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#98532842Thursday, May 23, 2013 6:55 PM GMT

You know how on Youtube you can get a partnership and earn real money if you get a certain amount of subscribers? I think Roblox should do a Robloxian Partnership for people who get lots of visits. Obviously there will be requirements like being a certain age, how many visits a week you get, possibly if you're BC or not, ect. This would encourage LOTS of building, more BC being sold, and creativity. I'm mainly suggesting this for the people who LOVE to build. Why not turn what you love doing into a small profit? It should cost a fee to get started also, this would prevent 1000000000000 partnerships from happening, I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS IDEA UNTIL ROBLOX STARTS REMOVING FALSE GAMES FROM THE FRONT PAGE. I want to leave how much people get per visit, how many visits you need to get a partnership, whether it's visits per day, week, month, ect up to Roblox, since I'm not their marketer and such. If you don't support, please tell me why. I'm really looking to improve this idea.
#98533325Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:02 PM GMT

We builders still get a prophit, we get tix..Im not sure of this idea How much money does roblox have? I don't think there as rich as youtube.
#98533515Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:04 PM GMT

I know, but we also don't have over 50000 users that have over 2M visits on their games. This is for builders who hope to make more than just in-game money, much like Youtube Partnership, they wish to make more than views and subscribers.
#98535020Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:25 PM GMT

Yeah but remember that ROBLOX it still a kid's website.Is a virtual world for kids where they can play and have fun with friends,besides of just building(which is ROBLOX 'main' purpose). I don't think we need to involve a partnership when this is just a simple website,if yes,this would be more for adults. And if a game has more than 2 million visits,they already get virtual fame,tix and robux and the joy of making something that almost everybody likes and have fun with it.I think that's enough.
#98536510Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:42 PM GMT

No support. This is a virtual game not a monopoly.
#98536649Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:44 PM GMT

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