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#100950437Wednesday, June 12, 2013 5:49 AM GMT

ROBLOX needs to add in compatibility with racing wheels so ro-racing picks up, it would make more people buy BC because of the quality of racing and driving and it would help kids/teens develop the skills needed to drive real cars by using wheels and fancy cars that have the front tires turn. Post on this thread to make it more popular so then mods see this and develop the compatibility for racing wheels and other steering wheels. If it has already been developed and I'm just sounding dumb, respond to this, please.
#100950609Wednesday, June 12, 2013 5:53 AM GMT

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#100950721Wednesday, June 12, 2013 5:55 AM GMT

Thats just because you're a blueneck and I'm a redneck, you don't know the pain of having an expensive wheel that you can't use.
#100950725Wednesday, June 12, 2013 5:55 AM GMT

ERMAGERD.. Support, Support, Support! Kool, you wouldn't know a good idea from a bad idea if it hit you in your brick head. Get back to SFing.
#100950959Wednesday, June 12, 2013 5:59 AM GMT

#100950990Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:00 AM GMT

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITBGjNEp08 My response to this.
#100951006Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:00 AM GMT

#100951029Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:01 AM GMT

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#100951060Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:02 AM GMT

Shut up blue neck NBCer. Didn't ask you to talk. ROBLOX is WAY too much into stupid sword fighting. It should be more about racing. Racing is actually cool. Sword Fighting is dumb and unlike racing in RL, sword fighting is even dumber in RL. So, how about no yourself back to your fighting arena. Got dat ight?
#100951067Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:02 AM GMT

Go home canadian, this is america but nice response version, the vids funny.
#100951096Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:02 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#100951127Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:03 AM GMT

It's not a way of getting it laggy, its a way of getting more people to like driving and roadtrips and racing and them buying BC getting the mods more money which we all know they love because of the economy today
#100951136Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:03 AM GMT

Opposite of a redneck
#100951154Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:03 AM GMT

Bev, those are called normal people
#100951159Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:03 AM GMT

ROFL@"Blueneck" tooo goood
#100951209Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:05 AM GMT

where's the like button on that post?
#100951242Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:05 AM GMT

There's no like button on ROBLOX.
#100951261Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:06 AM GMT

Title, first off, your name is stupid. Second off, those aren't normal people you moron. Racing is the best. You calling people who sword fight normal? You're a complete idiot if so. Sword Fighting is not cool or normal in RL whereas racing, is. So, HOW BOUT NERR.. You crazy stupid sword fighter.
#100951282Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:06 AM GMT

I can only make the steering more responsive less responsive turn to a certain angle and such. But with a racing wheel that is by far impossible.
#100951310Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:07 AM GMT

What, who are normal people, nobodys normal in this world, especially you people who hate racing, racing is how the world got to where it is, it's threaded into history with prohibition and escaping from the cops to sitting at home listening to country protecting your farm with a shotgun watching NASCAR to keep you awake and it also sparks rivalries between nations.
#100951355Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:08 AM GMT

Title, first off, your name is stupid. - Ok, and? Second off, those aren't normal people you moron. - Don't hurt my feelings by calling me a moron. Racing is the best. - Debatable. You calling people who sword fight normal? You're a complete idiot if so. Sword Fighting is not cool or normal in RL whereas racing, is. So, HOW BOUT NERR.. You crazy stupid sword fighter. - Where did you get sword fighting from?
#100951373Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:08 AM GMT

what poke, I don't understand a word you said its like trying to make the words llama and skyscraper into a sentance with like 2 other words
#100951390Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:09 AM GMT

Sentence, not sentance. Good try though.
#100951409Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:09 AM GMT

Eh.. The problem with ROBLOX is most people just think sword fighting is the best. Err.. You're wrong. I think sword fighting is just plain down right D-U-M-B. What's the point to it? Oohh.. You're killing one another. That's a really good lesson to teach people considering where the world is right now.. NOT. -_-
#100951422Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:10 AM GMT

Just go back to your hockey games and tell bananacb and h14 that they're ruining ro-hockey, thats why I race now.

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