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#99166396Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:12 PM GMT

Hi there, we can add a new feature where players can Voice Chat in parties. This will only be available for ROBLOX users who are 13+, you can mute people and also adjust the volume. You might be wondering if anyone swears or is doing something inappropriate (Maybe Not), they can have a "3 Strikes and you're out" rule. This is if you say anything that breaks the ROBLOX rules more than 3 times, you will not have voice chat on your account. This can let users interact with others without having to spend time talking, people that don't have headphones or don't want to talk with other can type. It's your choice, Typing or speaking. Guests can have their own Safety Talk, which already has words and phrases to click and say, just like the Safe Chat menu. Thanks for reading this Thread and I hope you like this idea, please don't post negative comments. Just Private Message me if you have any questions because I don't go on the Forum that much. Yours Faithfully, Ross009

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