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#102675060Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:34 AM GMT

Is not the 'bad roleplayers,' it's the elitists. If someone makes an RP that's simple and unsophisticated... ignore it. Seriously. See this?: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=102664215 How much would it hurt you people to just ignore it. The people RPing in it seem like they're having fun. That's what we're all here to do, right? Have fun. Share ideas. Write stories together. Do you have fun telling people to leave, that they don't belong in this community? Who are YOU to tell people where they belong? This is a community established by ROBLOX for people to roleplay. They are roleplaying. They are abiding by all present rules (and if they're not, report them) and thus are in the right here. What IS against the rules is trolling, flaming and general disrespect of other forum-goers. The people breaking the rules are the people who act like they own the place. You are the problem with 'your' community. If you don't want to RP in their RPs, don't post there. Stick to your RPs. If someone who does not roleplay how you like posts in your thread, then politely point out it isn't the RP for them. The way people improve in roleplaying sophistication is by just roleplaying and learning naturally. If you look at some of my first threads from my original account, I was in very simple and unsophisticated threads. Because that's a natural start. I roleplaying in the VAMPIRE VERSUS WEREWOLF GRRR threads and had fun. No one stepped in and told me I did anything wrong, because I did nothing wrong. I had fun and followed the rules. I got better because I saw sophisticated threads and people and wanted to join in, and presented myself properly to them. That is natural escalation of writing skill and sophistication. What is NOT natural escalation is people coming into a thread to tell them they're doing everything wrong and to show them the 'right' way to roleplay. There is no right way. The only right way is to have fun. To enjoy yourselves. If you're having fun, great, continue having fun and abide by the rules! If you're someone who doesn't have fun because OTHER PEOPLE ARE HAVING FUN IN A WAY YOU DON'T LIKE, you don't belong here. TL;DR: stop ruining other people's fun because it's different from yours.
#102675492Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:37 AM GMT

yeyeyeyeye testify
#102675570Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:37 AM GMT

We do what we want. We rebel against this. c:
#102675598Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

By the way, hi Pyyre. Haven't seen you in a while.
#102675707Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

I don't really know you, but you have my respect =D
#102678007Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:56 AM GMT

Anyone criticizing the OP (no matter how inflammatory) is doing so as a means to get the OP to maybe re-think their means of improving their RP and having a higher quality RP the next time around. They could be doing so by either telling OP to "Get out u scrub" or do so by giving constructive ways to improve the RP, no matter how unnecessary it seems. To quote a user in that thread: "But seriously, Creepypasta RPs aren't good. Only people who are new will join this. Plus, where's the plot? How did she come to exist? You need more rules too." Okay, so it wasn't delivered in the nicest of ways, but the point was made - there are ways to make your RP better, and if you get some constructive criticism, listen to it because it'll make your life much better. Don't listen to outright inflammatory posts as they won't serve any real utility in the end. And finally, remember to re-think your RPing to gradually make it better. So no, you really shouldn't really confuse what some of our users are doing as forcing natural selection on a forum scale. It's more along the lines of displaying criticism - both in good and bad ways, which one can easily improve their roleplaying both with and without.
#102678309Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:58 AM GMT

To provide specific examples from the thread provided: "your username gave me cancer" --at900 How is this an appropriate remark? Cancer is a serious matter, and her name did not give you anything of the sort. I wouldn't be shocked if you could be banned for that comment. Anyways, if her username is bad, report it. If it is not bad, but bothers you, then man up a little and ignore it. "You seem experienced." --superboy5519 She seems inexperienced, so this is obvious sarcasm. But it's also sarcasm that didn't need to be said. Did you enrich anyone's experience by saying this? Was a little smug satisfaction from remarking on someone's apparent inexperience in the forum really worth the time involved? "Go. Leave and never come back. Jk. But seriously, Creepypasta RPs aren't good. Only people who are new will join this. Plus, where's the plot? How did she come to exist? You need more rules too." --jackson61 Initial comment was rude and unnecessary. And who cares if new people join the thread? If they have fun, that's alright. Why are plot, backstory, rules or anything else essential? If people understand the concept and have fun with it as a result, then they're doing fine. "She can smash a pole into someone's head? Terrifying" --at900 While I appreciate the attempt to be critical and help out, you could also do it in a far less condescending and sarcastic manner. "Out. Get out." --Acombinationofboth This is a rude comment meant only to make someone feel unwelcome, because you have deemed they are not worthy of being a part of a community you not only DID NOT MAKE, but a community made for people MORE LIKE THEM THAN YOU. "*Flipthetable.jpg*" --jackson61 Rude comment with an attempt to be funny. Does it really ENRAGE you that people are having fun in a thread that doesn't interest you? "Please. Leave. I already tried helping, and you ignore. No other choice." --jackson61 Why does it matter to you? They can have fun. You aren't helpful. If you were helpful, you'd PM them with suggestions for future reference and wish them well as best you could. "Your mother has crashed. Into Earth." --jackson61 You're hilarious. "If this succeeds, I'm leaving Roblox." --jackson61 Why? Why does it bother you if people have fun in a way you don't have fun? "This thread is so bad, not even kids accept it." --jackson61 The thread has three people in it, they seem to be having fun, too! They're accepting it. If you can't, go off and make your own threads in a way you have fun. "It saddens me that nobody has offered constructive criticism and has instead displayed blatant and uncalled for rudeness. The only people who should 'get out' are you senseless idiots who claim to be decent role-players with some high authority that allows you to tell people to 'get out...'" --WickedFrenchFry This is good. This is helpful. The rest of it seems to be an attempt to control how they have fun, though. Let them do what they do. "http://borderlineinsane.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/megafp2.png" --jackson61 You're hilarious. "Go back to your yoloswag. Nobody wants people like you here, meaning your username, ill leave the trolling to Mr. Jackson" --WiiGeekster If they're having fun together, I'd assume they want eachother here. Who are you to assume they, and everyone else, hates them? How pretentious, assuming your opinion is that of the masses. "jeff the killer: i saw this girl in front of me and i stab her. she drops her stupid metal pole. i dont care for life. In other words: Please leave." --jackson61 You're fairly persistent in your attempts to make them feel bad about having fun, going as far as to pretend to be in-character (meanwhile mocking their grammar) to do so. Once again, why should they leave? They're having fun, you're just trying to ruin that for them. "Why..." --Gaara12368 Because they have fun this way. "This rp has no plot. And don't get me started on the Grammar..." --Gaara12368 So? If they have fun, more power to them. Also, you started a sentence with "and" and capitalised "grammar." Poor grammar yourself.
#102679072Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:03 AM GMT

