#11837011Monday, July 27, 2009 3:30 PM GMT

(theres only one and thats ubering, even if you DID create it) Irockz: *charges the noob alligator* Noob Alligator: *grabs Irockz's fist* >:) Irockz: ... uh oh. *hand gets squeezed* OOOOOOOOOOW!
#11837398Monday, July 27, 2009 3:37 PM GMT

Me: *flips over noob aligator and stabs in the back* NA: OUCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!
#11837469Monday, July 27, 2009 3:38 PM GMT

Irockz: *turns into shadows* Noob Alligator: Hu--*gets flung into vast shadows* (one more hit and he's sent into noob prison!)
#11839945Monday, July 27, 2009 4:30 PM GMT

(Is noob police ready?) Me: *lunges, but misses*
#11840095Monday, July 27, 2009 4:33 PM GMT

Noob Alligator: *jumps over punch from Irockz* alt usc: *throws knife at Noob Alligator, which goes to noob jail* Irockz: YESSS!
#11849425Monday, July 27, 2009 7:23 PM GMT

(I'm beginning to wonder about the Noob Police and us teaming up. How will they know? Do they know?) Lolt: *falling on floor* :U
#11852134Monday, July 27, 2009 8:11 PM GMT

(I tried to tell Ohforf, but he said he had his own idea...)
#11857289Monday, July 27, 2009 9:40 PM GMT

(Let him do it. :U)
#11859745Monday, July 27, 2009 10:21 PM GMT

(Rhino's idea is better, you haven't even posted in Noob police yet)
#11860277Monday, July 27, 2009 10:30 PM GMT

(Me and Ohforf worked out a deal, we combined our ideas, you'll just have to wait and see what it is though :D)
#11860805Monday, July 27, 2009 10:39 PM GMT

Me: This is it, THE FINAL FLOOR!
#11861023Monday, July 27, 2009 10:43 PM GMT

Irockz: What......... *zips up noobdex* and he is... THE READINGS ARE OFF THE CHARTS! HIS POWER LEVEL IS SO HIGH, IT'S RADIATING A LAYER OF LAVA WITHIN A NEARBY DISTANCE! IF HE DIES, WE ALL DIE! (we'll let ohforf decide)
#11861071Monday, July 27, 2009 10:44 PM GMT

#11861396Monday, July 27, 2009 10:50 PM GMT

Me: OH NO! IT'S ARNOOBA'S DAD! ARNOOBPA! (me and ohforf decided on this) Arnoobpa: HAHAHA! BORIS, SEQUIA, AND LAZARUS, YOUR POWERS ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO MINE! Me: Wha..? Rhino: Look! It's boris, sequoia, and lazarus! Boris: GAAH! *lunges* Arnoobpa: HA! YOU MISSED! Lolt: We need to help them out! All: Right! Kia: Hey wait, who are those guys on the opposite side? Irockz: IT'S THE NOOB POLICE! HEY GUYS! (continued on noob police)
#11861752Monday, July 27, 2009 10:56 PM GMT

(continued from noob police) Arnoobpa: WHAT!?!? YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE! DIE! Me: NOT SO FAST! INFERNO! (continued on noob police)
#11861933Monday, July 27, 2009 11:00 PM GMT

Lolt: *is hit* Me: LOLT! Sarah: I'll tend to his wounds, you guys keep fighting. Us: Right. *pumps sniper rounds into arnoobpa's head* (continued on noob police)
#11861956Monday, July 27, 2009 11:00 PM GMT

Lolt: *is hit* Me: LOLT! Sarah: I'll tend to his wounds, you guys keep fighting. Us: Right. *pumps sniper rounds into arnoobpa's head* (continued on noob police) Flood check fails!
#11862107Monday, July 27, 2009 11:03 PM GMT

(continued from noob police) Me: An off switch eh? Guys, do what you can to reach it! Everyone else: Right! (continued on noob police)
#11862325Monday, July 27, 2009 11:08 PM GMT

(continued from noob police) Me: I'm going in! You guys distract him! Everyone else: Right! *does epic battle* Me: *dodges debris* Almost there, *arnooba appears and flips off switch* Arnoobpa: Bzzzzzrrtt.... *turns off* Me: Why did you do that arnooba? Arnooba: Because he was stealing my spotlight! I'm the real villain! *freezes everyone and leaves*
#11862951Monday, July 27, 2009 11:20 PM GMT

