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#101567363Monday, June 17, 2013 7:49 AM GMT

Once upon a time.. There was a kingdom. The name of the kingdom? Elindor. Elindor was a beautiful kingdom. Everything was well and prosperous. Until... They came. The shadows. Shifting shadows. One second they're perfectly normal-looking humans. One second later, they're midnight black shadows engraved into the ground.. They possess strange power. Elindor was cursed by the Shadowshifters... And now, all the other people/creatures that had lived in Elindor before have to help save it. ~Rules~ 1. No flaming. 2. No trolling, Ignore em. 3. Use grammar, spelling and capitalization, please. 4. Type "Bananas" in the "Other" spot on your CS. 5. No mary-sues/godmodding. 6. Have fun! 7. My words/Admins word goes. ~Types of Creatures to Roleplay as~ Vampire - Has to drink at least a half-litre of animal blood a day, can transform into a bat on demand, is immortal to everything but enchanted swords, sunlight, and powerful magic. Evil character. Human - A normal human. Can carry 1 item. Neutral character (Can join good or evil) Neko - A human with a certain animal's ears and tail (Any animal). Can transform into their animal on demand. Neutral character. Shapeshifter - Can transform into the maximum of 3 different animals. Can carry 1 item. Good character. Shadowshifter - Can bend shadows, shift into shadows, and can carry 1 item. Evil character. Wizard - 3 different elements of magic to cast, 2 different custom spells. Can carry 1 item. Good character. Serpentine - A half snake, half human. Can transform into a snake on demand, has very effective venom, and can carry 1 item. Evil character. Elf - A human with increased lifespan and long, pointed ears. Extremely agile, can carry 2 items. Neutral character (Can be either good or evil) You can Suggest Races/Creatures you can be as. ~CS~ Character Name: Character Gender: Character Age: Character Species: Character Item (If on your species's description): Character Personality: Character Appearance: Character Bio: Other: ~My CS~ Character Name: Alki Orion Character Gender: Male Character Age: 17 Character Species: Shadowshifter Character Item (If on your species's description): A black Dagger Character Personality: Alki is intelligent somewhat of a No it all He mainly avoids people except people who he see's no harm he's sarcastic some of the time he'll try and be clever to avoid you and he also doesn't really like idiotic/dumb people Character Appearance: Alki is wearing black pants and a Plain white Shirt with short sleeves With A black Circle on it With Sun like Spikes on it except there Black He has Brown eyes and Dark brown Hair That the back reaches to the bottom of the neck and is angled slightly to the right And Semi long bangs he has a slim body and an oval tanned face He looks agile and isn't too strong. Character Bio: Alki came out of the dimension He though of survival more unlike over shadowshifters so he came out traveling and thieved most of things until he was good enough to head into the forest where he could survive on himself he stayed there to survive. Other: Bananas ~ Locations ~ Fenson's Field - A large, grassy field about the size of a football field, beside Calistaire Forest. Formerly named after Fenson Huffington, who used to own a house in this field, until the Shadowshifters destroyed it, killing Fenson and his family. Calistaire Forest - A large forest full of oak trees, sycamore trees and pine trees, beside Fenson's Field and Elindor Castle. Formerly a land mass belonging to the Calistaire family, until the Shadowshifters murdered the family as a sacrifice to their leader (Leader's unknown until claimed XD) Elindor Castle - A large, mansion-ish castle that had been rebuild from when the Shadowshifters had destroyed it. Beside Calistaire Forest and Black Midnight Cave - A small, remote cave a few miles from Tulingur's Mountain. This is the former Shadowshifter lair at the moment. Tulingur's Mountain - A very tall, wide mountain beside Black Midnight Cave, this mountain has usual avalanches, which is dangerous to anyone or anything on the mountain during the avalanche. Formerly named after Tulingur Talonsky, a great adventurer who climbed to the very top. Sadly, Tulingur died on the way down due to an avalanche. Calistaire Mountains - A line of 5 mountains beside Fenson's Field and Calistaire Forest. Formerly a land mass of mountains belonging to the Calistaire family, the Shadowshifters murdered the family as a sacrifice to their leader.) Enjoy, people~ Credit to AwesomeRebbecca123 for Original post.
#101569380Monday, June 17, 2013 8:33 AM GMT

I dont know if i should join or not.....
#101609610Monday, June 17, 2013 7:05 PM GMT