Pyyre, I think you misinterpreted WickedFrenchFry's comment. She was addressing the condescending critics, rather than the OP or any members of the RP, by the looks of her comment.
#102679086Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:03 AM GMT

I believe everyone involved in that is with the Bebi-cult crowd. Bebi never roleplays, simply drives people off. I sometimes wish we could drive him off, to solve the problem.
#102679316Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:05 AM GMT

Tai, I was speaking on the whole post. I was commending her for scolding the people being offensive, rude and mean, but was criticising the fact that she took the time in the middle of an active RP to go over how it's 'supposed to be done.' It should've been done by PM if anything.
#102679449Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:06 AM GMT

Still, I may not have such great grammar myself but at least I know the basics. Also, who are you to tell us what we can and can't do?
#102679455Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:06 AM GMT

there is a dangerest new creepypasta out and her name is bloodhead. (anything can happen in the roleplay) RULES: 1.No G-modding[of course] 2.No-one can play Bloodhead 3.NO trolling 4.be nice 5.up to 3 characters ok here the character sheet CHARACTER SHEET: Name: A.ge: Gender: Small bio: Apearance: Weapons/Items:[knive phone etc etc] Creepypasta or human?: -CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM- Not bad, there's a set of rules and a character sheet. Grammar needs to be touched up, and there needs to be waaaay more story. -DESTRUCTIVE CRITICISM- l0l nub get out you suck we rebel against what you do
#102679478Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:06 AM GMT

>> elitist >> no bebi quotes wtf is this madness
#102679681Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:08 AM GMT

Oh. Alright then.
#102679841Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:09 AM GMT

I was only stating my opinion too. Since when is that so bad?
#102679855Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:09 AM GMT

Quasar, I was using a recent thread. I know about Bebi. Gaara, I'm criticising your actions because you seem to be the kind of person who complains about the lack of good threads and goes into threads you deem bad to insult the people present. If you drive away the newcomers, you rely on people coming in who are already 'good,' which is rare. This is a place to have fun and grow in storytelling skill. You people insult and ruin fun and drive people away from growing in skill. You're killing the community.
#102680088Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:11 AM GMT

H.itler was only stating his opinion. Does that make him bad? Yes it does. It makes you bad too. Now stop.
#102680288Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:12 AM GMT

I was stubborn to learn.
#102680415Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:13 AM GMT

I guess I was being a jerk to them. I could been more constructive.
#102680500Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:14 AM GMT

"Community" I already know that we have a community, but we're not the only ones that are driving it to insanity.
#102680604Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:15 AM GMT

Gaara, Thank you. Please, for the future, try to be nice to other forum-goers and respect the styles of others. We want to enrich the community for all involved.
#102680846Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:16 AM GMT

The reason why I evolved was I was stubborn to leave. Now my first thread that had some actual role players was Where The Supernaturals Are Born.
#102680963Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:17 AM GMT

Jackson, If someone makes a roleplay you wouldn't enjoy roleplaying in, don't post in it. Simple as that. Make your roleplays and have fun with like-minded people. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
#102680969Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:17 AM GMT

@Dex. Mind bumping my Game Development?
#102681046Tuesday, June 25, 2013 2:18 AM GMT

For the last few minutes I've been trying to formulate a response and, well, this is it. This thread has enlightened me in a way and, more importantly, given me a better perspective on this whole situation. I suppose it just never occurred to me that, hey, I should let them have fun, as I did when I was a newcomer in the Role-Playing Forum. I let personal preferences guide me, so to speak, and, because of that, I was led to believe that I was doing good in my reply to "Bloodhead." But, you've brought it to my attention that that's not necessarily the right thing to do, and, although that thread was against my preferences and liking, I should've let them be. The point of this forum is to have fun, right? However, moving on from my mistake, I'm still rather upset about the people who were saying such terrible, brutal things such as "get out" and such. It sickens me really. But, finally, I just want to thank you for this thread.

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