#102189518Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:15 AM GMT

@at900 A portion of your species grows larger because of a rare growing cell in thier bodies which also makes them slightly more intelligent. The smaller members have begun worshipping these larger ones. Some of the smaller members, however don't like the larger ones being superior and it has started bickering within your species A. Kill the larger ones B. Kill the worshippers C. Kill the Non-worshippers D. Compromise between the two E. Let them fight! F. Create a cult G. Create a government
#102189804Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:17 AM GMT

You ally, but it is late and your explorers return to the main area. FREE CHOICE *** My species develops claws to better groom the new friend species and the home species, as well as to defend and attack.
#102190214Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:20 AM GMT

Civ development of your choice because I'm lazy I'll make a real question next time.
#102200880Saturday, June 22, 2013 4:16 AM GMT

(If you mean me, then...) *** My species begins building makeshift shelters for the home-species to live in for both thiers and our own protection...
#102202591Saturday, June 22, 2013 4:27 AM GMT

The shelters are poor, but they work. The species starts adapting naturally, and 2 groups form. Some of them are slightly smaller, but smarter and better at precision, while others are larger, stronger, and faster. A. Group them so their skills are used better. B. Kill off all of the smart ones C. Kill all the strong ones D. Ignore this completely Also, some of them have found out how to shape rocks by chipping them A. Explore use for tools B. Explore use for weapons C. Explore use for armor D. Eat the rocks.
#102260220Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:54 AM GMT

#102267850Saturday, June 22, 2013 1:16 PM GMT

@Netprobe Your species' salivary gland evolves, and begins to produce a sticky material that helps preserve the fish. It also mixes with your stomach lining, making it so that the dead fish are immune to poison. It also seems like a sticky, transparent, plastic wrapping. A: Bring the rest of your species here. B: Bring your species to the other place. C: Start doing stuff with your other group D: Keep doing stuff with this group. E: Other. -Removed Builderman
#102268237Saturday, June 22, 2013 1:20 PM GMT

@tiger What kind of government? A. Democracy<-------- B. Monarchy C. Oligarchy -Removed Builderman
#102271980Saturday, June 22, 2013 1:56 PM GMT

E. Other Explore surroundings more.
#102273161Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:06 PM GMT

Please do me also. @Netprobe Your species looks around a bit, but there isn't much but the lake you're in and The Above. There are a few jointed lakes that go farther inland though. A: Explore lakes. B: Bring the rest of your species here. C: Bring this part of the species back. D: Go to The Above. E: Other -Removed Builderman
#102273340Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:07 PM GMT

(When you have time, make me some options please.)
#102273449Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:08 PM GMT

@tiger Your species is democratic. A. tools B. explore
#102273769Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:11 PM GMT

@tiger Your species is democratic. A. tools<----------- B. explore -Removed Builderman
#102275190Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:23 PM GMT

@tiger They learn to (wait, which species is yours again? I forgot.) A. Explore lakes.
#102281891Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:13 PM GMT

(The Terrians. The one that lives inside the mountains and are lizard-like. They also ate minerals and had the shovel-like claws and were pretty fast.) @Netprobe Your species explores the inland lakes and the lakes are a lot shallower, it's starting to get hard for them to swim there. Also the fish are smaller so they don't feed your species well. Choose any from 1-3s. 1. Shallow water. --------------------------------------- A: Develop small legs, to push off the ground/walk. B: Become smaller. C: Get longer flippers, same reason as legs. D: Nothing. E: Other 2. Small fish. --------------------------------------- A: Make your body be able to sustain fat so they don't have to eat as much. B: Eat something else too. C: Make it so that you don't have to use up as much nutrients when doing something so you don't have to eat as much. D: Nothing. E: Other 3. Species placement. --------------------------------------- A: Bring the rest of your species here. B: Go back to the swamp. C: Go back to the ocean. D: Other. -Removed Builderman
#102282510Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:17 PM GMT

(Make me some options please)
#102283325Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:24 PM GMT

1C. Flippers, keeping them similar to dolphins. 2A. 3C. The ocean is where they belong.
#102283444Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:25 PM GMT

@at900 Your species learns to compromise and they settle their differences. It is a good compromise at the moment at least. The larger species stay away from the non-worshippers and it's all fine. A. Grow hives for a higher population to live in each B. Form a cult C. Form a government D. Throw a party within the hives to celebrate the compromise D. 1. Put both non-worshippers and worshippers at the same spots (hoping to solve the problem entirely) D. 2. Seperate the worshippers and non-worshippers
#102284168Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:31 PM GMT

#102284306Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:32 PM GMT

@tosi Your species creates a language that is very effective that as well is similiar to several species. Some stray creatures from a different species, resembling larger praying mantis's wander around your species. A. Attack the ghastly beasts! B. Try to help them return to their pack C. Ignore them, they could go away D. Offer them food, maybe they're scavengers E. Nicely try to get them to leave F. Threaten them
#102284842Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:36 PM GMT

@at900 Your species forms a crude government, it's not the most organized but it's a government. Some of the larger ones want to be completely in control of all the smaller ones. Some of the larger ones want the smaller ones to have a say in the matters. Some of the larger ones say that they want a large amount of power over the smaller ones but still give them some choice. What say you? A. Larger ones are entirely in control B. Let the smaller ones have a say in things! C. Give the smaller ones choice, but not much
#102284973Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:37 PM GMT

Give large ones power, but also give the small ones a say in the government B
#102285365Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

@Netprobe. Your species adapts to the area and lives there for a short while but eventually heads back to the rest of your species. The group that just came back shows the original group the new seaweed trap. Also, the original group hasn't evolved since they weren't in the same conditions. They're starting to be called different. What would you like to call the original ones and what do you want to call the swamp ones? Choose a mix of 1s and 2s. 1. The original ones. --------------------------------- A: Karnac B: Foosh C: Litnor D: Fentear E: Other. 2. The other ones. --------------------------------- A: Alcor B: Senton C: Langhai D: Forsone E: Other. -Removed Builderman
#102287221Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:54 PM GMT

1. Swampfin 2. Seafin
#102288001Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:59 PM GMT

@Netprobe They decide to call the original ones Swampfin and the other ones Seafin. Your species is mostly doing well, but some of the Swampfin are getting jealous of the Seafin, since they have more adaptions and are a lot different. Your species is starting to have a lot of fights. A: Kill off the Swampfin. B: Kill the Swampfin that are attacking the Seafin. C: Kill the Seafin. D: Try to make peace. E: Other. -Removed Builderman