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#98427418Wednesday, May 22, 2013 3:15 PM GMT

I believe there should be a section seperate from comments, where you could ask questions about the item and or game on that page. And then people can reply to your post DIRECTLY. Meaning like... I go to a game that used to have a helpful guide in the description, but it was C-D'd. So, I go down to the comments to ask... but there's so much spam and random comments that I don't really have a chance of getting responded to accordingly... However, if a "Q&A" section exists on that page, I could simply go down and submit a question. And when a player sees that question, they would click "answer" and type their answer. People could expand questions and their answers as they wish, and collapse them to save room. Also, in addition. Another more luxury subfeature I'd like to add to it, is having a check-box that says whether or not you wish to also receive notifications of someone answering your question upon submitting it. --- Thank you, ~Deme

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