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#101926462Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:29 AM GMT

1. We need gifs! Actual decals that can move without much scripting in-game. The gifs are up to 5-15 seconds long and cost 20 robux too make one. 2. We need to be able to change the background color of Roblox. White is too bright and hurts peoples eyes at night (aha that rhymed) 3. We need to make our OWN soundtracks. This will cost 50 robux to make and the limit is 30 seconds long. Too protect users, this is moderated, and (optional) it needs to be in a robotic voice, cartoon voice, or using voices ONLY from that show. 4. We need to change how we comment. I see the new 3600 rule and that is NOT AS EFFECTIVE as my idea. Roblox needs to cut the time IN HALF (1800 seconds, or 30 minutes) and it needs to be a GLOBAL thing (forums excluded) this means; if you comment on a game, you can't comment on ANYTHING else for 30 minutes. This will reduce spam around 20-40% and does not take a lot of work too make. 5. Roblox needs to have more ticket hats. Yes I know, Robux is the best and trade currency and blah blah, but the only thing NBC'ers get is some cheap looking hats for 10 tickets. And it's not even original, (Refer to the 2011-2013 caps) just retextures of the same hat. 6. Roblox needs to have more image moderators, as moderating image is going by slower now. I would gladly volunteer for it, as I upload tons of decals 24/7 and now it's taking a day or more too moderate. True I need patientence, but as the sight grows, more people want too post images, and there is no more than 10 image mods (Or so I'm assuming). This is too much of a job, and I heard that image mods aren't getting paid (I highly doubt that) 7. Roblox needs emoticons (optional) and they need bold, italic, and different changing colors for the forums. This may be a pointless update, but it would be good for rants like this to outline the important stuff you need to see. I.E: Examples, where to look, etc. 8. Roblox also needs to be able to upload real pictures of CELEBRITIES. I hate it when I can't post a picture of a person, when EVERYONE in the world sees them in the world everyday. I.E: Stephen Hawking, Oprah, etc. The image mods were also easier going in the past and allowed people to post celebs, but now it's being so cracked down it's ridiculous. This is all for now. I may post more in the future.
#101926810Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:32 AM GMT

Support all "If you want peace prepare for war"
#101926946Thursday, June 20, 2013 3:34 AM GMT

9.NBC'ers and BC'ers need to be able to donate Robux between each other. (Well bc'ers to nbc'ers) The max is 50 robux EVERY WEEK or EVERY THREE DAYS. This will make more generous ROBLOXians and cut down on "plz donate" to friends. 10. WE NEED CHARACTER TURN-AROUNDS IN THE CHARACTER mode. I can't express how much we need this. Or we can have two photos of robloxians on the character page, one for the front, one on the back. This will make it so that you don't have to go in game, reset everytime you don't like the outfit to change it, etc.
#101930906Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:13 AM GMT

1, no if ur pc is crap like my laptop it just will crash 2, ye 3, no well they removed it for a reason 4, no 1800 seconds is way to much 5, ye 6. ye 7, ye 8, no >Copyright< yolo
#101931812Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:22 AM GMT

Le bump?
#101931888Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:23 AM GMT

11. We, builders need to be able to keep track of our OWN GAMES TOO. This may be a BC only feature, and we get too post key words that we don't want people using to be able to ban them directly, just not kick them from the game. (I.E: If I put hack as a blocked word, and the person says something associated with it, the owners can take direct offense to them. Yes I know there are scripts for this and blah blah, but I want to deal with the problem DIRECTLY. 12. We need to know what people favorited our place. This will be a GREAT feature too have for people and we can see of course, who favorited our place. No backup story :C
#101932447Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

13. Roblox needs an edit post for forums you posted on. This will make it more accessible for you to change your post instead of getting another post count and fixing the error you made.
#101932462Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:30 AM GMT

"2. We need to be able to change the background color of Roblox. White is too bright and hurts peoples eyes at night (aha that rhymed) " There is a Chrome Extension that allows you to change it to whatever you want. Right now mine is a purple-checkered color. im actually a carrot.
#101932748Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:33 AM GMT

@Backfiring Some kids don't know how to get those.
#101933189Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:38 AM GMT

Yeah, but it is really easy. im actually a carrot.
#101934085Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:48 AM GMT

1. Not sure what to say on this. 2. "White is too bright" turn computer's brightness down. 3. Support. 4. 3600 seconds is fine. 5. You live in ignorance. ROBLOX had released quite a few ticket items in the last few months. We now have NBC packages as well. 6. The income that ROBLOX gets, a large chunk of it will be used to pay the 70 staff that work there. 7. Support. Nice ideas. 8. Since when was Stephen Hawking a celebrity? He's a science bloke.
#101934469Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:52 AM GMT

@Surf Celebs and famous folk
#101935018Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:58 AM GMT

8.Im not sure about this ROBLOX will allow only American celebrites if an Italian/Greek/Germanian etc Posts a decal of a Italian/Greek/Germanian Celebrite ROBLOX staff will think is a rl photo of the person you posted that decal.Anyway its hard to know every celebrite in the world whenver always new celebrites come out.

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