#98890864Sunday, May 26, 2013 3:34 PM GMT

Name: Dzhokhar Dmitriyev @ge: 22 Position:(Civilian, German Soldier etc.): Civilian Role:(Sniper,Engineer etc.): Engineer Appearance: White skin, blond hair, (sorta like putin, LOL), 5'9, Blue eyes, skinny Apparel: A jacket, white ushanka, boots, jeans Weapons:(Soldier's only, Two Max): SVT-40, TT-33 Inventory: Hammer, Wrench, pencil, paper, picture of family Bio: Dzhokar was born in Moscow, into a richer family he decided to be an engineer. He helped supply the Russian military with steel weapons, metallic goods etc, when the German forces began advancing Dzhokhar made the decision to become a rebel. Guerrilla warfare you could say. He hated the Axis powers and how Russia was in a treaty with the Germans, they took advantage of Stalin. (You may have a any weapon besides a Pistol as your Primary. Pistols are only used as Secondary)
#98891481Sunday, May 26, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

(Greg, you can only have one big weapon and a Pistol. And your appearance requires more detail. And also, if you were to be a Pilot, you'd be flying Planes..)
#98891612Sunday, May 26, 2013 3:41 PM GMT

(Alejandro, accepted. You can start)
#98892621Sunday, May 26, 2013 3:51 PM GMT

(Thank you..) Dzhokhar I begin to work on an old carriage, I hear that rich people will be riding in it. When my family was rich, we could have stayed rich but I decided to be a Engineer and our money went down. Now the Germans have surrounded Stalingrad and I've basically been sentenced to death.
#98971589Monday, May 27, 2013 2:51 AM GMT

i dont ment pilot in the sky i ment downed pilot you know what i ment
#98992082Monday, May 27, 2013 6:26 AM GMT

(A downed pilot doesn't really make that much sense to me, especially one that has a flamethrower for no stated reason)
#98997118Monday, May 27, 2013 8:00 AM GMT

(Ill join. Soon™)
#98997285Monday, May 27, 2013 8:04 AM GMT

#98998109Monday, May 27, 2013 8:24 AM GMT

(This is before the battle of the bulge, right?)
#98998299Monday, May 27, 2013 8:28 AM GMT

-As the Truck goes down the Road, the sound of weapons being fired can be heard in the distance- "This is pathetic, they've left us for dead." Says the Young Soldier. "Have faith..."Says the Medic. "I lost faith, the week we were surrounded"Says the older Soldier who was cut. "I still haven't lost mine yet"I say, although I'm not sure if that is entirely true. "I'm Muller."Says the Young Soldier, bringing his hand in front of me. -I shake it- "I'm Wolfgang" I say. "My name is Maxim"Says the Soldier who was cut. "I'm Dolf " Says the Young Medic. "Whats the Driver's name?Did you catch it?" I ask Muller. "Ja, he's called Raimund" Replies Muller. "What about that older Soldier?" Asks Dolf. "Lenz, his name is Lenz. " Answers Muller. "Wolfgang, Maxim, Muller, Dolf, Raimund and Lenz.." Says Maxim aloud. "Ja,I guess so,eh?" Says Dolf. "How long have you been serving, Maxim?" Asks Dolf. "I joined late 1939, I was at France. I was in North Africa for majority of the Campaign.Now, I'm here."Says Maxim. "You was in North Africa too?"I say. "Ja, it's so damned hot." He says. "Don't I know it..." I say.
#98998886Monday, May 27, 2013 8:41 AM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Eckhart Schneider @ge: 16 (This is before the battle of the bulge? If so then 18) Position:(Civilian, German Soldier etc.): German Soldier Role:(Sniper,Engineer etc.): Assault/Infantry Appearance: At six foot one inches tall, it was surprising I hadn't already been killed by the Russian forces. As heredity states, I have jet black hair and green eyes that seem to go grey right before I take a kill shot. I have scars on my hands from handling barbed wire and the darkness of frost bite was already setting in. Apparel: Standard issue German uniform, A canteen filled with hot water (when heated) a brown rucksack for ammo, a picture of my little brother. Weapons:(Soldier's only, Two Max): (Do knives count?) MG-42 Walther P38 Inventory: Knife, canteen, 10 extra boxes of ammo in rucksack. (Not loaded), Maltese Cross. Bio: When Adolf first took power I was only very young. I did not know of his plans to take over the world. I only knew that my parents supported him 100% and so did I. I don't know why me, or why anyone for that matter, deserves this fate of ours. Yet, it is what we must do to save save the motherland. SEIG HEIL.
#98999031Monday, May 27, 2013 8:45 AM GMT

