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#102259606Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:46 AM GMT

In Amestris there exists a load of people who can use a thing called Alchemy. This was used in everyday life revolving around the Laws of Equivalent Exchange. This basically means You use something to obtain something else with less or equal value. This was used for fixing things or helping others. Within Alchemy someone created State Alchemists wether if they actually used Alchemy or not is completely up to them. There has been some famous people around the State Alchemists people like Roy Mustang the Flame Alchemist or Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist. Roy Mustang was a hero of the Ishball war and Edward Elric he's known for having Automail Leg and Arm. But just more then that. I guess you'll have to find out about that your self now won't you?... (4th Wall Break) This takes place along time away from people known as them. Possibly about 100 to 200 years. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: No Godmodding No Random Killing Basic Rp Stuff -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Sheet: Name: A.g.e: Gender: Race:(Human,Homunculi,Bounded to Armor? etc) Have you seen the Gate of Truth?:(This allows to Transmute Alchemy without a table by clapping your hands. But this has to be approved.) How you saw the gate of Truth?:(Still goes with the gate of truth and has to be approved) Story:(Bio pretty much) Appearance: Do you use Alchemy?:(this does not have to be approved) If Homunculi: How were you Created?: Powers?:(Has to be approved.) Ouroboros Tattoo Spot?: If Giant Suit of Armor like thing: How Did you Get Bounded?: Appearance?: (Different from Actual appearance)
#102259960Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:51 AM GMT

Forgot Somethings Dangit >.> Extra: Do You Automail Parts? If So were?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Sheet: Name:Shaun Ayamakai A.g.e:19 Gender:Male Race:Human Have you seen the Gate of Truth?: Yes How you saw the gate of Truth?: Shaun tried bringing his dead brother back to life using Human Transmutation the greatest Forbidden Taboo to all Alchemists. Appearance:He has Black hair (Kinda like my Robloxian Appearance) He also wears a blue jacked and black shirt. He also wears Loose Black Pants. Do you use Alchemy?:Yes Do You Automail Parts? If So were?:He lost his Right Arm in the process due to Equivalent Exchange.
#102260005Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:51 AM GMT

(*Process of Bringing his brother back*)
#102265516Saturday, June 22, 2013 12:54 PM GMT

(I would join, if I actually watched the show. :3)
#102267315Saturday, June 22, 2013 1:12 PM GMT

(sad face) (I can find a FMA in a nutshell video for you)
#102285338Saturday, June 22, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

#102298698Saturday, June 22, 2013 5:18 PM GMT

Bump :/
#102584922Monday, June 24, 2013 2:59 PM GMT

Le Sigh. Bump.

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