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#97331815Saturday, May 11, 2013 3:45 AM GMT

You know ID=17, RIGHT? That's a connection error. My idea is to let the game re-try to connect before it says that.. ~Think before you say something stupid~
#97334956Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:24 AM GMT

I think it's more of your internet isn't fast enough. My laptop does that.
#97335035Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:25 AM GMT

Does it happen to you? If so, try this: Firewall This is almost always a firewall problem, though it can be (in very few cases) the result of a low-bandwidth connection or a flakey wireless connection. You can rule out the wireless connection by switching to a wired connection if possible. If it’s not the connection, or if you can’t try a wired connection, assume it’s the firewall. See Firewall and router issues for trouble-shooting tips. [edit] Slow Internet Connection / Big Map If you are playing on the internet on really slow service, and the map is big, it can take a good bit of time to actually download the map. Give it a little while. ROBLOX can be played on a modem, but your experience is likely to be poor. [edit] Empty Map / Place If the map seems to be running.. but it is unusually devoid of stuff, then the maker was just lazy and the map did in fact load. The maker probably just didn't do anything with the map, so it is empty. You can tell when a map is done loading, a chime is sounded. [edit] Bad Map / Place Quite simply. the map is bad. something happened when the map was made, there is some bad script, or something is preventing the map from working properly. Inform the maker of the problem, there is nothing you can do about it. It could even be infected from free models. [edit] You have been removed from the game If it only happens in 1 game, then you have been banned from the game. This is done by removing a player when they join. This results in a 'Could not connect' error, and is helpful when you don't want a certain user to join your game. However, if the problem persists in several different games, then this is not the reason. [edit] It's a private server If the game is a private server, it is most likely private. You will see a purple private server on the bottom right corner. This signifies that it is a private server. However, you should get a warning message that it is such, or you will not be able to play at all.
#97338068Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:10 AM GMT

He's saying make it restart, his connection is perfectly fine. ~Think before you say something stupid~

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