#1335810Friday, June 13, 2008 8:12 AM GMT

claw: it's fine, in what's happening right now,that's sort of what im used to.... *hears the cry of help that needs him* i think i gotta go... *starts to walk towrds the cry for help*
#1336014Friday, June 13, 2008 9:38 AM GMT

ok brooks is ruining the storyline...noobs changing storyline... anyway... Kayne:it seems my half...tries to resist drinking blood..he will be weakened and weakened...his power will be like a man...my soldiers hopefully wear a bite proof casts on their neck...but still...ill drink any survivor's blood... Basista:*barely resists* Claw;oh my... Basista:*bites claws neck and starts drinking blood* O_O lol...anyway i did this to add abit of mischief...btw brook is still ruining the storyline...lol THE NUKE LANDED RADIATION IS KILLING EVERYONE WITHOUT GAS MASKS!!!...lol that ended my point...why cant brooks look at our previous posts?
#1336049Friday, June 13, 2008 9:47 AM GMT

Olie:...-_- claw:ARGH..... Olie:*punches Basista* Basista:OWW! *silver hair turns back to dirty blond and and red iris in his eyes turned back to blue and falls the the ground,fainted* ....ZzzzzzzzzArrrghZzzzzzzz..... Olie:o_O...At least I stopped him for a while...... claw:That was...creepy... *faints*
#1336126Friday, June 13, 2008 10:04 AM GMT

olie help you carry basista and ill carry claw we must make it to the helicopter before the russians do.its our only escape route
#1336134Friday, June 13, 2008 10:05 AM GMT

Kayne:...time to kill basista when hes still weak...(nope char wont die off yet...only until...60 pages or so?)
#1336159Friday, June 13, 2008 10:09 AM GMT

we made it before the russians. olie get basista in a resrtaining jacket.put claw and basista on the helicopter and get it started while i cover you.
#1336372Friday, June 13, 2008 10:44 AM GMT

Kayne:Get the AA guns ready! Russian:yes sir! *readies 60 AA guns scattered everywhere in the city* Kayne:get me my private jet Russian:yes sir! Kayne:i love...my jet fighter...ill shoot down the other half myself...
#1336424Friday, June 13, 2008 10:51 AM GMT

olie never mind about the helicopter there seting up aa's everywheres olie bring them to the weapon room theres no way they can blow up the door or room then well wait for basista and claw to wake up.
#1336429Friday, June 13, 2008 10:52 AM GMT

*gets to weapon room*.......*locks the door*
#1336589Friday, June 13, 2008 11:20 AM GMT

Meanwhile at the airfield... Kayne:give me bunker buster missles! (can go through 20 metres of contcrete) At the building... Olie:wake up claw!
#1336630Friday, June 13, 2008 11:26 AM GMT

Basista:*wakes up earlier than Olie* Oww...I got the stupid blood lust in my mind....T_T Olie:You woke up,Basista? *notices that Basista turned to normal again* Umm...You seem to turn back to normal... claw:*wakes up* Oww....My neck...
#1336668Friday, June 13, 2008 11:33 AM GMT

2 minutes till arrival at the building... Kayne:they will pay! *iris turns red and skin starts to pale*
#1336709Friday, June 13, 2008 11:38 AM GMT

Basista:...I'm really ANGRY right now.... *dirty blond hair turns into silver and iris turns red* What is Kayne going to do...?I hope he's not gone crazy... Olie:You turned back to a "vampire" that quick...? Basista:...No comment O_o
#1336871Friday, June 13, 2008 12:09 PM GMT

2 minutes later... Kayne:target in sight!*fires bunker buster missle* *the gun room exploded yet everyone lived...it seems...the warhead didnt detonate...* Olie&Basista:O_O kayne:didnt work...*jumps of plane and lands...unharmed* Kayne:*pulls out sword*...its time to end this... nope...not gonna die till a couple more pages or so
#1336915Friday, June 13, 2008 12:15 PM GMT

Basista:Might as well.... *pulls out a silver sword (one of the vampire's weakness when he/she got stabbed in the heart)* Olie and claw,get out of here. Olie:But- Basista:I'll handle this guy...Bring claw along! Olie:Okay... *runs along with claw to somewhere else*
#1336941Friday, June 13, 2008 12:21 PM GMT

Kayne:i sense silver...he fell for it?...i am a mutant not a vampire...
#1336959Friday, June 13, 2008 12:23 PM GMT

Basista:...Duh...A mutant... *throws away the silver sword and takes out the daggers* Mind telling me who are you?
#1337005Friday, June 13, 2008 12:33 PM GMT

Kayne:...Kayne...*pulls out sword* Kayne:only my blood can kill you and vice versa...but you are weak...your not drinking blood freely...why cant you sacrifice your friends now...
#1337033Friday, June 13, 2008 12:37 PM GMT

Basista:-_-...No way...And I heard that name somewhere...And I already drank up someone's blood... Kayne:O_O....But no matter,I still want to catch you alive...Or maybe kill you. Basista:Don't think you can do so >:O
#1337057Friday, June 13, 2008 12:40 PM GMT

Kayne:whos blood?it cant be one of my soldiers...i put bite proof neck casts on them...and gas masks for the radiation...and if its a zombie...u will be one..
#1337080Friday, June 13, 2008 12:43 PM GMT

Basista:I lost control over blood lust just now and bit off my friend's neck,but Oliver Thompson punched me...And...o_O!!!! *takes a gas mask from a dead survivor and wears it* Okay...This looks really awkward... Kayne:...You tookt that gas mask from a dead survivor,right? =/ What a cheapster... Basista:Heh...
#1337122Friday, June 13, 2008 12:49 PM GMT

kayne;you drank from 1 i drank from 5... basista:omg...im weak then...
#1337129Friday, June 13, 2008 12:50 PM GMT

Basista:But no matter...I got a nightmare where you caught me alive......This is a bad sign...But who knows I may overcome it...?Or so it seems...
#1337157Friday, June 13, 2008 12:54 PM GMT

Kayne:*slits finger with sword*...i need my blood to kill you...*lunges at basista with a sword*
#1337188Friday, June 13, 2008 12:58 PM GMT

Basista:*blocks the attack* Really? *silver hair turns dirty blond again o_O and the red iris turned blue* ...>_> I turned back to a human...?Sheesh... *starts slashing Kayne with the daggers*