#99964797Monday, June 03, 2013 10:17 PM GMT

(How can I come in?)
#99966958Monday, June 03, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

๑Character Sheet๑ Name: Lee Qioa Age:17 Gender: Female Personality: Lee is very easygoing and can easily be categorized as an optimist. With an odd sense of humor, Lee can find things hilarious that others think is a bore. She is always smiling, and her parents say she was laughing, not crying, when she was born. Appearance: Lee has a very light, rough skin complexion. She has dark brown hair that is cut shoulder length. Lee has small, thin eyebrows that are quite dark. Her eyes are large and are a palish blue. Her nose is very thin and has a small, almost unnoticeable curve at the end. Her lips are large and are a light shade of pink. She stands at 5'7", and is quite slender. Her neck is stout, which is a feature she finds quite irritating. A s is customary for her tribe, she wears a dark blue fur coat with fur lining the insides. On warmer days or while traveling she wears kimono-like tunic, with split sides for leg movement and fur trimmed leggings underneath. Lee prefers not to wear the traditional hair loopies, and takes them off while in the privacy of her family. (Most of the clothing part was taken from the Wiki. Jussayin') Nation: [Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Air Temples, Water Tribes] Southern Water Tribe Bending: [Fire, Earth, Water, Air; this correlates with your nation] Along with an average skill in water and sweat bending, Lee is an adept healer. Biography: Lee was born in Iagua to her mother and her father. Her father disappeared at an early age, and her mother had explained it as simply a mystery. Lee, however, at the age of 10, had matured enough to see through the lies. She had realized her father was dead. Her two younger sisters are still kept ignorant, though. The chief is Lee's uncle, and she likes to look up to him as a father figure. He rarely has time to nurture this dream, but she cherishes the time they spend together. The chief has over a long period of time tried to explain politics to Lee, maybe bring her up in the political ranking as she matured, but she could care less about leading the tribe. Lee would prefer to focus on her love of bending. Her trainer says she could become great one day, and she believes him. She hopes to become a warrior someday, but her mother warns her that she should settle down and create a family. Lee longs to find her father, even if what she finds is a rotted corpse. She just wants to find out what happened to him, put her mind at peace. Other: [animal companions are acceptable, but they must be from the Avatar universe. Refer to the "Avatar Wiki" for information on existant species] Lee has a very loyal, loving polar dog named Ronin that she tries to take everywhere. Together they have been on many adventures. Ronin currently has a broken leg as Lee had tripped over a rock at the top of a hill a few days before, landing on Ronin's leg very roughly.
#99967660Monday, June 03, 2013 10:37 PM GMT

(Our first female! Haha, accepted Cop. Right now, most of us are in Koishi, but we could meet up with you, or you could come to us.)
#99970091Monday, June 03, 2013 10:54 PM GMT

Lee I raced out of our small cottage, a grin gleaming across my face. The icy wind struck me harshly, but I ignored its taunting blows. I glanced over to the small children, playing innocent games of tag and such. They waved to me and I nodded my greeting, but I had no time to start up any sort of a conversation. Today was the day my uncle said he would finally practice bending with me. After several minutes of slipping and sliding across the windy terrain of our town, I arrived at the foot of the steps of the one temple that was much larger than the rest. Chief Hinku's house. Ronin padded up beside me and I brushed my hand against his head a few times, he bowed his head, which was his way of begging. I smiled and looked down at him. "Stay," I commanded, and started up the steps.
#99989578Tuesday, June 04, 2013 1:13 AM GMT

Lee: As I neared the top of the stairs my uncle burst out from the doorway, two doors by my side. I jumped up with a grin and hugged him tightly. He grinned and held me at arms length. "Lee, I have exciting news!" I nodded and waited for him to further explain. "Well, recently one of the tribes couriers returned from the Earth Kingdom. He had much valuable information, but one piece particularly stood out to me." I nodded eagerly again. "A man, he goes by the name Master Kelou, knows a bit about your father." "Well, what does he know?" I asked, clearly excited. He frowned slightly. "Well..." he scratched the back of his neck slightly nervously. "We don't really know. The courier had only a brief amount of time to speak with the man, before having to depart. A few drunk Earthbenders were giving him a hard time." I sighed, deflated. He grinned again. "Luckily, I can spare a small caravan to travel with you. Just in case." "But uncle, you promised you would practice with me tod-" he cut me off, placing a finger to his lips. "Shh, when you return, I promise I shall train with you. I believe the man may be leaving soon, you need to get there quickly." He made a small hand gesture and the two guards gently ushered me down the stairs.
#99993712Tuesday, June 04, 2013 1:39 AM GMT

