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#97086355Wednesday, May 08, 2013 3:43 AM GMT

This suggestion is optional to script when you're making a game. Say you're playing a zombie game and you enter a door. Suddenly, a zombie attacks you and slow motion enables, allowing you shoot it. However, the other players cannot see the slow motion and they see you shooting the zombie without slow motion.
#97086470Wednesday, May 08, 2013 3:45 AM GMT

And in other games, like you bloxxing another robloxian and slow motion happens, but only to the robloxian you bloxxed.
#97089178Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:27 AM GMT

This is when LOGIC comes into play. If you're playing an online game, you can't have single user slow motion. Why? Time. It has to stay relative to all other players. Slow motion is literally slowing down time. There is just no logical way it could work in a multiplayer game so it doesn't affect everyone.
#97089430Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:32 AM GMT

@Cold To use this I think he is suggesting that we use physics to speed up the light coming at the "slowed down" player to give the affect that others are being slowed while he is not, giving him foresight. Although this is most likely impossible the idea is strong in this man and he believes it can happen. In the future people will be called out for being Slowers.
#97089787Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:39 AM GMT

" that we use physics to speed up the light coming at the "slowed down" player to give the affect that others are being slowed while he is not, giving him foresight." Actually slow motion is just an increase in FPS to a ridiculous level, slowing down the scene by showing more more frames of the person moving in the same amount of time. Look up "Phantom Cameras" for more detail. You can't simulate the increase/decrease of the speed of light effectively. Not with today's technology.
#97089862Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:40 AM GMT

@Cold I knew this would happen. I don't know how ROBLOX would do it, but ROBLOX has come up with other cool stuff before; if they can make 3.0 bodies, make water flow, and be able to make planes (even in 2007 ROBLOX) in the future they might be able to make 1 user slow motion.
#97089952Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:42 AM GMT

But hold on: Assassins Creed has done it with todays technology, in their online multiplayer. When you get killed, how can the ASSASSIN see no slow motion and the person he killed sees it?
#97089979Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:43 AM GMT

"I don't know how ROBLOX would do it" Then you shouldn't be posting the idea. " if they can make 3.0 bodies" 3D model sculpting, it's easy. " make water flow" Physics engines can accomplish this easily. "and be able to make planes " That was the users using scripting/velocity controls to enable multiple connected parts to move throughout the virtual environment. "in the future they might be able to make 1 user slow motion." Lolnope. It's literally IMPOSSIBLE.
#97090168Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:46 AM GMT

@Cold I am not dumb, I know how slow motion works, and even said how we can't speed up light today in the other sentence. Even if my idea did happen it could work. Script starts slow motion sequence-> He perceives the future while his character is going at normal speeds making the world seem slower and having a lag -> The other players cannot tell he is perceiving future -> Player he is fighting sees world as normal speed while his opponents is already dodging his moves-> He wins Two people would be useless because both being in slow motion gives neither an advantage if you don't think he would see slow motion he could also get software recording the future light and slowing it down
#97090317Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:48 AM GMT

It's still not possible. The game has no way of predicting which way a user is going to move, meaning it cannot predict 'future light' and feed it back to the player.
#97090346Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:49 AM GMT

This is basic Relativity. I mean, really. Come on guys.
#97090409Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:50 AM GMT

Like I said in my other post: Other games are able to do it with "todays technology." If ROBLOX can't do it, wouldn't that mean that it's not a great game? It's really good and scripters have accomplished many amazing things on their games before.
#97090415Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:51 AM GMT

@Cold Speeds up light aiming a camera at their fingertips (All players) and relays to software , predicting the future.
#97090558Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:53 AM GMT

"Other games are able to do it with "todays technology." In single player maybe. "Speeds up light aiming a camera at their fingertips (All players) and relays to software , predicting the future." Dear god, this is almsot painful.... YOU. CAN'T. SPEED. UP. LIGHT. IN. A. VIRTUAL. ENVIRONMENT. I don't think you can speed light up at all. I know you can cause it to blue or red shift based on movement of an object at incredible speeds, but not speed it up.
#97090716Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:56 AM GMT

*facepalm* I have seen someone playing Assassins Creed ONLINE multiplayer. When he got KILLED, HE SAW SLOW MOTION. WHEN HE KILLED SOMEONE, ANIMATIONS PLAYED IN NORMAL TIME.
#97090755Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:57 AM GMT

#97090799Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:58 AM GMT

@Cold No, It speeds up light to predict the movements and transfers it to some players virtual environment. Otherwise it would be silly to try (Wondering what OP thinks by now)
#97090877Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:59 AM GMT

#97090997Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:02 AM GMT

"I have seen someone playing Assassins Creed ONLINE multiplayer. When he got KILLED, HE SAW SLOW MOTION. WHEN HE KILLED SOMEONE, ANIMATIONS PLAYED IN NORMAL TIME." Because when you die in assassin's creed, it removes you from the virtual environment, which is why you have that annoying black screen right after you die for just a second. It's restoring your relativity to everyone elses. Roblox can't do this due to the fact that the idea your presenting involves a player using slow motion as an advantage. The 'slow motion' you're referring more are nothing more than cut scenes. "No, It speeds up light to predict the movements and transfers it to some players virtual environment." I think you missed the 'you can't speed up light' thing. Again.
#97091035Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:02 AM GMT

@sucess To warn you, that is not a video
#97091080Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:03 AM GMT

*sigh* Now this is just pathetic... Sucess, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
#97091095Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:04 AM GMT

@Cold We were discussing this as if you can't speed up light no matter how hard you try? If we are then this is impossible.
#97091171Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:05 AM GMT

"We were discussing this as if you can't speed up light no matter how hard you try?" Yes, because you can't. It just isn't physically possible. Or to my knowledge at least.
#97091215Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:06 AM GMT

*Succes, by the way. Seriously. Get off this thread. I'm talking about SLOW MOTION in general. Meaning either cutscenes or actual gameplay. Seriously. You don't understand this thread at all...
#97091283Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:08 AM GMT

@Cold If you ever do find a way to speed up light make sure you do this and I will find you and hold a party @Sucess The best you could get with slow motion is like how it's handled in TTT, you can slow time rarely and it is just useless for other players that aren't doing something. It would need a long cool-down to be not OP though

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