#101030952Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

(Well he was at the door before you posted about the fire holes or whatever they are.)
#101033014Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:36 AM GMT

The current and future ships of the Icelandic navy are outfitted with new next generation systems.
#101038516Thursday, June 13, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

Lith-1: A soldier picks up the grenade and right before he throws it out, it explodes. He collapses dead, and 3 others are wounded. The doors seal shut, sealing the AIS squad from Lith-1.
#101081678Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:09 AM GMT

[Allied Italian States] The captain stops at the door/gate. "Why would you raise a white flag? We could've sbotaged this whole facility, save Giorgio and his squad and be named heroes. Ugh." The other soldier continues waving a white flag. There is now a bounty over Alessandro Venicio. 25,000$ for the man who kills him. -City-State of Venice- A government is established and Venice starts being rebuilt.
#101088283Thursday, June 13, 2013 1:41 PM GMT

[Iceland] Iceland begins the secret construction of vehicles of an unknown class. The government expands Icelandic cities upwards and downwards, adding underground facilities and districts.
#101096683Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:45 PM GMT

(Clone, the AIS squad is still at Lith-1: Two soldiers, bringing AL-19's, emerge on top and immediately shoot the captain with a full burst, killing him." You soldiers...Throw down your weapons, or will shoot you." The first soldier speaks in broken Russian." Alessandro Ven...Venikio?" The other one asks, looking at the remaining AIS squad. (The remaining AIS squad will be taken to 'Nova Sib', the one prison complex of Lithuania.) Lith-Z: "Giorgio, Valsion received news.... A squad of your soldiers tried to attack Lith-1... Valsion hear that doors locked them out...." Dr. Valsion tells him." Valsion also hears Venice declared independence from Italy..." Dr. Valsion notifies him. (AL-19's are more modern versions of the AK-47, but fire a much more powerful round and increased durability.) ( If Giorgio needs help, he can talk to Valsion...)
#101128362Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:43 PM GMT

(Alessandro Venicio is the King of Venice... And there is only 2 guys remaining, both waving a white flag.) [Allied Italian States] "You will only send us to a prison to be prisoners of war! We did not decide to do this. We were 'bought.'" The older Russian says, getting up to face the door.
#101128665Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:46 PM GMT

[Iceland] Icelandic Arms companies produce completely overhauled weapons for the armed forces, and the troops are trained in the use of all of them. Troops are taught to make their own decisions in the case that their commanders are killed or captured, and usually lower ranked commanders are assigned to make killing a higher ranking officer pointless. The Faroe Islands have been fortified against enemy assaults of all forms, so taking them will be difficult.
#101133453Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:27 PM GMT

Lith-1: "Russians, you may leave. This isn't your fight." The first Soldier on the roof says. "Alessandro, you and your comrade will be questioned. Do not move, or we will fire." The other Soldier orders. (The Liths want to find out why they were attacked, who sent them, etc.... They really think that they captured Giorgio because he attacked first with the bombs.) Lith-Z: "Giorgio, since Italy is in Anarchy....Valsion is appointed to teach your skills to help you retake your power or at least make a living... Just ask Valsion what you want to learn. Otherwise Valsion will treat the other patients." ( Your choice, clone... What does Giorgio want to learn from Valsion while he is stuck in Lith-Z?)
#101134827Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:40 PM GMT

[Iceland] Iceland offers to help set up a provisional government in the Allied Italian States.
#101140171Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:27 PM GMT

Icelandic special forces are put through intense training and drills. They are also trained to work in a variety of environments.
#101243435Friday, June 14, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

(Alessandro is not at Lith-1, he's in Venice...) [Allied Italian States] We accept the Icelandic aid. ROME FALLS TO ANARCHISTS! GOVERNMENT EVACUATED TO NAPLES! GENOA FALLS TO ANARCHISTS! MILAN FALLS TO ANARCHISTS! Troops in Genoa escape via ships. They plan on capturing Sardinia. 1 of the Russians run off into the forest. The other one throws a knife at the man asking for them to leave then takes out a gun and walks backwards slowly. [City-State of Venice] We attempt to annex all of Northern Italy. Troops sent to Milan.
#101247510Friday, June 14, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

