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#101663519Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:24 AM GMT

Madrek is awaken, by sounds of shooting, grunting, and screaming. He wakes up, startled, grabbing on a jacket and sprinting downstairs into the shop area, where his father worked, and where they lived. He almost immediately gets shielded, by his father and is hidden behind the counter. "What the hell are you doing, Madrek?!' He says, with a pistol in his hand. "Dad... what's going on?" Madrek replies, worriedly. "We need to run away now. Don't worry." Madrek soon realized who the attackers were, a small assault group from HiveCore. "We have to send you to Esoteria. You'll be protected there." "What's Esot--" A bullet hits the wall above them, his father ducking, and running, shooting at random into the soldiers. They finally get into the clear, and walk to the ships tiredly. His father pays the driver, and Madrek travels to Esoteria, in silence. Madrek wakes up, a woman looking at him, with a few people in Dark uniforms. "Welcome, to Esoteria. You must be Madrek...?" Madrek nods, "Who're you?" "Daenarys Valoryn." she states. "You've arrived at Palace Xyrna. Your father wanted you to be here, so I suppose-- you are now a part of Crystal Nations Military. Congratulations, you are now Militia." ~~~OTHER INFORMATION~~ If you are part of Crystal Nation, PM me your characters name and I will add you into the story at some point! ~~Character List of this chapter~~ Madrek Valoryn / Father: SkullzShadow Daenarys Valoryn: Crystal55 (Epic leader of CN.)
#101668044Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:01 AM GMT

Epic so far, man. I'll link you to my story when I finish it. Good job. Add me, though! ~Stratoso Valoryn
#101668079Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:01 AM GMT

That was pretty good
#101676085Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:15 AM GMT

Thank you guys! ^-^ Trying to add everyone I can to make the story more interesting.
#101685274Tuesday, June 18, 2013 6:12 AM GMT

Add my char Jack? He's 19, blonde hair, blue eyes, about 6'1 with a strong build. :D? Awesome story btw :]
#101701667Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:35 PM GMT

*laughs* Good story, but the milita sentence, I cracked up.
#101701729Tuesday, June 18, 2013 12:37 PM GMT

And I need a group.
#101736557Tuesday, June 18, 2013 7:10 PM GMT

Add little Zukaria~ (Shes 5 Btw if you didnt know <3) c:

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