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#99143734Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:30 PM GMT

(Killercorvette here. Still working on the humongous backstory for the Empire. But, for something different, I've decided to do another faction summary thread) I. Summary New Boston is the name of a highly advanced city populated by several factions working together for the greater good of the city. These factions are given simple names to clearly dictate their purpose. The Institute, The Government, The Plantation, and The Factory. They originate from the former students and staff of MIT and the majority of current citizens descend from former vault dwellers that were evacuated to the city after the war. (more will be explained once I start on the Institute's backstory) The goals of the faction . The Institute itself concerns itself only with scientific matters, such as developing new technologies such as the revolutionary Android. The Government rules it's citizens with an iron fist, and works to fight off the threat the Empire poses. The Plantation works to supplement humans with necessary food, using slave labor from androids. The Factory works to produce the technologies, and it's primary goal is to figure out a way to mass produce the Android, which is currently impossible. It's citizens are very patriotic, and see New Boston as the last remnant of the American dream. The wastelanders on the outside see New Boston as both a mystery and a bogeyman. Wasters are shot on sight if they approach the walls. Military units operating on the outside aren't as strict, but do not tolerate "meddling from savages." They are led currently by Derrick Zane, an "elected" official. However, he is a puppet, all things considered. Just a voice and acting hand to "The Chairman" who is unknown to all except the higher-class members of the New Boston society. The Chairman is Professor Jacob Hightower, the founder of New Boston. His best project is his discovery that the human mind can be converted to a digital format in a process called "Brain Emulating" or "Mind Uploading". All it's memories, instincts, knowledge, and the conscience of it's former owner can manifest itself in any computer product it comes into contact with. The Chairman stays out of most of the minor affairs in New Boston, but essentially rules the faction. II. Laws and Regulations The laws of New Boston match those of pre-war America, mostly. However, the totalitarian state rules all. Public denouncing of any faction in New Boston is forbidden. Anyone who does mysteriously go missing, never to be seen again. Victims of the Bureau of Internal Order Enforcement, which is basically a branch of secret police. Talk of leaving New Boston is forbidden. They are also abducted by BIOE members, pronounced "missing". In reality, they are stripped naked and forced into exile by walking away from the city out into the wastes. No one survives this. Elections are held for the leader of New Boston. These elections, however, are rigged. Voters are free to vote for either candidate, however, the candidates are picked by The Chairman. The Chairman chooses someone he knows will enforce his order and will. This person is usually attractive, charismatic, a man of the people, and politically strong. His opponent is almost always unattractive, awkward, politically incompetent, and will most likely suggest unappealing policies. This makes the choice almost completely obvious for voters. III. Condition The faction is prospering on the surface. It's citizens live a happy, american life even better than the average before the war. Unemployment is at 1%, and nearly everyone can afford nice homes in the suburbs and a car to commute to work. Test grades in schools are at an all time high, and many children of this generation are shaping up for high-level positions in The Institute or The Government. The military are at a stalemate with the Empire, but it's strength is growing as The Factory produces more Androids and robots for the frontlines as well as the growing number of human volunteers enlisting due to a rise in nationalism. Morale is at an all time high because of this, and propaganda only makes it better. However, problems are showing itself. The Empire has found ways inside New Boston. Almost on a daily basis, Imperial spies and saboteurs commit an act of terrorism in the city. Cars are bombed, government buildings are shot up, and assassination attempts with varying results are tried everyday. Androids are also becoming self-aware at an alarming rate, with many successfully fleeing from New Boston. The Synth Retention Bureau has been overworked. The Plantation's workers, mostly Androids, have also been rumored to be coercing with infiltrators from both the Empire and the Railroad. The slums near The Plantation have been ripe with violence, usually self-aware Androids against human patrolmen. IV. Soldiers, Equipment, Tactics, and Technology New Boston is the most technologically advanced faction in America, and possibly the world. They have developed suits of power armor almost twice as powerful as the T-51b model that can be mass produced cheaply. They have developed many new weapons, particularly lasers and plasma-based. Advanced versions of cars, robots, vertibirds, and even buildings are the norm. The resources for all of this technology comes from a number of sources. Underground tunnels stretch for miles, leading mining robots to pre-war mines and production plants. It's most impressive technological invention is the Android or Synthetic Human. For 180 years, they were in development. The first one was debuted in 2257. They were developed to serve humans in any way possible. Soldiers, farmers, industrial workers, exotic pleasure, and everything in between. However, one fatal flaw in their design is their free-will capabilities. Many Androids become self-aware, and flee from their masters. Other Androids usually hunt them down, seeing how expensive they are, but many still do hide away. One Android in particular has recently gone missing. This special unit was in design since 2161. One of New Boston's other pieces of innovative technology, A.R.T.E.E (Advanced Ranging Technological and Expeditionary Eyebot), is about the size of a baseball. It travels high in the air, at fast speeds. His primary goal was to find "remarkable persons" in the wasteland and copy their personalities, techniques, and styles for the special synthetic. A.R.T.E.E has scanned five people for the project. In 2161 through 2163, he followed a man that emerged from a vault to find a water chip and stop a mutant army in California. In 2197, he began shadowing a unique individual belonging to the Midwest chapter of the famed Brotherhood of Steel. The curious little robot found himself on the West coast again, and began monitoring a wandering tribal in 2241. In 2277, he entered the highly under-developed area of Washington D.C. There, he began scanning many people, but found few of them worthy of following. However, he eventually found a refugee from a local vault and followed him around during his surprisingly adventurous journeys. The scientists needed one last individual. A.R.T.E.E, following his instinct, headed towards the West coast for one last time. He began to give up his search, until he found a courier with a local delivery firm. He monitored this one closely, until he decided he had enough data in 2282. When all the memories were compiled, the Android was built. It was to take all the abilities it had been given and serve the role as something of a super soldier, a master politician, and any other skills the borrowed personas had. In 2290, it was finally finished. However, before it could be trained to hone such abilities, it had mysteriously disappeared from New Boston. SRB hunters are still in a desperate search mission. The New Boston military is divided in several ways. When the military first started, The Chairman thought of an experiment leaning on a Darwinist viewpoint. Why not send out soldiers with inferior equipment for a few years to operate outside the city, the survivors will return from the campaign, and be granted a "veteran" status. These veterans will form the main army, utilizing the best equipment possible. The strongest soldiers survive and are granted the responsibility of full service, while the weaker ones perish in the line of duty. Robots and seemingly unconventional methods are used as well. Prowler "Killbots" are very effective death machines. Designed by both scientists and psychologists, the appearance of the robot it designed to instill fear in it's enemies. They are outfitted with high-pitched emitters, which give off a loud "scream" that can be heard from ways away. War Breeders are lower-ranking scientists pushed into service. Using advanced methods in entomology, they quickly deploy egg sacs containing mutated insects. They then deploy a special gas agent, which hatches them and ages them into adults almost immediately. Tactics are typically undervalued. Veteran Troopers guard the walls of the city, while the regulars engage enemies in multiple spots on the outside. Combat is usually done on a squad or platoon-sized scale, as the military tries to overpower their enemies with firepower and equipment instead of tactical superiority or sheer numbers like the Empire does. Basic flanking and vertibird reinforcements are usually as impressive as it gets. City Watchman (Citizens that patrol around, alert for internal distress): Watchman's Uniform Watchman's Cap Laser Pistol Police Baton Police Officer: Police Jumpsuit Police Helmet 12.27mm Pistol or Plasma Defender or Wattz Laser Pistol Police Baton or Riot Shield Bostonian Trooper: Mk1 Power Armor or Mk1 Energy Armor Mk1 Helmet Laser Rifle or Plasma Rifle or Tri-Beam Laser Rifle or DMR or Plasma Burner or Laser Repeater Plasma Pistol Plasma Grenades Bostonian Veteran Trooper: Mk2 Power Armor or Mk2 Energy Armor Mk2 Helmet Plasma Carbine or Wattz Laser Rifle or Multiplas Rifle or Gatling Laser or Plasma Caster or LAESR Wattz Laser Pistol LAEGs Protoblade Bostonian Field Officer NB Officer's Armor NB Officer's Hat Plasma Defender Prowler Killbot Claw blades Magnetic claws High-pitched emitter Gatling Laser (Combat variant) Mesmotron (Android-hunting variant) Stealth Boy (Assassin variant) War Breeder All-purpose Science Suit Laser Pistol Growth Agent Bloatfly Eggs or Radscorpion Eggs or Giant Radscorpion Eggs or Tarantula Eggs or Giant Albino Radscorpion Eggs -/(Someone's rocking my dreamboat. Disturbing a beautiful calm)\-
#99143787Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:31 PM GMT

