#159911737Saturday, April 11, 2015 7:31 AM GMT

Why did you create multiple variants with the same thread description?
#159917727Saturday, April 11, 2015 11:51 AM GMT

Essentially, all available "IQ Tests" are only capable of measuring the individual's quality of performance during the examination for said test based on a grouping scale. You cannot accurately rely entirely on a preset number to determine your own cognitive capabilities and usage of these abilities will revise their functionality greatly, without the need for "Intelligence Generalization".
#159994695Sunday, April 12, 2015 6:46 AM GMT

Who are you referring to by "carss"?
#160082068Monday, April 13, 2015 8:13 AM GMT

Utilize your development capabilities to appeal to the intended audience.
#160349096Friday, April 17, 2015 8:13 PM GMT

The concepts of "Priviledges" and "Rights" are entirely conceptual and thus psychological. Likewise, I wouldn't deem it necessary to become upset over this considering that it's an unidentified user over a screen.
#160392021Saturday, April 18, 2015 7:34 AM GMT

Insects are necessary for ecological stability as the wide variety provide various functions. Those insects were merely chasing you as a defense mechanism.
#162300234Sunday, May 17, 2015 7:41 AM GMT

"The worst place to work at, is a Hospice. In being there, you grow attached, only to lose your patient." Although the eventual result itself may be quite distressing, the death of a terminally-ill patient relieves their suffering. Eventually, the workers become accustomed to the cycle, though many often have lingering psychological imbalance.
#162503762Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:30 AM GMT

"OP is an idiot." I'm not certain as to why you decided to waste your own personal time insulting the thread creator. Naivety in this manner is not equivalent to idiocy. Anyway, returning to the topic, I would suggest utilizing the wiki in conjunction with the Roblox Wiki as the sources combined contain plenty of useful information.
#162503850Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:37 AM GMT

"Nice to see you can't accept that people have their own opinions of other people." I have nothing against his/her statement personally, I'm just stating that it was unnecessary to insult the thread creator because of his/her naivety. After-all, we were all inexperienced with something once, it doesn't necessarily mean that the individual's thoughts can be classified as "Idiotic".
#162503953Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:47 AM GMT

The effort being exerted towards making threads to insult this user could be applied towards reporting any potential rule-violations. The only accomplishment you're achieving by creating these types of threads would strengthening immature grudges.
#162504041Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:56 AM GMT

Theoretically, the negative perception you have of the real-world may actually be 'improving' the quality of your dreams. This can be caused by focusing on the positive aspects.
#162504081Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:59 AM GMT

Although I'm unaware of the circumstances involving these users, I'd suggest simply ignoring their responses if they're making you upset. The only 'destruction' these users are capable of causing would be in terms of social psychology.
#162556770Thursday, May 21, 2015 5:41 AM GMT

Providing personal information to other users on the website is prohibited.
#162556935Thursday, May 21, 2015 5:46 AM GMT

It's much more likely that this user is simply hiding any potential irritation/anger from individuals over the Internet. Restraining yourself during a discussion doesn't necessarily indicate happiness.
#180745720Thursday, December 31, 2015 3:54 PM GMT

Given that other users have provided specific solutions, I will attempt to answer your inquiry generally. The simplicity required to mitigate any given exploits varies by the extent to which the functionality of the system is itself impaired by attempts at reparation. Such implementations require prior analysis of the problem and logical-restructuring of affected components to integrate security-mechanisms into the software-flow. The risk of introducing more-evident exploits during the proces...
#180747781Thursday, December 31, 2015 4:25 PM GMT

You could simply retrieve the name of the character and search the Players table for the individual. "game.Players:FindFirstChild(Character.Name)", for example, would attempt to locate an object within the list of players with the character's name.
#180748916Thursday, December 31, 2015 4:44 PM GMT

"I don't get it..." Roblox has a hierarchical-system of "tables", which are merely sets of specified data. "Workspace" and "Players" are examples of tables within the Roblox scripting-environment that cannot be directly modified by the user. "Child" refers to any element within the set of data. "FindFirstChild" is a default function that will search a given table by attempting to obtain a single member of the set of data that has the name specified within the parentheses. ".Name" merely ret...
#180751818Thursday, December 31, 2015 5:14 PM GMT

"yeah guys we're too reliant on FE, we should all disable it and deal with the consequences you know what we're too reliant on medicine too. i say if you get sick, just deal with it and if you die, so be it" Litalela, I am convinced that you are merely misinterpreting the other individual's statement. The purpose of such a response to the conversation was not that "FilteringEnabled" itself was inherently-negative if used; the claim was simply that complete-reliance on default security mechani...
#180754072Thursday, December 31, 2015 5:36 PM GMT

Theoretically, you should be able to utilize tables as data structures for this purpose. Actually, I would recommend acquiring knowledge of "metatables" to increase the versatility of your options, as specified below: Perhaps you could convey the details of your concept to a greater extent?
#180754781Thursday, December 31, 2015 5:43 PM GMT

"What do you mean by convey my detail to a better extent? Sorry I don't understand what you mean." I am requesting for you to describe your concept with more specification. This will ensure that the individuals attempting to assist you can provide you with sufficient advice on table manipulation.
#180781256Thursday, December 31, 2015 11:24 PM GMT

Usage of the substring function is a viable method for accomplishing this particular task. Alternatively, if you desire for greater specification, you could utilize the string.gmatch() iterative function to obtain specified elements of the string, as specified below: String = "Example"; for c in String:gmatch("%a") do print(c); end The argument for the gmatch function would be any desired control-strings. Although, it should be recognized that the variable "c" merely to the current charac...
#180783165Thursday, December 31, 2015 11:46 PM GMT

"Script:6: attempt to index local 'light' (a nil value)" This error would seem to indicate that the object you are attempting to reference does not exist in the "Workspace" table as the specified key. A suggestion for remedying your current problem is to simply substitute "children.SpotLight" for "Workspace.Spotlight", given that the "GetChildren()" method would appear to simply return a numerically-indexed table rather than a hash-table.
#180784649Friday, January 01, 2016 12:05 AM GMT

"If I make a local variable inside an event or function, could I access that variable outside of the event/function?" The "local" keyword deliberately limit the usability of a given variable to the function it was created within. This ensures that it is possible to create a global variable with the same identifier outside of the range of the function.
#180789658Friday, January 01, 2016 1:07 AM GMT

I would suggest that you utilize the theory-application paradigm. Pre-writing techniques are often efficient for determining how to logically-structure the flow of the scripts you intend to draft. This will also allow you to theorize about potential errors that your script may develop under certain circumstances, during the process of execution. Nonetheless, it is equally necessary to perform actual experimentation with your scripts, given that your perception of the functionality may differ ...
#180833899Friday, January 01, 2016 4:45 PM GMT

The health of each player is a property of the "Humanoid" object, which is inside an individual's character. The health of a given player's character is stored numerically; as a result, you would need to refer to the property with a scripting expression such as the following: "game.Players.Player.Character.Humanoid.Health" Afterwards, you could presumably loop a conditional statement to make a comparison of the individual's health and a specific value.