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#100635920Sunday, June 09, 2013 5:51 PM GMT

Welcome to the Black Helms. WHAT WEAPONS DO YOU HAVE? YOU MAY HAVE ONE PRIMARY, ONE SECONDARY, AND TWO SPECIALS. EACH PRIMARY HAS 5 CLIPS, UNLESS SAID OTHERWISE. EACH SECONDARY HAS 6 CLIPS, UNLESS SAID OTHERWISE. COMBAT RIFLE: Standard weapon, 24 rounds in each mag. Very high rate of fire, and low recoil. However, the bullets do very little damage. Very reliable weapon. PRIMARY SHOTGUN: Pump-action shotgun, 6 max rounds. High recoil, annihilating damage up-close. Very sturdy and reliable. PRIMARY COMBAT SHOTGUN: Semi-automatic shotgun. 6 rounds in each clip, high recoil, high damage up close. Not as reliable, prone to weather damage and jamming. PRIMARY RIFLE: Semi-automatic rifle. Medium to high range. 10 rounds in each clip, low recoil, medium damage. Very reliable. PRIMARY MACHINE GUN: A heavy machine gun. 100 hundred bullets to each clip. Only 3 clips however. Low recoil, but the bullets come out fast. Very high rate of fire, low damage per bullet. Not as reliable, prone to weather damage and jamming. PRIMARY COMBAT PISTOL: Standard weapon, 8 rounds in each mag. Semi- automatic, medium recoil. Bullets do below average damage. Very, VERY reliable. SECONDARY DESERT EAGLE: Very powerful weapon. 5 rounds in each mag. Semi- automatic, high recoil. Bullets do high damage. Not as reliable, prone to weather damage. SECONDARY MACHINE PISTOL: 40 rounds in each mag. Fully-automatic, high recoil. Bullets do below average damage. Not as reliable, prone to weather damage and jamming. SECONDARY FRAG GRENADES: 4 powerful frag grenades. Releases damaging shrapnel upon detontation. SPECIAL CONCUSSION BOMBS: 6 concussion bombs. Releases a pure blast of force. Has a high knockback. SPECIAL COMBAT KNIFE: A very sharp, short bladed weapon. Medium damage and manuerverabilty. Melee weapon, of course. SPECIAL MACHETE: A very effective, long bladed weapon. Below average damage, and less manervability. Longer range than the knife. SPECIAL
#100636864Sunday, June 09, 2013 5:59 PM GMT

You realize Heavy Machine guns nearly never jam? I choose.. Frag Grenades Machete Desert Eagle Machine Gun
#100636983Sunday, June 09, 2013 6:00 PM GMT

WELL SHUT UP YEAH TAKE THAT But, I had to balance it. :3
#100637165Sunday, June 09, 2013 6:02 PM GMT

[It's cool, the only part that you really pooped up on is Desert Eagle. They're eight shot .50 cal handguns. Not sure if you mistaken it for like a 6 shot revolver or what but yolo NOW WE BEGIN]
#100658971Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:11 PM GMT

(balanciiiing) You sit in a guard tower, it's noon, and you're incredibly bored. Your machine gun sits mounted on the side, and the wooden roof above your head probably has a wasp nest somewhere in there.
#100659138Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:12 PM GMT

INVENTORY HANDS: Free space BELT: Desert Eagle/ Machete/ 4 Frag Grenades BACKPACK: Military Ration/ Military Ration 1/2 Your machine gun is mounted on the guard tower, mind you.
#100659951Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:20 PM GMT

Anyone else nearby?
#100660295Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:23 PM GMT

You get up, and examine your base. It's a small base, surrounded by a 5 feet tall fence with barbwire on top. To your direct right is the barracks section. There is one large barracks tent, a guard tower, then another small barracks tent. To your left is nothing but the fence. You are in the top right corner of the base. In the bottom left is the med-tent, and directly across from you is the armory tent, and another guard tower. There is a guard tower in each corner, and two in the center. There is two entrances on the left and right walls. Of course, there are two guards standing on the inside, near each gate, and two gaurds just milling about, patrolling the base. The rest are presumably in the various tents.
#100660622Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:26 PM GMT

I checked over my uniform, how did it look? did I have any badges, what was my insignia, etc.
#100661081Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:30 PM GMT

Ah. Your uniform is black, similar to a SWAT outfit. It Is padded with damage resistant padding, and you have helmet similar to a bikers helmet. You are wearing your balaclava underneath. In the areas between your pads, you have black cloth. Your insignia is that of a Corporal First Class.
#100661360Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:32 PM GMT

Huh, must be expecting a promotion to Sergeant soon than. I guess my days sitting in the tower, manning the gun will soon be over. Ha. I patted my gun, before watching the outside area.
#100661608Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:34 PM GMT

The area around your base is a thin forest. About two miles away is the city of Greensdale. You can make out the outline of a large skyscraper. The larger building in Greensdale, that. It has a large fire erupting from it's side.
#100661787Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:35 PM GMT

Should I report it?
#100662319Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:40 PM GMT

What are you asking me for? The guard of his last shift here might have saw it. It's been going for days now.
#100662612Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:42 PM GMT

I didn't know it was going for days, I drummed my fingers, weren't we supposed to be attacking them or something?
#100663202Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:47 PM GMT

The last purge shift left yesterday. They should be arriving in about an hour. The sounds of footsteps climbing a ladder fills the dull air.
#100663472Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:49 PM GMT

I peeked over at the ladder.
#100664913Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:01 PM GMT

Private Leo is rising up the ladder. He knows you, and you two have the occasional conversation.
#100666254Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:12 PM GMT

I nodded to him (like a hello kind of nod) and scanned the horizon once more.
#100696280Monday, June 10, 2013 2:26 AM GMT

"Hey there (please remind of your name)." He climbs up. "How is it going on your last shift of tower watch?"
#100696560Monday, June 10, 2013 2:28 AM GMT

[Derek Jones it seems is my name] "Boring, like every other shift." I chuckled.
#100696764Monday, June 10, 2013 2:30 AM GMT

"Well, at least when you get promoted you can boss your subordinates without behind called a push-over."
#100696964Monday, June 10, 2013 2:31 AM GMT

"Ha, I guess so."
#100697744Monday, June 10, 2013 2:37 AM GMT

He stays silent for a bit. He is a young boy, about 19. He's very inexperienced when It comes to battle, but he can handle himself with his Combat Rifle. "PRIVATE GUNDERSON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE? GET DOWN HERE!" A stern voice shouts from below. "Woops, gotta go." He knew that Captain Henderson wouldn't be that mad at him. He crawled down the ladder.
#100697935Monday, June 10, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

"See-ya." Leo Gunderson. Huh, weird name. I continued to watch the horizon.

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