#99143990Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:35 PM GMT

"tl;dr" Not sure about the "dr" part, but your mother mentioned the "tl" part when she saw my funfun part B) (Killercorvette here. Still working on the humongous backstory for the Empire. But, for something different, I've decided to do another faction summary thread) -/(Someone's rocking my dreamboat. Disturbing a beautiful calm)\-
#99144092Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:36 PM GMT

#99144105Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:37 PM GMT

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BydYgfCmekQ Really though, why not write a book?
#99144233Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:38 PM GMT

"Really though, why not write a book?" Really though, why not take into account publishing and printing costs. Not to mention that it CAN'T be published, seeing as the Fallout franchise is not mine and belongs to Bethesda. -/(Someone's rocking my dreamboat. Disturbing a beautiful calm)\-
#99144714Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:47 PM GMT

@janxi The joke. Your head. I thought anything wittier than a "your mom" joke would go over your head, but it seems I overestimated. -/(Someone's rocking my dreamboat. Disturbing a beautiful calm)\-
#99144828Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:48 PM GMT

@Killer, you could try.
#99153279Tuesday, May 28, 2013 3:49 PM GMT

The official words from a rebel conspiracy Ex-Concordia Movement are... No.
#99203388Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:04 PM GMT

^ k
#99203643Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:06 PM GMT

#99204785Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

See! Meldo gets it!
#99204992Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:17 PM GMT

Hey Killer, would New Boston be a walled city? With the residents assuming those on the outside are savages?
#99206454Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

@Nick Yes The only ones allowed on the outside are troopers, but even they are forbidden to mingle with them.
Top 100 Poster
#99206567Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:29 PM GMT

New Boston sounds a bit too similar to New Vegas.
#99206628Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

New Boston, or Thenewboston? Never tell me the odds
#99206743Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

@Mage Aside from it being an advanced city ruled by a preserved man from pre-war times?
Top 100 Poster
#99206867Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

Nononono, I should have been clearer. The names of the cities themselves are too similar.
#99207174Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:34 PM GMT

How about The Boston Federation?
#99207633Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

"The Boston Federation" what
#99207726Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:38 PM GMT

Also, KC, what would the New Boston Power Armor look like? I picture it to look something like this: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43437/?
#99208171Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:41 PM GMT

@Nick Something like that. It somewhat resembles both variants of Enclave power armor.
#99208374Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:42 PM GMT

No one got my joke Never tell me the odds
#99208561Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:44 PM GMT

Like the Mid-western Power Armor?
#99208840Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:46 PM GMT

@Nick Yeah. I want it to look dangerous and sinister, like the commercial or Enclave power armors.

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