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#100141228Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:24 AM GMT

(This is a private thread for generalp7.) Today is a very bright day indeed! As the sun rises in a land that will soon be your's you turn over in a velvet bed with silk drapes aligning various beams around it. Your room is filled with riches from militaristic (or possibly just a result of your nation's rich economy) campaigns. With a quite knock on your door you look over to the small flag above it, the flag representing the land of; (You may choose. Can range from the British Empire, Spanish, French, Netherlands, or even united Germanic tribes. If you want to be something else then do so.) "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100141521Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:30 AM GMT

Ireland :D ~Ads are people Too!~
#100141998Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:38 AM GMT

(Sorry, at the moment this will be exclusive to a couple people. If I can continue this and am actually enjoying it then I'll make another thread for a good amount of more people to partake in it.) "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100142364Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:45 AM GMT

#100142666Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:50 AM GMT

(If not, then the united germanic tribes)
#100142677Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:50 AM GMT

The Swedish flag waves proud over the doorway. it fluttering when the door opens as your assistant steps in, walking in with a bow. You stand up and return it with a; A) Bow B) Curtsy (For the beginning I'll do A, B, C, and D's but once we get all the character information done you'll be able to do more free choices. Oh, and the final ISRP member that I'm making it for (pokemonkid66) would like for this to intertwine and possibly also AmericanFireworks. Would you like for them to intertwine?) "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100142747Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:52 AM GMT

A (Sure)
#100143166Wednesday, June 05, 2013 6:59 AM GMT

You greet your assistant and right away he gets down to business, "My king, the Swedish empire is waiting to thrive unto this world! Various other kingdoms of plans to conquer although first off we need to address a few issues.." Your assistant pauses for a moment, walking inside and then talking with a hushed tone, "Two of your brothers still remain in line of the throne but since you are the eldest you inherited the kingdom first. There is a chance that if one, or maybe even both, were to disagree with you or simply wanted the crown for their own they could plot assassination or even revolt! What do you say we should do with the two of them?" "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100143298Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:02 AM GMT

Set them up, where they are are both found treason against me, then execute them. Hopefully, the people will be fooled and more patriotic.
#100144124Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:17 AM GMT

His eyes widen a bit, "Of course, sire. Though we currently don't have any form of secret police I will seek the most fit person within our garrison to do it." Your assistant walks out, leaving you to do some simpleton tasks throughout the day. (I will be using a d20 die to determine the result of the frames. Since the planter has no special skills the die will not be subtracted or added to it. I will roll d20s at times.) You're sitting out on your balcony when you notice your assistant approaching you with a grim look on his face, "The first attempt of your younger brother was a failure, he was simply too elusive for the plant. Your youngest brother caught the framer before he could even do anything, turning him in for treachery. He suspects it's you at the moment so his attitude toward you is, to say lightly, stale. You could try to save the framer from his execution tomorrow but that will obviously raise even more eyebrows towards you." "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100144364Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:22 AM GMT

I don't save him, as harsh as it may be, although I put more guards around me and my brothers and I bring them to meet about the incident at dinner. In the meantime, I tell the cooks to put poison in the wine. When the time comes, We talk about it and when they drink the wine it will poison them. At the same time, I take a sip of the poisoned wine, but not enough to seriously injure me, so the suspicion will not go to me.
#100144642Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:28 AM GMT

He nods, "I will go tell the chefs." An hour later the three of you are seated at a elegant antique table, it being about to seat eight. You sit at the head of it and your youngest brother sits furthest away, about two seats down to your right, and your other brother faces them. The youngest brother looks at you with extreme distaste, whispering a joke to your sibling to where they both laugh. "So, what is this all about?" The second eldest brother says. "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100144723Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:29 AM GMT

"It is to discuss the assassination attempt. Now tell me, describe the assassin." As I wait for the food and wine to be served.
#100145400Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:44 AM GMT

"He looked like one of your scum." Your younger brother spits. The chefs come out, preparing the table with luxurious food and the poisoned red wine. All three of you receive the glasses. The youngest brother looks at it uneasily, that or he just flat out is, and your mid-brother seems calm. "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100145479Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:46 AM GMT

"Well, that's rather harsh." I say, while beginning to eat, and I drink a sip of wine after at least one of them have.
#100145766Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:54 AM GMT

He looks at you coldly, hardly even touching his food beside a little nibble on some bread. Your mid-brother is eating elegantly, at one point taking a small sip of his wine. "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100145943Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:59 AM GMT

After about 30 seconds, I take a small sip too, and continue eating.
#100146229Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:06 AM GMT

Your youngest brother remains stubborn while the other takes in a rather large drink from the glass, within in time falling to the floor with spasms and foam coming from the mouth. Your youngest brother runs over to lift his head up, calling for help. Well this hadn't worked according to plan though at least you got one of them.. "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100146264Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:07 AM GMT

I jump up, and call for my guards and wait for me to feel the effect.
#100193977Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:20 PM GMT

You feel a little bit woozy but not enough to do anything fatal. The guards rush in as your younger brother, named Maximus, is screaming murder. He is grabbed by the guards and dragged to his quarters so they can secure the body. A more senior member of your guard force walks to you, quietly saying, "Sire, with no offense meant, but was this really murder by someone in here?" "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100194163Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:21 PM GMT

".. I dont know..." I throw up and wave my words, just to oversell it.
#100194937Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:28 PM GMT

He nods, though looks a bit uneasy, "The press will be all over this. I don't think they'll be a chance to conceal this.. and your brother," His head nods in the direction of the screams, "Is probably by now figuring all this out. He'll definitely want assassination. Or rebellion. Or maybe he'll flee to somewhere foreign.. I can't exactly say." "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100196178Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

"Tell the public that a official investigation will be held." "For now, I put more guards in the kingdom and around me and my brother. We will have a royal funeral." I don't plan on anymore assassinations for now, but if the opportunity arises... I attempt to find strongest and smartest fighters to use as guards for myself.
#100198214Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:57 PM GMT

He nods, and goes back to his unit of guards. A few days later you awake to two people, wearing dark robes and a Swedish flag patch on their shoulders. They have multiple concealed weapons and are hardly visible. One of them says in a booming voice, "We will be your shadow, my lord." "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#100198388Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:59 PM GMT

"Thank you." "So, what should I call you two?"

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