#101611372Monday, June 17, 2013 7:21 PM GMT

Character Name: Blaze Herty Character Gender: Male Character Age: 12 Character Species: Wizard Character Item (If on your species's description): Sword [Elements are fire, water, and earth, custom powers are Flight and Prophecy] Character Personality: Does whatever it takes to save his friends, even if it means sacrificing himself. Character Appearance: Is 5'3" and is between think and fat. He usually wears a regular orange shirt and black shoes. His hair is black, with a streak of gold. Character Bio: Blaze and his family have lived in the kingdom forever. When The Shadows attacked, he was separated from his parents in their run to the outside world. His parents had made it, but he had not, and his parents couldn't come back for him because his mom was having a baby, and the shadows attack them every time they try to get inside. Other: Bananas
#101611527Monday, June 17, 2013 7:22 PM GMT

Character Name: Lyria Stori Character Gender: Female Character Age: 15 Character Species: Elf Character Item: A small white dagger with green leaf engravings and a golden handle and a matching crown with special healing properties that she wears. (If you have a problem with the crown, just make it not magical xD) Character Personality: She's shy and it's very hard for her to trust people. She almost never gets angry, and stays calm in scary situations. She's very loyal to the few people she considers friends. Character Appearance: Long, wavy blonde hair with bangs. She normally ties it in a ponytail. She has very fair skin and golden eyes. She's 5' 2" and weighs 95lbs. She wears a white shirt, a brown leather vest, dark green leggings, and brown boots. Character Bio: She was abandoned in a forest when she was very small, and learned to live there, eventually making a home for herself in a tree. She became very good at hunting and gathering and has lived in the forest for a long time, very rarely going out. Other: Bananas
#101621300Monday, June 17, 2013 8:44 PM GMT

~CS~ Character Name: Aaron Hatakeda Character Gender: Male Character Age: 18 Character Species: Elf Character Item: Bow and quiver Character Personality: Funny and usually not paying attention Character Appearance: Spiked hair, pointed ears, handlebar, goatee, green vest, ripped camo shorts. Character Bio: Was born onto the good side and has loyal to them since he was a child and his parents were killed by shadowshifters Other: Bananas
#101622196Monday, June 17, 2013 8:51 PM GMT

Character Name: Cole Demcher Character Gender: Male Character Age: 17 (Eh....everyone is so young my bio will be a bit iffy, but whatever.) Character Species: Human Character Item (If on your species's description): A simple steel sword Character Personality: Cole likes to keep the mood light and happy, he does this by cracking dumb jokes and avoiding conflict whenever possible. Unless it's for a joke of course. Generally Cole has a carefree lifestyle, he also seems to get a kick out of teasing every girl he meets. Character Appearance: Cole has fair skin and an average build and height, he has hazel eyes and brown messy hair that sticks up in a few locations. His hair covers most of his head excluding his face. He wears a simple black longsleeve shirt and black trousers. He wears simple adventurer boots. He also wears a long black coat that reaches to his ankles, it has various pockets on it and is secured with 3 belts, Cole only buckles the top one because he thinks it looks quite cool when it is blowing in the wind. He also wears a leather bandolier with various pouches over his left shoulder complete with a sword sheathe Character Bio: Cole is a traveler, or more like a traveling job agency. He left his family due to his mother's death and his father's alcoholism, he doesn't have any siblings. He travels around the world doing odd jobs for rewards. Ranging from fighting off bandits to babysitting kids Cole does it all. He even had to be a date to a ball once. He takes payment in either training him in a skill or gold. He is fully trained to use dual swords and he has been trained to be a thief on multiple occasions (Pickpocketing, Lock Picking, speech craft.) Other: BEEEENANERS
#101684957Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:06 AM GMT

( Everyone accepted but Hawk more detail on character appearance , Bio and personality. )
#101685051Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:08 AM GMT

( Also Seblene you're character is kinda a Marry sue. Give her a flaw. or 2.
#101689638Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:22 AM GMT