If your confused, here is the entire thing Me: OH NO! IT'S ARNOOBA'S DAD! ARNOOBPA! Arnoobpa: HAHAHA! BORIS, SEQUIA, AND LAZARUS, YOUR POWERS ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO MINE! Me: Wha..? Rhino: Look! It's boris, sequoia, and lazarus! Boris: GAAH! *lunges* Arnoobpa: HA! YOU MISSED! Lolt: We need to help them out! All: Right! Kia: Hey wait, who are those guys on the opposite side? Irockz: IT'S THE NOOB POLICE! HEY GUYS! At the same time, Ohforf: We're here! OH NO! IT'S ARNOOBA'S DAD! ARNOOBPA! (me and ohforf decided on this) Arnoobpa: HAHAHA! BORIS, SEQUIA, AND LAZARUS, YOUR POWERS ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO MINE! Me: Wha..? Tal: Look! It's boris, sequoia, and lazarus! Boris: GAAH! *lunges* Arnoobpa: HA! YOU MISSED! Ohforf: We need to help them out! All: Right! Tal: Hey wait, who are those guys on the opposite side? Ohforf: Isn't that the soulsnipers? Irockz: GUYS! I'm back! Ohforf: Hey man! Irockz: you probably want to know who the three guys fighting arnoobpa are, Ohforf: Yes. Irockz: They're boris, sequoia, and lazarus, they are three noob destroyers that want to destroy arnoobpa, Ohforf: Those fools... and then, Me: *runs over* Hey, it's ohforf! Ohforf: Hey usc! *other soulsnipers run up* Rhino: Hi! Arnoobpa: HA! YOU THREE HAVE BEEN DEFEATED! Lazarus: ahh... Sequoia: Hey, who are those guys? Arnoobpa: WHO ELSE DARES TO DISTURB ME? Ohforf and Me: WE DO! Arnoobpa: WHAT!?!? YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE! DIE! Me: NOT SO FAST! INFERNO! Arnoobpa: YOUR POWERS ARE NO MATCH FOR MINE! *blasts fire at us* Me: *dodges* Lolt: *is hit* Me: LOLT! Sarah: I'll tend to his wounds, you guys keep fighting. Us: Right. *pumps sniper rounds into arnoobpa's head* Arnoobpa: YOU THINK THAT HURTS ME? HA! MY ONLY WEAKNESS IS THE OFF SWITCH ON MY BACK... which i probably shouldn't have told you about, BUT YOU'LL NEVAH REACH IT! Me: An off switch eh? Guys, do what you can to reach it! Everyone else: Right! Arnoobpa: YOU'LL NEVER REACH IT! Me: DRAT! Our plan isn't working! Boris: Need our help? Me: I thought you hated us? Lazarus: Well, we need you and you need us. Me: Meh, i guess it'll work... Me: I'm going in! You guys distract him! Everyone else: Right! *does epic battle* Me: *dodges debris* Almost there, *arnooba appears and flips off switch* Arnoobpa: Bzzzzzrrtt.... *turns off* Me: Why did you do that arnooba? Arnooba: Because he was stealing my spotlight! I'm the real villain! *freezes everyone and leaves* Me: *unfreezes self* Darn arnooba! *unfreezes everyone else* Ohforf: what happened? Me: Arnooba came and turned his father off for stealing his spotlight. :P. Boris: What a stupid plot killer. ???: You have awakened me... All: ! ???: I am X... Me: Isn't that a guy from a megaman game? X: No, i'm someone completely different. Me: Oh okay. X: As a reward for clearing the tower of 100 trials, i grant you all the power of wisdom. Me: Just wisdom? X: That, and 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 tix. Me: Sweet. X: Farewell noob police and soulsnipers! *fades away* Me: Well, i guess this is over... Ohforf: We should go our seperate ways now. Lolt: It's been a pleasure working with you guys. Irockz: same here. Me: Since i'm apparently part of noob police and soulsnipers, i'll create a clone of me to go with you! *clones* Me: Farewell! *leaves with the soulsnipers* Ohforf: I guess we'll go too... *leaves with the rest of the noob police* Boris, sequoia, and lazarus: *warp out*
#11863081Monday, July 27, 2009 11:23 PM GMT

I guess we finally got through an entire chapter of DOTS! Credits: Me Lolt Rhino Rex Sarah Leah Kia Irockz
#11863154Monday, July 27, 2009 11:24 PM GMT

#11870395Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:30 AM GMT

#11870592Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:33 AM GMT

Now for the deleted scenes! :D!!! In the very end, as the Soul Snipers are walking away into the sunset.... Lolt: Job well done guys, job we-*trips and falls* >_< Usc: Teehee. Lolt: *gets up* Stop that. :U *KKKKSSSSHT* Arnooba: *appears, and is about to press off switch* *off switch breaks off as he touches it* ....SOMEONE GET THE EXTRA OFF SWITCH! *KKKKSSSHH* Us: Right. *pumps sniper rounds into arnoobpa's head* Arnoobpa: Hey! Stop it! I'M BLEEDING! GAAAAAAA- *KKKKSSSHT* Sarah: *bullet whizzes 1 milimeter above her head* *a noob was trying to shoot her* >:U *gets up and walks off screen, and punching and stabbing is heard* *KKKKSSSHT* Usc: *bunny sitting on his head* ..... :U GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OOOOFFFF! *runs in circles, then runs away off screen* *a crash noise is heard*
#11886084Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:09 AM GMT

*KKKKSSSHT* Irockz: *walks onto 15th floor* usc: UGH! IROCKZ! YOU APPEAR IN SCENE 96! CUUUUT!