[Iceland] Iceland military and federal units are sent to Naples to assist the AIS, a team of commanders are also sent to the AIS. The Icelandic navy tests two Super-destroyers. Multiple bunkers are built around Iceland, one of them is dedicated to AI research.
#101249285Friday, June 14, 2013 8:21 PM GMT

(Whoops...sorry...Forget about the Alessandro part.. They are still questioning the Italians.) Lith-1: The 2nd soldier fires at the Armed Russian, pumping lead into his chest. The two Italians are taken in and questioned on the attacked. Lithuania( As a whole): A decision is made to support Giorgio if he returns to control Italy, or Venice if he doesn't. (Can you answer for Giorgio? It affects Lithuania's decision.)
#101251283Friday, June 14, 2013 8:38 PM GMT

(Is Germany taken, because I haven't seen the german owner do anything for 4 pages...) [Name of Country]:The Federal Empire of Germany [Capital]:Munich [Government Type]:Federal Parliamentary Republic [Capitalist] [Current Leader]:Angela Merkel [Relected in 2028] [Occupied Territories]:Germany, Denmark, Poland, Switzerland [Population]:56,000,000 [Military Size]:800,000 [Location]:West-Central Europe, so is the exterior territories, more or less. [Main Natural Resources]:Coal, Lignite, Natural gas, Iron ore, Copper, Nickel, Uranium, Potash, Salt, Construction materials, Timber, Arable land [Allies]: US, France, Russia [Enemies]: China, Norway & Finland, Japan [Other]:None [Key Word]: Futuristic wars on Mars [History] OPTIONAL: N/A -Do the Forum style-
#101251367Friday, June 14, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

Sorry, not Denmark, Belgium. -Do the Forum style-
#101251552Friday, June 14, 2013 8:40 PM GMT

[Again, were that far back, if Angela died then... Robter Gorstung. -Do the Forum style-
#101255317Friday, June 14, 2013 9:11 PM GMT

[Icelandic Republic] The Ministry of Foreign Affairs rewrites its policy on establishing embassies to reflect security concerns.
#101274880Friday, June 14, 2013 11:53 PM GMT

(Whats happening? Can anyone fill me in? I got a bit distracted with other games)
#101278919Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:28 AM GMT

(I made another Britain sheet on page 12 since anyone who played as Britain is long gone. AIS tried to rescue Girgio.)
#101290287Saturday, June 15, 2013 2:06 AM GMT

(Giorgio, you mean.)
#101292557Saturday, June 15, 2013 2:28 AM GMT

(Thank you.)
#101318868Saturday, June 15, 2013 7:23 AM GMT

[Just going to do a remake] [Name of Country]:The Federal Repulic of Germany Empire [T.F.R.G.E] [Capital]:Munich [Government Type]:Federal Parliamentary Republic [Capitalist] [Current Leader]:Robert Grotung [Occupied Territories]:Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium. [Population]:32,000,000 [Military Size]:850,000 [Location]:Central Europe [Main Natural Resources]:coal, lignite, natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash, salt, construction materials, timber, arable land [Allies]:US, Russia, France, Israel [Enemies]:China, Japan, Finland & Sweden & Norway [Other]: [Key Word]:Futuristic Wars on Mars [History] OPTIONAL: N/A -Do the Forum style-
#101352683Saturday, June 15, 2013 4:37 PM GMT

[COUNTRY SHEET] [Name of Country]: The United British-Irish Union, or the British Union. [Capital]: London [Government Type]: Republic [Current Leader]: Harrow Dobbs [Occupied Territories]: Ireland and Britain [Population]: 90 Million [Military Size]: 600,000 [Location]: England [Main Natural Resources]: Coal, Oil, and Iron. Timber has also become an asset again from the lack of deforestation. [Allies]: none [Enemies]: none [Other]: preserved navy. [Key Word]: Futuristic Warfare on Mars [History] OPTIONAL:
#101372913Saturday, June 15, 2013 7:41 PM GMT

(Well you didn't really ask Giorgio a question so i can't answer...) [Allied Italian States] "My people are dying everyday and you force me to stay here. Let me go, I am strong enough." Giorgio says, getting up from his bed. Our Remaining land, all of southern Italy is now under control. Plans are made to take Rome back from the rebels/anarchists. -City-State of Venice- Our land grows and we expand into the most Northern parts of Italy.