand, the orb changing views again. It'll be fun watching people getting poisoned when they just expected fireworks, then killing the stragglers with any other conventional weapon, very laughable indeed. I wave my hand once again, going into view of Basthramul. Hopefully, the infiltration team is set by now... (Are there any information that I can get about Basthramul, maybe through research, interrogations and maybe with some magical vision? Also, is my other character sheet accepted?)
#97196313Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:12 PM GMT

Agroth I looked up suddenly to see who was speaking to me. "Hello." I was surprised to see what looked like a human, but I felt a Harbingers essence.
#97202111Thursday, May 09, 2013 5:14 PM GMT

[Zaerae] I put Kismet to the side of me and stood up on my fragile legs. I had a feeling something was up to no good. Odd, really. This place is one of the most guarded in the entire world. I shouldn't have much to fear. But what if- That familiar pain hit me all over the body again.
#97202723Thursday, May 09, 2013 5:27 PM GMT

(Whoops! Did not post some stuff along with the sheet, like a bio. Just way a few minutes, or hours, or so...)
#97206034Thursday, May 09, 2013 6:30 PM GMT

(Basthramul is a very massive fortress. Half of it is underground, the other half is above ground. It is goes very deep and is formed of many layers, each leading down to the next layer. It is full of guards, both professionals paid to protect it and lots of wild beats whom have gathered their over the years. Towards the bottom is a protected bunker like area, which is the home of the Sufferer and since Edge-wood relies on the Sufferer to stop the world from being over flowing with chaos, it is EXTREMELY well guarded by an army of trained Kaimendal, some humans and Flinix and some Harbingers. At the very bottom of the fortress is the abyss from the legend. Since no one has seen it in a very long time as it's basically considered a crime by anyone but a Harbinger to go to, not many know what is actually there. What is known is that the "over soul" of Destiny is found at the very bottom of that abyss. Also, I'll accept it, just add your missing things as soon as possible.) Cataclysm "I am called Cataclysm by mortals. I thought that I should introduce myself to you. Along with a few others affected by Destiny, I'm the Harbinger whom is going to be the main taskmaster during this turn of the Cycle." I said Maya Feeling slightly bored, I kept tossing pieces of rabbit meat to Advar, watching him catch them in his tiny beak and swallow each piece whole. I noticed that a man at one of the tables nearby was staring at me and Advar. Amused, I threw a chunk of rabbit meat into the air and watched as Advar quickly launched himself off the table and took off into the sky, grabbing the rabbit in his talons before soaring back over to my table, eating his prize the moment he returned.
#97206595Thursday, May 09, 2013 6:40 PM GMT

-Narthal watched the bird fly up, grab the meat and land back on her table.-"Nice bird."-He said after that he took out his at the moment sword and started to sharpen it. He looked up at the star filled sky and the fire works. And then looking back to his sword.-
#97207391Thursday, May 09, 2013 6:52 PM GMT

Agroth I looked up at Cataclysm " Thought you were a Harbinger. I'm Agroth, though I have a feeling you might already know that."
#97242928Friday, May 10, 2013 1:12 AM GMT

Maya "Thanks," I murmured before stroking the top of the falcon's head. I looked around slightly. There had to be something to do around here. The main ceremony hasn't started yet, but there isn't much to do. I took a large bit of the sweet flavored bread, feeling the taste overwhelm my mouth. Maybe I could enter an archery match or something. Cataclysm "Of course I know who you are, but pleased to meet you either ways. I must head off now, for I have a lot of people to meet tonight, but stay warily tonight. I feel that something dreadful might happen tonight." With that, I turned away and headed towards a Ward with a falcon.