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#103040308Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:00 PM GMT

Paid access games is no different than DLC, and I hate DLC. For those who don't know, DLC or Downloadable Content is content later released as an add on for a game...for money. That's right, they charge money for content that should've been included on the disc to begin with. And this is no different. ROBLOX wants to charge us to play FREE games that should be FREE to begin with. Firstly, if you have to pay to play it, it isn't free, so this "A free game by..." doesn't even apply to all games anymore. Secondly, no, it won't keep "noobs" out since their are PLENTY of noobs that have a BC membership. Thirdly, do you REALLY wanna pay to play your favorite ROBLOX game? No. You don't.
#103040559Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:02 PM GMT

No, ROBLOX is not charging you. The PLACE CREATOR will charge you a fixed, one time, price. Again, as I've stated around twenty times today this feature has a lot of advantages and disadvantages which weigh the feature out overall. If you don't like it, don't play the games that ask you to pay. Also, the game is still FREE because ROBUX AND TICKETS DO NOT have a monetary value.
#103041304Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:08 PM GMT

@Des No, it's NOT free. Free means that you can use the service, free of ANY charge. And virtual charge or not, if there's a charge, it is NOT free. And what if I WANT to play the games that ask us to pay? Does that mean it's another one of those "lol deal with it and buy bc" features?
#103041688Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:11 PM GMT

Yes, it is free. ROBLOX is advertised as a 'free to play' game which it is, regardless of this update. Virtual currency does not count towards ROBLOX's advertisement, because as stated it does not have any monetary value. It is the place creators choice if they wish to use this feature, and if they do it has several drawbacks, so please... Stop being obnoxious.
#103042161Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:15 PM GMT

I'm not being obnoxious. Not wanting a horrible updated forced upon the community AGAIN =/= being obnoxious. No, it's NOT FREE. If there's a charge of ANY KIND, then it is NOT free. If something only costs say, eBay bucks, then is it free? No, it still had a charge.
#103042480Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:17 PM GMT

Say no to terrorists who think they are kingly. Say no to people who want to destroy every update. Say no to people who make roblox ignorant. Say no to this. Say yes to open, benevolent critisism. Something this post lacks. You want to help? Tell them how to improve paid access games. Not how to destroy paid access games. ¬_¬ Good thing I don't get bored of repeating the same thing over and over again.
#103042595Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:18 PM GMT

I'm going to disagree and agree with both of you. ROBLOX is NOT free becaue you are paying hundreds of dollars just to get a simple membership. It IS free because you can play any game you want. And again, robux and tix don't have a monetary value.
#103042760Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:19 PM GMT

@Des: Get out. ----------------------------------------------------- And please say how to improve it if possible, though I most defiantly do NOT SUPPORT. This will give game copiers more profit, and would allow them to gain the front page again, I personally think ROBLOX shouldn't put Pay 2 Play.
#103042858Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:20 PM GMT

You really are grasping at nothing here, are we? Sure, they're "forcing it on us" but they really aren't. They are leaving it to the place creator, and if they wish to use it they can but with that comes a few disadvantages which balance this system out. eBay Bucks are given to you on some products, which you can then use to buy more items, so in a way they are free. They're just thrown in with some purchases, a bit like how the 'Rakuten Group' give you points on some purchases, which you can then spend. You do not technically buy them individually with real money, and they do not hold any monetary value as they're virtual. ROBLOX is still free, even if this is added or not. They're not asking you to pay a monthly subscription to get into a game, nor are they asking you to pay a fee to even enter the site or change your avatar. Stop being overly dramatic (now) and obnoxious.
#103043078Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:22 PM GMT

Desp, get out. You're missing the whole point. It IS being forced upon us, because the majority of users DON'T WANT IT, yet they're still going to implement it. Know what else was forced upon us? 2.0, 3.0, and BC only places. They SAID it was going to be optional, yet the site is starting to focus more and more on BC. No one is being over dramatic. No one but you is being obnoxious.
#103043376Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:24 PM GMT

