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#99140127Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:27 PM GMT

INTRO: Ever since that drink came,havoc poured in along with it. The drink was great,it was wonderful,and it had all the delights you could put in one drink. But,with every good thing,comes a bad thing. Inside the drink there was a virus called Tela X,it was only found,and in storage,in Area 09. Now,people have turned into mind-controlled creatures,endlessly wanting to rip your guts out... And drink it. The world was slowly drowned in the drink,with France coming first,and Russia last. Anyhow,will you fall in the army,or will you reclaim the world? Its your choice. Rules: (1) Standard ROBLOX and RP rules DO apply (2) Wait until I accept you. (3) You know the rules. (4) Make a CS. CS [Character sheet]: Name: Age: Specialties: Starting point [All over the world]: Weaknesses: Bio [OPTIONAL]: Other:
#99140486Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:33 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#99140742Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:38 PM GMT

(LOLWUT,school? It the holidays here.
#99140863Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:40 PM GMT

('Russia last' YEAH) Name: Cake Von Citizen Age: 18 Specialties: A strange round of rage, increasing strength and agility. But of course, wearing off after a while. Starting Point: Soviet, Russia Weaknesses: Thy ability to keep both sides down (mature and immature) and thy ability to defend against ranged and or Melee. Bio: Cake Von Citizen was a strict child, she never laughed, and was known as royalt. But to all royalty, get a jester. It would shout it's jokes to the heavens, juggling the assorted colored bean balls before Cake's eyes. Her parents would call him once a day, Cake laughed. The jester was her age however, and a male. She would always play with him whenever she had the chance out of her boundaries, they would play catch, tag, when she grew, so did her sides, depending on what's happening. That's what she'll be like. Other: Yeah, Von.
#99140949Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:41 PM GMT

Name:Iste Holsa Age:27 Specialties:Long range shooting,combat Starting point [All over the world]:Germany,Berlin Weaknesses:Driving long distances,death and gore Bio [OPTIONAL]:N/A Other:N/A
#99141040Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:43 PM GMT

(Cake,your only accepted because this place is set in the 1980s.)
#99151916Tuesday, May 28, 2013 3:31 PM GMT

Name: Tajelk 'Tally' Jakrgon Age: 17 Specialties: Good agility, Aim is very good and can use maps skilfully. Starting Point: Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, Soviet Union. Weaknesses: Can barely swim or have skill in melee weapons. Can't dodge well. Bio: Born in the Georgian SSR Capitol with a strong atheist vibe, hope didn't exist, only industry. He as happy and jolly away liked a laugh, but stuck with the vibe and stayed hidden behind closed doors or others. With one sister older than him he put his trust in her, but when the waters hit France we were forced by the SSR to train to survive, my sister, Saena died in training being killed by an officer for strong disruptive attituide. I trained had to survive learning a great skill in tomahawks and axes, When the water hit Georgia we ventured onto the mountains, most died but I survived using my two tomahawks to survive. I wear black usually covering my face with a hood. I have humour but I still hide It. Other: Yeah, Von.
#99161101Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:12 PM GMT

Accepted. Lets begin!
#99161736Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:20 PM GMT

(Guys,this means I'm in East Germany,and there's a hostile army called Xeliration X) -Iste- I look around,no weapons except a butchers knife. I quickly grab it and kick open the door,suddenly,I see 2 men dressed in a "Swat-style",they were carrying Ak-63s and I didn't want to mess with them."Hey,can I get through?" I ask,quietly. "No,shutup and stay in here" One mans says. 'If thats how you want to play' I think. "Ok,I'll just be up my room" I lie. My room was downstairs,what would they think? Would they realize I was actually living downstairs,not up? Or would they rank me as a looter? Anyhow,they would kill me. I sprint up the stairs quickly,I look for a window. Yes,there's one in Apartment 21. Wheres the key? I budge it open and see an old lady before me. I look for the window and jump,there's a loud clash behind me,and my forehead burnt.
#99163190Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:36 PM GMT

Tajelk I walk down the street while my black tomahawks with a silver edging on the axe areas tip. It's a mountain side town on the secret Jalkin mountain range. Only a phew live here though. We cant go down, it's still flooded, the on ay up is my monorail so were safe but running out of supplies, we need to go down soon.
#99165058Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:57 PM GMT

-Iste- As I fell to the ground,I examined my forehead,finding out it was blood. But,before my eyes,I see cars,but very few on fire. I see humans feasting on other humans,but they looked just like a normal human. I wouldn't go charging anyone with this rusted knife,but it would be good against self defence. My best bet is to head to somewhere in Bayern.
#99165523Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:03 PM GMT

Tajelk A helicopter will soon be collecting us to take us to east Germany to this rebel organisation. Hopefully the helicopter will get here.
#99166997Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:18 PM GMT

