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#102906601Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:24 PM GMT

RUSSIA: This is a Interactive Nation RolePlay, here I give you the problems, the highlights and the events happening in and out of your country. It is up to you to build your country up, parties will come and try to take over, riots and rebellions may occur. Though all of this is decided by you, if you have a perfect country, no riots and rebellions. Raise or lower the taxes, set the speed limits. You are the leader. Guide your country through your years. EVENTS: More business growing in Russia. Major immgration to China. Cyber threats on defensive systems OUTSIDE EVENTS: Recents riots in Italy. FBI system hacked. British/US forces leave Afghanistan -Put them down-
#102906895Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:27 PM GMT

Secure the defense systems better, getting all the cyber people we can.
#102908887Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:41 PM GMT

EVENTS: People from Uni and college come and secure your defence systems and 27 attempted hacks have been disabled and 15 of the laptops IP have been translated and the police are sent into to arrest them. A Russian computer company has risen: Обеспеченные, translated into Secured. They spend 4,000,000 Ruble on making a gaming computer, it is good and is said to be catching up on Microsoft, Apple, AMD and Intel. More employment has jobs rise. FBI wants to buy the blueprint of your secure defence system, as their are more and more attacks on FBI system. A Russian group starts to make pirated versions of [Pay-to-play] game for even cheaper and better and start getting more money. DO YOU ALLOW THIS GROUP? OUTSIDE EVENTS: Italy's economy grows. Recent terrorist attack in the bay of Italy. FBI hacker had a shootout in Madrid and is said to have escaped to South Africa. South African police start to look for the hacker. Barrack Obama says "We will find the hacker, he is harming our public by destroying our special police departments" -Put them down-
#102909815Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:47 PM GMT

-I will have a meeting with Obama -I don't allow the group -I will give the FBI the blueprints in return for 500,000 American dollars.
#102911837Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:02 PM GMT

EVENTS: Politicians call the selling of the blueprint for 5K$ is a joke. Obama decides that the UN will be deployed in North Africa, since Italy have pushed them back defending Europe. The group moves to China where they allow them. Secure does well and is thinking of selling of "The Best Graphics card yet". OUTSIDE EVENTS: French/Canadian/England/US/Italian forces delpoyed in Northern Egypt to destory terrorism. G8 meeting in Berlin [You are in the G8] -Put them down-
#102916585Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:35 PM GMT

Send a Rep. to the G8 meeting, I will fly to D.C. to see Obama. I say to the FBI "Fine, then keep getting attacked while were watching laughing while were safe.
#102919331Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:55 PM GMT

Italy beats your Cyber System by 10% in tech making you the 2nd best cyber system. You outdate the FBI's Russian cyber system to make it was it's worth, the earlist version, the FBI then sell it off and look for a new one. China would like trade rights with you. A vote is going on as you have missed another G8 meeting, you have to go there yourself. You are in danger of being exiled from the G8. RT [Russia Today] looks at the Russian military as it lives in poor conditons. -Put them down-
#102919921Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

All men over 18 must enlist, and then when war comes, the draft will begin. I schedule a meeting with Obama. Update the cyber system by hiring in China. China will get trade rights once they get rid of those immigrants we banished for a reason.
#102921514Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:09 PM GMT

(What war, and anyway, many countries could turn against you if you start to force men to work in the army) China arrests the group, Italy says NO about voting you of, so does America. Tech and economy in Italy rises and by GDP Italy is 5th in the world largest/greatest economies. They start to trade dead animals and many stashes of currency for Uranium and other resources. UN forces head to Cairo. The cyber system is still low, you might need to get a Russian-friendly company to help update it and make it better then Italy. Riots start after you force men to work in the army. You schedule the meeting with Obama. -Put them down-
#102922194Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:15 PM GMT

(Any future war, and there just like during Vietnam, there in the draft but they have to enlist first. and of what?) Russia gets the company яблоко to come and help them. I meet with Obama and tell him if there is ever a need, we will be at your side. I send riot officers to calm them down, while I say I will speak, and I make sure to wear a bullet proof vest.
#102922520Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:17 PM GMT

(It seems like there will be no war, we are in the 2000s ya'know.) Secured [Is that what you want] comes in but would like to be payed 2,000,000 Ruble. Riots being to decline, just like employment. -Put them down-
#102922909Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:20 PM GMT

Goodnight -Put them down-
#102923165Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:22 PM GMT

(IK, but things can get crazy.) I offer them 1,500,999 Ruble A new business forms, "Soviet Gaming" and is in need of people. Russia begins building nukes secretly, but we plan to not use it, for now. The speech begins "Citizens of mother Russia, we must not get mad for something that may not happen. This is only to protect our wives and children. Would you stand back and watch us get attacked, watching your wife and children suffer? Well I am not gonna watch it."
#102998946Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:58 AM GMT

1 Nuclear bomb was created, but it is digging into your funds. A strike in teachers is going on as their pay is very low, only 45 roubles per day, they are mass-rioting. Military is now higher. UN forces and Italy attack Cairo. A new PC gaming company called Digitato [Typed, Italian] is on the race with the Russian Secured. Secured starts to overswamp AMD's business. -Put them down-
#103015660Thursday, June 27, 2013 12:24 PM GMT

Have a game making company create a new version of cut the rope. offer teachers a 5 rubles a day, take it or leave it. Ask UN if they need troops into Cairo.
#103015703Thursday, June 27, 2013 12:24 PM GMT

*5 ruble raise
#103027224Thursday, June 27, 2013 2:57 PM GMT

The teachers continue to riot, having just 105 roubles isn't enough to live on. Italy funds Greece. -Put them down-
#103028287Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:09 PM GMT

Tell the teachers if they don't stop rioting bad things will happen. I start a G8 meeting in Moscow Russia.
#103151765Friday, June 28, 2013 9:03 AM GMT

They take this as a threat and more people join the teachers: [This is interactive, the riots are turning into an army and soon it will become a revolutionary war, you could be the leader of this riot: Джейкоб Кин Jacob Kin] Italy's economy is in a standstill. Your forces and the UN/Italian continue in Egypt. A Russian gun manufacturer called Огонь и оружие [Fire & Guns] start to make a new assualt rifle called: JINJAR-213 A automatic rifle, good iron sights, able to have Suppressor, Red Dot sight, Masterkey. A bit heavy, but overall it's good. It is up to you to fund them correctly and give them their needs, this gun could be vital if there is a war. -Put them down-
#103206261Friday, June 28, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

#104785048Tuesday, July 09, 2013 6:56 PM GMT

I finish creating the nuke and send it to where Jacob stays.

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