(It is before the Bulge)
#98999204Monday, May 27, 2013 8:49 AM GMT

(Okay, then he's 18. Couldn't remember.)
#98999208Monday, May 27, 2013 8:49 AM GMT

#99004540Monday, May 27, 2013 10:59 AM GMT

Name: Jericho Heind @ge: 22 Position:(Civilian, German Soldier etc.): German Soldier Role:(Sniper,Engineer etc.): Infantry Rifleman Appearance: 6'7, skinny. Shaved head, tanned skin. Apparel: Black german boots, flecktarn camo helmet and pants. Grey coat. Weapons:(Soldier's only, Two Max): Kar98, P38 Inventory: A bottle of Smirnoff Ice, ammunition, a photo of my fiance, a knife. Bio: Joined in 1943, fresh recruit, eager to see some action.
#99004680Monday, May 27, 2013 11:01 AM GMT

(Accepted, you can start)
#99005260Monday, May 27, 2013 11:13 AM GMT

"It's to damn cold.", I say silently, standing in 4 inches of mud in a freezing trench near belgium. The mood is tense, with our CO just getting capped in the head by some Russian that we expect to be over in that big pile of rubble to the southeast. We just sent a fire team to go check it out. The radioman is confirmed over the net that our CO is dead. The new CO gets elected. I still have my rifle posted up on the lip of the trench. I'm looking around, very cautiously. I'm scared the radioman might be next. *Boom! shshashshahash!* The bang coming from the southeast, as the rubble crashes and rolls around. Some man exclaims a shout of agony in russian. We get opened up on from the south by a MG, no one is hurt. Our automatic rifleman returns fire on the MG-42. All of the rifleman in our trench is firing at the men to the south. Our field medic gets hit in the chest, and falls to the ground, screaming next to me. I don't quite know what to do, but I take a chance. I tell my buddy, Isaac, to keep them pinned for a moment. I grab him by his collar, covered in slippery german blood, and drag him through the cold, muddy snow to the trench aid quarters, were he gets treatment from the company medics. There's a softening boom, sounds like it's just outside of our trench, I better leave the aid quarters and go check it out. I get cracked in the jaw with a rifle butt the second I step out of the door. It nearly takes my lights out, but Isaac lights him up in the back with his Luger. I struggle to stand up and fend off the incoming foot soldiers, raiding the trench. a rifleman and machinegunner lie on the floor in the trench. The radioman is tripping on his words as this all happens. We struggle to hold our own, as the men over by the rubble are now returning fire at the assaulting russians from their positiion. It's over now, there's no more russians in sight. We had several casualties, but the russians suffered more than we did. 11:30pm, time for me to go to sleep, Isaac is releaving me for night watch.
#99006528Monday, May 27, 2013 11:38 AM GMT

"Who was that other guy?"Asks Dolf. "That's Otto, he's been everywhere. He was one of the first to join the newly formed German Army,so they say."Says Muller. -The Truck goes down the Road, it bumps over solid bits of Ice- "Ugh, Dammit" Says Raimund. "What is it?" Asks Maxim. "A damned Truck's in the way..." He says. -Otto climbs out, he runs over and checks it out- -I push the Hatch and we all climb out.I look around- "It's awfully quiet, don't you think?" I say. "Ja, I don't see anyone." Says Muller. -Otto is running back down the road towards us- "Nothing!There's no one around!'" He says, breathing heavily. "Great.." Says Dolf. "That Truck, can we maybe push it down the slope by the road?" Says Maxim, pointing to it. "Ja, maybe..." I say. "It's worth a try."Says Raimund. -All of us except Dolf go to push the Truck.We get to it, and go in a line at it's rear- "On Drei... Eins..Zwei...Drei!" We all push it, it moves, sloping down. "Get Back!" Shouts Muller as the Truck goes into the ditch. "There we go..." Says Raimund. -We walk back to the Opel Blitz- "Thank Christ, your back!" Says Dolf in relief. -We all climb back in and continue our Journey down the road-
#99006856Monday, May 27, 2013 11:44 AM GMT

