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#98365526Tuesday, May 21, 2013 9:56 PM GMT

-----Introduction----------------------------- This guide explains the jobs of NSA agents and how to succeed in this agency. ---------------Jobs/Ranks--------------- *Field Combat Operators/Forces Field* 1.Agent: Is the standard rank for most of NSA, they are usually new guys or mildly experienced officers 2.Senior Agent: A Senior Agent is an agent with alot of experience. They can command regular Agents. 3.Special Agent: A Special Agent is strictly for NSA members that are in the NSA: Special Operations group. These are the highest tier and most elite operators. Special Agents are the only NSA members to have the authority to arrest people (Excluding DD and Director.) Equivalent to Senior Agent in rank 4.Chief of Operations: In charge of ALL NSA Operations(Not Drills, Not Trainings), but mostly specifically commands The Special Operations force. (Rank found in SF group only, Placed as Special Agent in main NSA), Is in command of ALL agents. *Analysis/Investigation Field* 1.Investigator: Investigators decode enemy information, and investigate in order to prevent VT's (Vital Threats). They do not command anyone and are not weighted in rank with the Field Combat Operators/Special forces class 2.Investigator In Charge: Equivalent to Chief of Operations. Commands all Investigators/Investigations/Analysis ----------------Conduct--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Refer to Higher ranks as sir or ma'am (depending on gender) *No emotions (No :), or :( etc.) *Do not use the arrest tool if not a Special Agent *Do not drive recklessly ---------------How to succeed/be promoted in the NSA------------------------------------- *Be active *Outperform your peers *Do not ASK for ranks, earn them. *Work together with your peers.

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