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#99508831Friday, May 31, 2013 5:56 PM GMT

After seeing coplox's suggestion thread on unprotecting members (http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=99461408), I decided to take the API dump and go through all of it to write down suggestions and stuff. The result is a bit long: Should not be protected: ; Property int Instance.DataCost [readonly] [RobloxPlaceSecurity] : Not harmful, but useful when used to measure the cost of storing an object using data persistence. ; Function string Instance:GetDebugId(int scopeLength = 4) [notbrowsable] [LocalUserSecurity] : Completely useless, but also completely harmless. ; Event BadgeService.BadgeAwarded(string message) [RobloxScriptSecurity] : Useful and completely harmless. ; Function string Script:GetHash() [RobloxPlaceSecurity] : Useful in very limited cases, and completely harmless. ; Function void Camera:PanUnits(int units) [RobloxScriptSecurity] ; Function bool Camera:TiltUnits(int units) [RobloxScriptSecurity] ; Function bool Camera:Zoom(float distance) [RobloxScriptSecurity] : Useful and completely harmless. ; Function void GuiService:SendNotification(string title, string text, string image, int duration, Function callback) [RobloxScriptSecurity] : Useful and completely harmless. ; Function int NetworkServer:GetClientCount() [LocalUserSecurity] : Not particularly useful, but completely harmless (already possible through other means). ; Property bool Player.Guest [readonly] [RobloxScriptSecurity] ; Function FriendStatus Player:GetFriendStatus(Instance player) [RobloxScriptSecurity] ; Function void Player:RemoveCharacter() [LocalUserSecurity] ; Function Instance Players:GetPlayerByID(int userID) [LocalUserSecurity] ; Event Players.PlayerChatted(PlayerChatType chatType, Instance player, string message, Instance targetPlayer) [LocalUserSecurity] : Useful, and completely harmless (already possible through other means). Should be deprecated: ; Property bool Instance.archivable [hidden] : Most members with a startingLowerCase name were deprecated, but it appears this one was missed. Was replaced by "Archivable". ; Function Vector3 BodyPosition:lastForce() ; Function Vector3 BodyVelocity:lastForce() : Most members with a startingLowerCase name were deprecated, but it appears this one was missed. Was replaced by "GetLastForce". ; Function void InsertService:Insert(Instance instance) : Is equivalent to changing the object's parent to the workspace, but may cause problems in some particular cases, and should therefore not be used. ; Property FormFactor FormFactorPart.formFactor [hidden] : Most members with a startingLowerCase name were deprecated, but it appears this one was missed. Was replaced by "FormFactor". Should be removed: ; Event AnimationTrack.Stopped() [deprecated] : This event is deprecated, but the animation API was never released and therefore it is very unlikely for any script to actually use this event. Should be deprecated and renamed (the old name should be deprecated, and a new equivalent member with another name, not deprecated, should be created): ; Property Vector3 BodyAngularVelocity.angularvelocity : Should be called "AngularVelocity". ; Property Vector3 BodyAngularVelocity.maxTorque ; Property Vector3 BodyGyro.maxTorque : Should be called "MaxTorque". ; Property Vector3 BodyForce.force ; Property Vector3 BodyThrust.force : Should be called "Force". ; Property CoordinateFrame BodyGyro.cframe : Should be called "CFrame". ; Property Vector3 BodyPosition.maxForce ; Property Vector3 BodyVelocity.maxForce : Should be called "MaxForce". ; Property Vector3 BodyPosition.position : Should be called "Position". ; Property Vector3 BodyThrust.location : Should be called "Location". ; Property Vector3 BodyVelocity.velocity : Should be called "Velocity". ; Property Color3 Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom : Should be called "ColorShiftBottom". ; Property Color3 Lighting.ColorShift_Top : Should be called "ColorShiftTop". ; Event NetworkServer.IncommingConnection(string peer, Instance replicator) [RobloxScriptSecurity] : Should be called "IncomingConnection". ; Property int Player.userId : Should be called "UserId". ; Function Instance Players:GetPlayerByID(int userID) [LocalUserSecurity] : Should be called "GetPlayerByID". ; Property string ReflectionMetadataItem.summary : Should be called "Summary". Should not be hidden: ; Property double DoubleConstrainedValue.ConstrainedValue [hidden] ; Property int IntConstrainedValue.ConstrainedValue [hidden] : Should be possible to set in the property window. Consider unprotecting: ; Function void Players:SetChatStyle(ChatStyle style = Classic) [LocalUserSecurity] ; Event ScriptContext.CamelCaseViolation(Instance object, string member, Instance script) [RobloxScriptSecurity] ; Event ScriptContext.Error(string message, string stackTrace, Instance script) [RobloxPlaceSecurity] : Useful and not harmful.
#99510054Friday, May 31, 2013 6:10 PM GMT

i dont get this lol
#99512628Friday, May 31, 2013 6:38 PM GMT

@ProKanz All on this list should be done, then we would get more options for games
#99512739Friday, May 31, 2013 6:39 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#99513992Friday, May 31, 2013 6:54 PM GMT

Most of these would break a lot of games.
#99514894Friday, May 31, 2013 7:03 PM GMT

Yes! Support! "Consider unprotecting: ; Function void Players:SetChatStyle(ChatStyle style = Classic) [LocalUserSecurity]" ^ This stupid protection caused an error in my awesome iChat script. I turned all chat off so it would only be seen in the gui I made, and it shot an error because I am apparently not allowed to do so.
#99537801Friday, May 31, 2013 10:14 PM GMT

@RubiksCubix Turn bubble chat on, move head to sky, make fake head, weld.
#99538117Friday, May 31, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

@RobloxKing AnimationTrack was not even implemented, it should be removed. No one uses it because it won't works, so it should be removed I don't see how that will break many games
#99596315Saturday, June 01, 2013 9:59 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#99605464Saturday, June 01, 2013 12:55 PM GMT

#99606238Saturday, June 01, 2013 1:08 PM GMT

#99606296Saturday, June 01, 2013 1:08 PM GMT

what script?
#99606312Saturday, June 01, 2013 1:09 PM GMT

maybe yours thing.
#99635515Saturday, June 01, 2013 6:07 PM GMT


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