@Sun, Oh yes, please let me get out. I cannot voice an opinion, or have an argument/debate about said item, because here we're not equals. Right? This feature does not give game copiers more profit, it is a one time fee and it prevents them from uncopylocking their place or from closing their comments. This makes it easy for an individual to tell you if the place is copied or not, through the comments. The rating system can also be utilised. --- @Marble, No, you sir are missing the point. It is an entirely optional feature, which is being hyped up so much that people are screaming 'ITSSSSS THHHEEE ENNNNDDDD OOFFFF ROOOBLLLOOOXX'. It is the place creators option, not yours. Also, please note that some people already manage a subscription based game through gamepasses, they're doing nothing new.
#103043582Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:26 PM GMT

BC only places is optional, does that mean that it isn't complete BS? 3.0 and 2.0 were optional for a long time, yet they were still eventually forced on us Who's to say that this won't be something completely different?
#103043928Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:29 PM GMT

@Des: Use your brain please. 1. The copiers style there game a bit, make it look legit by changing the description, place image, and title of the place to fit what game they are trying to make it appear to be. 2. They allow pay-2-play 3. They advertise it, and close the comments. 4. Users pay the amount to play the game that looks cool, and guess what? Its a copied level. How'd you not think of that...
#103044157Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:31 PM GMT

I am using my brain, you however are not. Extract from the blog: Are there any restrictions on selling access? Paid access games must be copylocked. Comments for paid games are enabled and cannot be turned off. (Player feedback is especially important for these games.) Paid games must be available to anyone that has bought access. (E.g. they cannot be ‘Friends Only’.) Paid games must comply with all aspects of our Terms of Service. That has just eliminated point three and four. Also, remember there's a rating system now which reflects greatly on the game in question.
#103044190Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:31 PM GMT

This new feature, it takes away the definition of roblox being a free to play game. Not to mention, people in the refund system can just take their money back, even if the game wasn't a scam. So already they'res a problem other than it being not free: The owner wouldn't make any profit because you could just join the game, do whatever it is to do on there, leave, and get your money refunded.
#103044381Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:32 PM GMT

@Des The money doesn't go interely to the game creator, didn't you look at the screenshots of the update. If a game costs 50 robux to enter, the game creator only gets 35 Robux. Btw, if creators want to earn more money from the places they should add awesome game pass features or gear. Robux money is also not completely virtual and free, you have to pay for it (with real money) or work for it by logging in daily or creating and selling awesome clothes and places. I support most of Roblox updates but this one is just ridiculous. Is it the 27th of June or the first of April?
#103044400Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:32 PM GMT

Note that many would enable it for games also that aren't very good, and now a days the comment is usually filled with spam.
#103044427Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:33 PM GMT

@Jaco, You can get refunds from gamepasses currently, and this issue has never occurred it would seem. There has to be a certain amount of proof that the game is a scam, or it is copied before you can get your money back.
#103044526Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:33 PM GMT

@des: You cannot refund game passes, that is a lie.
#103044771Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:35 PM GMT

Yes, you can. When you buy a game pass the money you just paid (Tix and Robux) is held for three days by ROBLOX, if you can contact ROBLOX within those three days and prove it is a scam or similar ROBLOX will refund your money.
#103044921Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:37 PM GMT

Honestly, in my view this would lead to people pirating other people's game and copied places will hit sky high. Because there are to options for people who can't afford the price tag, either they'll sit and complain, or they'll visit a pirated copy. -Do not summon me again!-
#103055126Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:56 PM GMT

This flame war is pointless, I will go ahead and stop.
#103056099Thursday, June 27, 2013 7:03 PM GMT

Wait, so, you're saying we have to PAY to PLAY ROBLOX games now? Isn't that just the same thing as BC-only games?
#103057424Thursday, June 27, 2013 7:13 PM GMT

Must we continue this argument.. The definition of free according to dictionary.com ; (Entry 36) without cost, payment, or charge. Now that we've established FREE = NO CHARGE, take a look at what roblox says: IT'S FREE. With me so far? Good. Now for this update, PAY MONEY TO PLAY GAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Pay. Pay. Pay. Pay. Pay. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Guess ROBLOX likes to lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. NBC cannot afford 50000000 robux to play 1 game. This update has NO benefits. The place creator already gets tickets for visits, he doesn't need more. Plus, there is a HUGE change that the thumbnail = miss leading and if 100 people pay 1000 robux to find out they were scammed, well good fight them. ROBLOX admins/devs, why not start putting some thought into updates, or is it your job to not think?
#103058247Thursday, June 27, 2013 7:20 PM GMT

It only 50 r's that not that much.

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