(BTW,this is a sort of horror RP) As I walk around,I see a soldier,with one big,bloody whole in his chest,showing the inside. I suddenly felt dizzy,I felt like vomiting,and I did,all over the body. This made me vomit more. I quickly picked up an AK-63 of his and run. I saw humans eating a bloody skull,I was too scared to use my gun,and I was vomiting a lot now. Suddenly,I saw a large truck of men in black,like the men in my flat. I ran as fast as I can,then jumped into a shop selling food. Already,there was a large man with a knife,slouching on to me. "ARRRGGGH"I jumped out of his grasp and stabbed him in the eye,he gave a large groan as I struggled to pull the knife back. but as I did,blood leaked on me and there was a pool of blood,the man slipped and crushed his skull,but still he wasn't dead. He grabbed me with his hands of blood,slipping,as he tried to grasp me. I kicked him in the nuts and I kicked harder then I was meant. As I struggled to take my leg back from his nuts,my boots were covered in blood. i gave a finally stab on his heart,pulling it out when I pulled my own knife out. I gasped for breath,but by now the truck had already passed. I sat outside a garage,wondering what has happened to my life,and the world. I was panting after the gory fight,and I had a feeling another one was going to start...
#99167586Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:24 PM GMT

CS [Character sheet]: Name: Christopher Nicolosi Age: 23 Specialties: Fast runner, wits. Starting point [All over the world]: Italia, Sicilia. Weaknesses: Seeing gore. Bio [OPTIONAL]: An Italian actor that went to live in Sicilia after leaving Sardinia, he has starred in many Spaghetti Westerns in Sicilia. Other: He has a revolver in his home because he loved gunslingers and cowboys when he was growing up.
#99167763Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:26 PM GMT

#99168360Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:33 PM GMT

-Chris I sit down on my bed and put my hands on my face. "I'm not gonna last here, I won't make it I just can't." After a few minutes I stand up and go wash my face. "They'll be here any second I can't fend them off with my old revolver..." I think to myself as I head back to my window and look at the bodies laid down and scattered across the road. I think back to my old normal life before a sound brings me back to reality. "I can't stay in Sicilia, I must go to Italia this place is forsaken!" I pack what I need and put it in my back pack before trying to connect to the news once more. "Yes! There's a fort for survivors in Messini! All I have to do is reach the coast and go there by speedboat!" I ready myself up for this long, hard trip.
#99168670Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:36 PM GMT

(I don't want to be too overpowerd,so instead of having an AK-63,I have a M9 I have a revolver as well :P) I sit down,"I can't take it anymore,blood,gore. Hell. Pure hell."
#99169089Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:41 PM GMT

-Chris I take half a dozen of knives and put them in my backpack to use them as throwing knives. I slowly start going down the stairs, my gun in the holster I used in my newest movie, I slowly open the door and watch the gore in front of me, I can't stand it, luckily there are no live humans around so I just walked down the road to my local car garage in hopes of getting my car and reaching the port safely.
#99169731Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:49 PM GMT

Iste I hotwire a brown,rusty car and drive,drive to the Berlin wall. It's going to take at least a day or so,but I'll get there.
#99171680Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7:11 PM GMT

Name: Wilson Nillis Age: 25 Specialties:Shooting, CQB, good at using VERY old weapons. Starting point [All over the world]:United Kingdom, in a apartment Weaknesses: Occasional blackouts and going on a k.illling spree during them Bio [OPTIONAL]: Wilson grew in the UK near the woods. He would constantly climb trees and use weapons such as knifes and bows. He grew in a rich family, attended school like most kids and got average grades. He grew at the the age to the age of 25 and is now living in an apartment avoiding the rich life. Weapon: Colt in his apartment for a safety sidearm. Other:(There is school still going on in the EU parts of the world..Not for me at least :D)
#99172085Tuesday, May 28, 2013 7:15 PM GMT

(Same,ilove in the UK.accepted,carry this RP on But i have to go D:. Explains ad grammar.
#99182011Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

Tajelk There are five of us here, me, Matej who is a ten year old boy, Markgia a feisty woman who was once a baker and Fengha who is Matej's twin sister. The twins being ten are actually very skilled in gymnastics and are very flexible. Markgia uses butchers knives. After hours of waiting a black rusty helicopter lands with a black dressed man with a blue helmet that hides his eyes lands. The twins cartwheels then flip into their seats, I help Markgia in then I jump in as we set of, I close the side doors and we head for Germany.
#99185840Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:59 PM GMT

Chris I safely reach the garage and take my car, the drive is smooth, I ran into a couple of crazy people but they couldn't out speed my Ferrari. I get out of the car and put my hand on my holster when I reach the port.
#99253947Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:54 AM GMT

-Iste- Soon,the car breaks down. "Damn,what is wrong with West Germany? Commited to USSR or something?" But,now, I saw a great big wall 2 miles away from me. I wish I was dead in the place,I wish I could go somewhere,anywhere. "ARRRGGH" I scream as I feel a great clasp on my shoulder,I fall to my knees and quickly turn around. A child,covered in blood,with a gunshot to her chin stares at me with cold eyes. I stab her on the shoulder as I scramble up,but she jumps on me,I struggle my way through,I stab her in the eye,but I struggle to take back the knife. I struggle to get my M9,once I do,I accidently shoot myself on the leg. I then hit her with the but of my M9,once she let's go I shoot her in the head. She looks at me one last time,and falls to the floor. I grasp my Knife from her eye,I step on her stomach and I pull. When I take it out the eye shoots out blood. I was horrified at the scene. Then I saw a whole mob of those creatures... I better run!
#99254539Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:16 AM GMT

-Chris As I slowly maneuvered across the port I jumped on a speed boat and left Sicilia, instead of aiming to Messini I seemed to aimed north to Milan by accident.

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