#138338625Friday, June 27, 2014 4:12 AM GMT

Leilahcat is correct, you don't become "good" by depending entirely on someone's opinion, you become good after you've decided that your satisfied with the amount of knowledge you have already gained and you're comfortable with the methods your using because you know that they're as effective as you want them to be, don't set your standards too high yet start with something you can understand and when you make scripts examine them to the point where you'll be able to know whether or not you are ...
#138866252Tuesday, July 01, 2014 3:55 PM GMT

Alright then, there's multiple methods for getting the "Table" of players. The table of players is basically just a list of all the players. For instance, In the examples Players = game.Players:GetChildren() and for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do end Both would accomplish the same goal, referencing a variable to the table "Players". Of course in these examples, anything else added into "Players" will also be detected unless certain conditions are added in these examples. Also, there...
#138957465Wednesday, July 02, 2014 6:32 AM GMT

As the above user stated for instance, when you add local infront before something such as a variable, it restrict it's scope, for instance. If I had this function, function LocalBrick() local BrickOne = game.Workspace.Part end and then I tried to use something like BrickOne.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random() It wouldn't work because that particular variable's scope would restricted to use only in the function LocalBrick() However if I used, function LocalBrick() BrickOne = game.Workspace.Part end...
#143225175Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:07 PM GMT

Both are actually considered different, for example, function A(Paremeter) end A(Argument) I personally use them interchangeably.
#144745562Thursday, August 28, 2014 9:37 PM GMT

I was actually reminding you of the rule against it, although I could see how it would be considered as "Minimodding".
#145035214Monday, September 01, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

Calm down, there's no reason to start an argument over something such as this, it's only going to waste your time, restrain yourselves. Also, have you ever considered that perhaps they understand your personality well enough yet?, they haven't posted in this "Sub-Section" for long so they won't instantaneously understand the "Flow" of things here, especially when there's many different Sub-Section's to choose from, complaining about is only going to cause more arguments and unnecessary aggressi...
#145390861Friday, September 05, 2014 6:24 PM GMT

Well, while it is true that the topic creator did do some things which can be considered negative by other users, It's the other user's themselves who made the decision to respond negatively, they could have simply realized that their insults were not going to solve the situation and stopped. An argument can only occur when there's more then one person to argue with and in this case, the topic creator simply wanted them to stop having to deal with the arguing and unnecessary insults.
#145461630Saturday, September 06, 2014 2:40 PM GMT

Yet many of the fundamentals of "Lua" remain the same, also, Rbx.Lua is modified from regular Lua and as a result, changes that may be considered "Significant" in regular "Lua" doesn't necessarily mean it will be changed in "Rbx.Lua".
#145684717Tuesday, September 09, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

None of us forced "SongOfSwords" to stop posting on this Sub-Section, the user themselves decided that they didn't like the negativity revolving around them and therefore decided to stop using this Sub-Section altogether. The reason why there was so much negativity is because the user essentially had specific qualities/behavioral patterns while using this Sub-Section that other users considered negative and as a result of a disagreement opinions, the arguing began. Creating new threads won't ...
#145700146Tuesday, September 09, 2014 8:13 AM GMT

It might remind them of positive memories that they enjoyed thinking of, as a result, all of those are considered a positive aspect of their memory depending on which one they used.
#145821269Thursday, September 11, 2014 3:59 AM GMT

""I just meant that because LUA is a scripting language, it has a very different syntax then other more complex languages. This difference makes it not an ideal way to start." Comparing "Lua" as a whole to programming languages such as "C++" or "Java" in terms of usability would be entirely unfair as those languages are very much different from Lua. "Scripting Languages" and "General Programming" languages are considered different for numerous reasons although they both still have an eventual...
#146354469Friday, September 19, 2014 5:31 AM GMT

"Wow that souns so cool just looked it up I would love to talk to an iteligant ai" Have you considered searching information regarding "Artificial Intelligence"? It can actually be a rather interesting and enjoyable subject.
#146554040Monday, September 22, 2014 1:50 AM GMT

"isn't meningitis extremely contagious?" It all depends on what's causing the meningitis, physical "Trauma" can also induce "Meningitis", additionally, "Viral Meningitis" is often considered less infectious then "Bacterial Meningitis".
#146930521Sunday, September 28, 2014 7:27 AM GMT

" people on this game have unusually high standards" I've personally noticed that the "unusually high standards" are one of the significant reasons for beginners becoming discouraged to learn more about scripting, even if something you created is considered "inefficient", typing out something long and "inefficient" that you can understand can in many situations help you grasp the over-all concept and enable you to utilize shorter versions far more easily.
#146934945Sunday, September 28, 2014 10:42 AM GMT

"you are a kid if you are under 18 mate" Not necessarily, the actual legal age for whether a person is considered a "Minor" or not depends on the country, although It's likely that they're a "Minor" under the laws of the country they're currently living in.
#147221532Friday, October 03, 2014 3:15 AM GMT

Have you considered implementing an algorithm to detect this? Here's a link if you're interested in utilizing this,
#147371195Sunday, October 05, 2014 1:14 PM GMT

The biological age of a person in particular isn't necessarily relevant, It's the person's own capabilities of comprehension and interest in the the subject that significantly determines how much information He/She will actually acquire about it as not a single human knows every exact detail about something. We are all simply communicating through an interface which could be considered "Anonymous" in specific ways because we don't have any knowledge whatsoever of each-other besides basic info...
#147762996Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:22 PM GMT

Although these can be considered positive accomplishments, It's unnecessary to create a thread on an internet forum boasting about them. I would suggest that you simply stop arguing and focus on something else.
#147791369Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:00 AM GMT

The term "Programmer" itself is actually quite generalized in some interpretations, utilizing "Scripting" languages such as "Lua" still has an effect on specific components and can affect the behavior of the over-all system regardless of whether the effects are direct or indirect and therefore can be considered "Programming" to a certain extent.
#147799175Sunday, October 12, 2014 10:02 AM GMT

"That's your opinion" Nearly all of our statements regarding this subject can be considered as mostly opinion, It's the person's actual perspective that decides how much they are willing to attempt to enjoy the situation.
#147996616Wednesday, October 15, 2014 5:03 PM GMT

Well, different countries have different laws regarding whether certain methods for utilizing software is considered "Piracy" or not. Very few software programs aren't under legal jurisdiction that prevents them from being utilized "freely".
#148045241Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:26 AM GMT

"No, I don't make flame baits I just start flame-wars on other threads. It's not flame-bait others turn it into a flame-bait." Well, if you intentionally attempted to start an argument then it would be considered "Flame-Baiting", regardless of the other user's involvement.
#148072907Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:59 PM GMT

"Typically people who wear this have a poor education and tend to me... I'm not gonna say the word." It's understandable how this could be considered inappropriate on a game centering around minors with an audience of mainly young children. Although, that particular clothing style isn't necessarily inappropriate in all situations.
#148083353Friday, October 17, 2014 2:11 AM GMT

It all depends, actually. Many products that people commonly consume contain moderate amounts of caffeine. "Caffeine" is considered a "Psychoactive Drug" thus it can affect the person depending on the quantity and numerous factors.
#148318351Monday, October 20, 2014 9:34 PM GMT

Well, an interface that utilizes character's such as letters is essentially a system of communication. The reasoning as to why it can be considered aggression is simply because the behavior and actions of people start to gradually become more irrational as the angrier the person becomes thus the declining quality can result in this particular pattern of "communication". Although, I personally disagree with this assumption.