Bright and early at 5:45AM, I got woken up by our new CO. We're shipping to Stalingrad today. We're getting reinforced by some brand new rukruts, so I'll get to meet some new friends before we all die. It's noisy around, as all of the men at belgium are shipping off. We hop into our two Opel Blitz's and we're all moving towards Stalingrad.
#100756494Monday, June 10, 2013 6:04 PM GMT

We pile out of the trucks, atleast two platoons of men -- my new kamerades and kommandants. We're told to like up next to our supplies cache, to recieve our combat equipment. I was one of the rare, lucky few to get their preffered weapons; the FG42. Isaac recieves a Karibiner 98k, and we are shoved into a fire team. It's quiet, at 3:46 P.M.. We're told to hang around the cache a bit, until we're moved off. ""Guten Abend, meine neuen Kameraden.", our fireteam leader says to us. ""Was sind eure Namen?". "Jericho." "Alfa." "Isaac." "Ingeberg." "Sie können mich anrufen Hister oder Herr oder Herr Hister.", He replies. "Ja Herr, Herr Hister.", he say, all at once. "Eine große Kraft der Flüchtlinge und russische Freiheitskämpfer liegen im nördlichen Teil von 'grad. Wir müssen die Befestigungen außerhalb des Lagers zu erreichen, und beginnen unsere Pflichten gibt. Du wirst wahrscheinlich beobachten den Feind, aber, wenn Sie Glück haben, werden sie es uns ermöglichen, zu überfallen. Hat jeder verstehen mich?" "Ja, Herr Hister!", and we begin jogging. A long, curvy, snowcovered dirt road is just ahead, I suspect that to lead to some makeshift camp. I am begininng to hear the sounds of combat all around me. 5:13 P.M., still a long walk.
#101127929Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:40 PM GMT

Name: Felix Dolf @ge: 21 Position:(Civilian, German Soldier etc.): German Soldier Role:(Sniper,Engineer etc.): Pilot Appearance: Caramel brown hair that reaches his eyes, bright blue piercing eyes. Freckles across his face, and an almost permanent scowl. He stands at a steady 5"6, with a scar on his left shoulder and two black stripes on his cheeks. Apparel:Aviator jacket, black jeans, combat boots, goggles that he wears as a sort of necklace around his neck and rarely puts on. Two bandoliers, each thrown around his shoulders. Weapons:(Soldier's only, Two Max): PPSh-41, Luger. Inventory: A swiss army combat knife, a small first aid kit, a map. Five cans of beans and two canteens of water. Bio: His mother and father were murdered when he was born, and he was soon adopted by a pair of Germans. His father would teach him how to fight and he was always being trained. He learned to survive, to kill a man in 30 different ways. But he was also never told that they weren't his real parents. He soon became a pilot in the Axis powers, and his plane crashed. That was the last time anyone saw or heard of him.
#101131671Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:10 PM GMT

Name:Eric Fuchs @ge:32 Position:(Civilian, German Soldier etc.):German Soldier Role:(Sniper,Engineer etc.):Flamer Appearance:... Apparel:... Weapons:(Soldier's only, Two Max):Flamenwerfer 35,Walther P38 Inventory:Gotta finish this later. Things marked with ... are going to be finished later. Bio:...
#101329012Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:29 AM GMT

(All Accepted, Sgt please try to finish the CS ASAP)
#101340466Saturday, June 15, 2013 2:36 PM GMT

Name:Eric Fuchs @ge:32 Position:(Civilian, German Soldier etc.):German Soldier,Waffen SS Role:(Sniper,Engineer etc.):Flamer Appearance:7'5. Brown hair,Grey eyes. His weight is pretty much not know but around 190 pounds now. Apparel:M43 Winter Tunic. M43 Winter Trousers.Stalhelm covered in chicken wire(German Soldiers did that.). Winter Jackboots. Weapons:(Soldier's only, Two Max):Flamenwerfer 35,Walther P38 Inventory:4(Two on the back connected to the flamenwerfer.) canisters for the Flamenwerfer 35. 4 clips for the Walther P38. 2 packs of dried meat. 2 canteens,one with water,one with alcohol. Bio:Putting a few details first. -[Rank:Rottenfuhrer]- -[Born:January 1st 1910.]- Now for the actual thing. Eric grew up as a smart boy and when WWII came his father encouraged him to fight. He thought about it and how it could earn him lots of respect from his family and friends. He signed up and was more than enthusiastic. That's what got him in the Waffen SS. He fought from Poland (9/1/1939) to here and now(1943).
#101341733Saturday, June 15, 2013 2:52 PM GMT

(Very good)