Character Name: Jack Kingsbury Character Gender: Male Character Age: 19 Character Species: Shapeshifter. Can change into a liger, wolf and golden eagle. (Look it up if you don't know what thy look like. Liger color: Grey/black Wolf color: Black Eagle color: Dark golden with faint black highlights. His eyes stay the same. Character Item: A medium sized black book. Character Personality: Jack is a rather quiet guy. He is kind when you get to know him. Very protective. Thoughtful. Smart. Character Appearance: Jack stands about 6'1 and has very bright blue eyes, with a scar over his right eye, black spiked hair, and has a good build. He wears a long dark grey, almost black trench coat, with chains hanging from his chest pockets over a red buttoned shirt and black pants with a black belt and a strap going over his shoulder. He also wears a small silver key around his neck. When he shape shifts, his eyes stay the same shade of blue. Character Bio: Jack was always a pretty quiet, mysterious being. At the age of 16, he was disowned by his family for deciding to turn his back on the family trade. His family had been a band of assassins who made their way by killing for gold or other means of pay. He had been killing since the young age of 12, and didnt enjoy it. He decided his family was rather sick and moved on with his life. He now travels place to place, doing good deeds for gold and making enough to survive. His name was known to quite a few for his acts of kindness, but he didnt really care about titles. Having no friends, he has no reason to hang about any place for very long and barely ever stays in one place for over a month unless he has a good reason to. Other: Bananas yo ;]
#101689786Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:24 AM GMT

Wait I wanna change my character item to a long golden sword with a dragon crest on the handle. Lolol.
#101690865Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:43 AM GMT

Character Name: Adam Zorrow Character Gender: Male Character Age: 42 Character Species: Shadowshifter Character Item (If on your species's description): Walking cane with a hidden knife launcher inside of it. It fires knives from the tip of it. Character Personality: Adam Zorrow is a miserable person. He's in constant pain, which is why he walks with a cane, and enjoys making everybody around him miserable. He hates people, and is very cynical and often sarcastic. Character Appearance: He has a dark fedora on his head. He wears very dark pants and a grey shirt. He wears an un-buttoned black trenchcoat and is always seen with a walking cane in his right hand, keeping it in time with steps from his left leg. His eyes are pure black. Character Bio: Adam Zorrow is a man who had his life ruined. At the age of 27, his left leg was crippled from a venomous bite by a Serpentine. He began walking with a cane. His leg is always in pain, making him miserable. He was a human at this time. However, one day, he was given an offer. He could be turned into a Shadowshifter, which would take some of the pain away, but not all of it. He took this offer, and was trained in the ways of the shadows. In the end, he was consumed by the darkness he allowed to enter him. Although he is crippled, he is a very powerful Shadowshifter, using the darkness and stealth to his advantage. However, when confronted in a fight, he usually flees into darkness, due to his handicap. Because of this, one of the other Shadowshifters modified his cane, allowing it to fire knives at his enemies by hitting a button just below the hooked handle of the cane. Other: Bananas.
#101813244Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:58 AM GMT

Both accepted.
#101813678Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:04 AM GMT

#101815443Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:30 AM GMT

Coolio, when do we start?
#101888516Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:06 PM GMT

( Anytime. )
#101889679Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

Character Name: Drake Hoz Character Gender: Male Character Age: 18 Character Species: Wizard Character Item (If on your species's description): Long wood-like wand, magical glove to protect from wizard-craft magic. Character Personality: Jock-like appearance, spoiled, but has a kind heart to all whoever is nice. Character Appearance: Is 6'3" and is strong, not fat, either skinny or buff. Wears a Black Robe with White Star in the middle. Has trecky hair, and in-style shoes. Character Bio: He lives with his single mother, as his father left him. Also swores to protect his mom, in any stipulation. Won't ever let his mother down due to the fact she has carried him on her back for years. Other:
#101891241Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:30 PM GMT

Character Name: Sola Strikon Character Gender: Female Character Age: 15 Character Species: Neko, Has a lion's ears and tail. Character Item (If on your species's description): A black headdress gem. It has fire magic embedded in it, and on occasion, she uses it. Character Personality: like the lioness, she is the strong, silent type. Her trust is not easy to earn. Thoughtful and considerate, she has excellent deductive skills. She is firmly on the side of good. She is blunt and straightforward. Character Appearance: tall, slender, and fair-skinned, she has yellow eyes with cat-like pupils. Her hair is black, and is worn in a short, spiky ponytail. She wears all black, with a white studded necklace. Her shirt is a blouse, her shorts are denim, and she has tall boots. Character Bio: N/A Other: bananas.
#101909802Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:10 AM GMT

(Oh, sorry, I was tired when I made my CS xD Uhm...we'll just say that she's EXTREMELY clumsy. Like, it's not even funny how clumsy she is.)
#101920270Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:35 AM GMT

( K, Also Legi more detail on personality, so not accepted also the other person is not accepted.
#101920737Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

(Going to join.)
#101944259Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:28 AM GMT

( k. You can start. )
#101995488Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

#102020063Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

Alki, Walks around Calistare forest " Hmmm... "
#102022006Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

(Could I still join? This looks like fun :3)

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