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#101615296Monday, June 17, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

Alright, so this is a new RP I am making. I will explain the rules shortly. But first, you must make a character. So here is how to do this. Name: Race: (human, dark elf, high elf, wood elf, orc, etc.) RP Age Hometown: (create your own town) Weapons: Magicka: Appearance: Personality: Background: A the beginning you are a prisoner who is charged of a crime that you have not committed. You escape. The rest of the story is up to you ! :smile: Rules: 1. No god-modding. God-modding is when you say "I eat pie and the world blows up. The end" or something like that. Don't ruin the RP for everyone. 2. Have fun! In this RP, you can do what you want. If you find a team of bandits and you join them, fine! You find a key on the ground and it unlocks a dungeon with a dragon in it, fine! Try to make it medieval ,though. Don't say "I hop into a flying car and go to the planet Tatooine." Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!
#101617359Monday, June 17, 2013 8:11 PM GMT

OK, then. I shall make my character first. Name:Merek Whitestorm Race:Dark Elf RP Age: 35 Hometown: unknown Weapons:Long bow and quiver, two scimitars, two Elvish daggers Magicka: none Appearance: Obviously he has dark skin and big ears. He has brown eyes and black hair. He is tall like most Elves. Personality: Serious, rarely talks. He doesn't make jokes often, but when he does they are sarcastic. Background:Merek was abandoned by his parents at an early age and never had a home. Merek traveled everywhere looking for work. He was often mistreated because he was a Dark Elf. One day he was hired for a job at a blacksmith shop. He worked there until he earned enough money to travel again. He became a knight and conquered many countries. See, not that hard!

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