(I'll join soon.)
#100012310Tuesday, June 04, 2013 3:41 AM GMT

(Well, erm tired. Night.)
#100013490Tuesday, June 04, 2013 3:52 AM GMT

A sound of a bird's cry sounded inconjunction with a scroll falling into my satchel. Halted by the sudden weight, I inspected the scroll. "Kelou..." I murmur. "That name is from a Water Tribe." Looking around, I slowly made my way to the indicated destination.
#100018719Tuesday, June 04, 2013 4:52 AM GMT

Kazuo After finishing a routine patrol around the assigned part of the city, I returned to the city militia barracks. A scroll was lying on the desk of my office. I read the scroll, thinking what the urgent thing could be. Or why they would pick a lowly Koishi militia sergeant to tell it to. Nonetheless, I decide to head to the destinaton and find out what is going on.
#100031628Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:17 AM GMT

(I suggest all start as slightly mediocre to average benders/fighters, slowly evolving into master benders by the last quarter of this RP. Kelou should be a mentor but slowly leaving the plot to us as the RP goes on.)
#100031907Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:27 AM GMT

Keroe began his confusing trip to locate the destination pinpointed by the message. After confirming that he was heading west, Keroe passed a few high walls through an arch to the western district. Confused, he took another peek at the scroll. Stopping at a street vendor, Keroe asked the vendor about the tea shop. "Beymu's Tea Shop? If anything, I'd call it Beymu's Hot Leaf Juice Shop. Just keep going down that street with that street performer and turn right at the green tiled house with 2 windows at the front - keep walking and then you'll find it there. Interested in some roasted roachants?" Silently dry heaving looking at the burnt bugs, Keroe politely refused, before following the directions the vendor pointed out. Looking around, he saw a small tea shop terraced amongst a variety of other buildings. Skimming the area, he headed for the building opposite.
#100044501Tuesday, June 04, 2013 2:18 PM GMT

Lee The two escorts waited outside while I entered my house. My mother was waiting inside. She hugged me for a few seconds, then held me at arm's length. "I don't know why I'm so worried about you. You're just traveling to Koishi." she shook her head as she said this, chuckling. "I just feel like something is going to happen to you." she explained. The ends of her lips curved into a smile. "But you have escorts, and they're waiting!" she tossed me my bag, probably filled with clothes and a few odds and ends. I didn't have time to check as she pushed me out of the house. "Bye mother!" I called out as the guards led me over to where the small group was waiting. I had not thought it would be this small. Five warriors and four horses. "This is it?" I asked them. "What are you expecting to happen to us? It's not like we're traveling onto war grounds." one of the taller members said roughly, saddling his horse.
#100046990Tuesday, June 04, 2013 2:50 PM GMT

Kazuo I make my way through the streets of the western district, knowing it well from patrolling it. I approach Beymu's Tea Shop.
#100067782Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:37 PM GMT

(That's a good idea, Alpha.) ||Renshu|| Renshu stopped at the inn and collected his belongings. He tidied up the room before shutting the door and returning the key to the receptionist downstairs. He wasn't aware of whether or not he would be returning, but the silly notion that his parents had discovered him was badgering him. Thus, he decided it was time to move on. Perhaps he could settle down in Ateyo. A shadow fell across the eastern district of Koishi as the sun began to sink beyond the horizon. Renshu started to jog, his bag bouncing on his back as he did so. He'd never been out on the streets at late hours in Koishi- and he didn't intend to. Renshu had lost track of time upon reaching the designated area. Beymu's Tea Shop shouldn't be too far now. The firebender reduced his speed and started to stroll down the street as the sun cast an orange glow over the city.
#100085485Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:18 PM GMT

