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#96705426Saturday, May 04, 2013 4:56 PM GMT

Hey there. Now, I've been looking at the "What Not To Suggest" post, and I think it could do with a bit of tweaking. Specifically, the "Suggested too often, don't post it" section. The suggestions to give NBC a few more privileges (and not be comparable to dirt) and to bring back the ability to upload user meshes have been banned from suggestion. I wish to take issue with this. There is a reason that these are posted so much: they are both things that really, really need changing, and the community know this. Trying to suppress suggestions over it is quite pathetic. First there is the issue of NBC: Whilst it is true that obviously ROBLOX needs to make money, it is also true that the gap between BC and NBC is far too wide. As a free user you can hardly do anything-you can't even sell stuff. Even the ability to play levels has been infringed upon, with BC only levels and pre-game adverts. Some curbing of this ludicrousness really needs to be put in place. Quashing discussion of it isn't going to do any good at all. The second issue is the matter of user-created meshes. I don't really see why they were taken out to begin with. User meshes helped get this game off the ground, and getting rid of them stifles creativity. If it was because the moderators couldn't be bothered to help moderate the submitted meshes, then come on, guys, don't be so lazy. Moderation is your job, don't ban a critical feature just so you have to do less of it. Thank you for reading this.

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