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#98443508Wednesday, May 22, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

I think you should allow joints, rotating objects, fast reflexes, and game intros. Imagin, you are in a creepy game, tiptoing towards an exit in a epic video. Zombies attack, and the game starts. You sprint wildly towards the door, but a huge serpant slithers up and grabs you at supersonic speeds. Luckily, you escape, but the zombies are still after you. You sprint to a lamp creeking back and forth, but a huge black beast breaks through the wall and grabs you. You escape the beast's clutches and get to a helecopter. You escape safe and sound. The end video is you returning home and your family cheering. Credits role and the game was epic and you liked it's epic movement :3 Please support.
#98444384Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:03 PM GMT

I don't understand this..
#98444442Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:04 PM GMT

you mean movement? because thats called movement would you like fries with that.
#98445169Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:10 PM GMT

#98445584Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:14 PM GMT

Actually, programmable joint objects are a genius idea.

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