~Tero~ I watch as my brother enters the room without even looking up form his shopping basket. \Moments passed until he finally looked up and began speaking. "Can you believe they charge two silver pieces for a bundle of string?" He asked me. "Just because this particular string is rare in these parts; but I know for a fact they have crates and crates of this stuff in the back room." He said angrily goign back to the necklace. I nodded then looked up at him. "I think I might go for a walk, Roro." I said and he nodded without looking up from his necklace. I took that to my advantage and grabbed the scroll quickly and hurried out the door. I could hear him struggling with the necklace. I wondered for a moment why I was even going, I was normally a bit more cautious than this. I supposed it was boredom more than anything but is that really a smart answer for going?
#100093764Tuesday, June 04, 2013 10:24 PM GMT

Lee After the man had gotten comfortable on the horse he continued. "You shall be riding a horse, along with Hulin, Gan, and me. Shunyuan shall walk." They each smiled in turn as he called out their names. "And what would be your name?" I asked, flashing a winning smile. "Ru." he responded gruffly, without making eye contact. I shook my head and began to saddle my horse. I paused. "What are you waiting for?" Ru asked. I grinned. "I forgot one thing, just wait!" I leaped off the horse and sprinted towards my home. Out of the corner of my eye I perceived that our cautious caravan leader was not pleased. "Come back quickly!" he yelled after me. I laughed to myself as I approached my house. I could hear a few angry yells from my mom before Ronin burst out of the doorway and to my side. My mom came running out after him angrily, swinging a wooden spoon. She looked up and saw me. "Oh, it's you! I thought you had already began your journey!" she smiled. "Take that dumb dog with you. He wouldn't stop fidgeting around as soon as you left." I laughed a bit and looked down at him. I pet him a few times and waved to my mom. "Bye!" I said. She nodded her goodbye, and I turned, sprinting back towards the caravan, Ronin easily keeping pace with me. I saddled my horse quickly. "I'm ready!" I said cheerfully. I clipped my bag to a small slot on the side of the horse's saddle. "Took you long enough." Ru said. He made a small nod and Hulin led the group forwards.
#100096201Tuesday, June 04, 2013 10:44 PM GMT

(Wait, Cop. They're in a frozen tundra. Horses wouldn't be available in either one of the poles. And besides, they'll need a boat to access the other nations.)
#100096981Tuesday, June 04, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

(...Well then they'll ride buffalo yaks to the edge of the ice and take a boat the rest of the way. :D)
#100103477Tuesday, June 04, 2013 11:42 PM GMT

(I don't even think horses are in Avatar.)
#100103619Tuesday, June 04, 2013 11:43 PM GMT

(Buffalo Yaks! Perfect solution :D)
#100116972Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:33 AM GMT

#100122957Wednesday, June 05, 2013 2:24 AM GMT

(Making my CS now.)
#100123426Wednesday, June 05, 2013 2:28 AM GMT

๑Character Sheet๑ Name: Zui Xetk (ZewE exk) Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: Zui is usually happy, telling jokes and trying to find the best of things in everything, but that doesn't include anyone rude or mean to her. If they do any thing to her that would agitate her, she tries to go off and isolate herself and calm down. But when serious matters occur, Zui tries to be serious, but she also tries to lighten up the mood. Chikeio is one of her favorite things, so she would do almost anything. Appearance: Zui has long black hair, with two long strands that hang off to the sides of her face. The rest of her hair just casscads down her back, almost reaching her hips. http:// reasonstoloveavatar. tumblr.com /page/29 Find Katara. This is her normal wear, except she wears a Fire Nation necklace. Yeah. Hope you know what it looks like. Nation: [Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Air Temples, Water Tribes] Fire Nation Bending: [Fire, Earth, Water, Air; this correlates with your nation] Firrrreeee Biography: Zui was born in Dansei to her father Uto and her mother Kuito. Uh... she got Chikeio on her twelth birthday. And, uh, she takes trips to Changyi to visit her grandparents. (I dunno!) Other: [animal companions are acceptable, but they must be from the Avatar universe. Refer to the "Avatar Wiki" for information on existant species] A male Fire Ferret named Chikeio (Keio for short)
#100126434Wednesday, June 05, 2013 2:59 AM GMT

(Could you expand on the biography a bit, Fox?)
#100126822Wednesday, June 05, 2013 3:03 AM GMT

(Fox, your character is just Katara but with fire?)