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#103046097Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:45 PM GMT

Yeah, with all these "REMOVE THIS ABOMINATIVE UPDATE" posts, I'm going to actually follow my known example of being helpful to you, roblox and I'm thus going to be helpful to you, roblox. I know, it's insane. Actually using S&I properly! Madness! -Jokes aside, enjoy. First of all, it would be nice that you make paid access (I'm going to call it P2PG, Pay to play game, paid access feels kind of weird for me for some reason not worth caring about) not a fixed price ASAP. What people aren't seeming to realise is that you were going to do that at some point and most of the rage you see is stemed from this misconception. Second of all, to genuine new improvements: So just like BC, a kind of subscriptive paid access would be nice. So people could pay X (tix/robux) every [Time period here] So for example: I could make my game 6 tix every month. Again, make this not a fixed price ASAP. I could also be greedy and say 100 tix every day. People who want to have this subscription renewed for them can also set thier renewals to auto renewal, just like monthly BC. Optional: Add a place subscription expiry (sp?) system message. - Demo times would be nice. So you can play for X minutes before having to pay. This timer is allowed to freeze if you're not playing or you're allowed to play a certain number of times before having to pay. - Third idea, I know someone who's trying to indoctrinate me to play a game called EVE online. I've heard that the better you are at playing EVE, the less its renewal is, which brings me to my second improvement: Alternate access payment. So you can say that you get to play the game for free or a reduced ammount if you comply with a number of stats: If you are in a certain group, If you have a certain badge(s), If you are a friend/best friend, If you have favourited the place, Paying with credits (See universal game passes, badges and credits, below) If you have a (universal) game pass (Read the universal game passes, badges and credits) And maybe more. - And next, credits. Doing something in a game can reward you with credits. Credits earned during that game only work for other games by that person or just that place itself. The difference is in the reward script: PlaceCredits would give credits only useable for that place. Credits would give credits useable for any of the place's owner's places. Credits can be rewarded during gameplay or by badges. Credits allow people to pay access or game passes with credits. - Universal game passes is self explanatory- game passes that work for multiple games. Useful so you can pay, say 100 tix to reduce all of the prices of paid membership by 50 tix. Or you can have an expensive universal game pass that is equivilant to a bunch of different game passes. - And reoccuring badges, badges you can obtain multiple times. Self explanatory. Good for credits. - Third of all, combining ALL of these ideas together: Let's say you have a game. It costs 1000 tix every month to subscribe to, but people get a demo period of five hours. It freeze's if they're not playing not playing. All the badges in this game are reoccuring and reward credits. Every credit reduces the subscription by 5 tix, so if you can earn 200 credits every month people can play for free. People can buy a universal game pass to reduce the membership of this place and other places by you by 300 tix, but if they're part of your fan group and in a certain rank, they get an extra 200 tix off, so people with the universal game pass AND in your fan group can pay half every month, or 100 credits. Tell me guys: If you hate P2PGs, you now LOVE them, no? THIS is what you can accomplish if you work with roblox, not against them! I just turned an idea you HATE, a bad idea as it is, improved it, and now made it AMAZING. Follow my example, get off your seats and suggest improvements to what you dislike. It's what S&I's for. Constructive critisism appreciated. Destructive crtisism ignored. Supports enjoyed. Roblox's responce glorified.
#103046548Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:49 PM GMT

Support! All of these ideas are great.
#103046687Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:50 PM GMT

My thank you mr. Rubiks. There's one ex-disbeliever that was already converted converted. Again. Meh. Bumpies.
#103046749Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:50 PM GMT

Support. It's nice to have a thread giving valid suggestions to the update, instead of screaming at it.
#103047597Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:57 PM GMT

Support, I'll make a game popular, and price it under 10 tix, and anyonencan get it.
#103047671Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:58 PM GMT

My thank you as well desperian. That's two ex-disbelievers that were already converted converted. Again. Bawmp.
#103047784Thursday, June 27, 2013 5:58 PM GMT

... And I really need to learn how to prevent late posts. Hehehe. My thank you for the support as well, mr. Awesom. Bawmp again. Yay for evil bawmp storms. >:3
#103048473Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:03 PM GMT

I don't understand your first and second idea very well. Is this how much money you earn from your visitors or how much money to run your place?
#103048628Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:05 PM GMT

Frozen, if this feature get released on the website, then you will have to pay to play the good games. Doesn't greed run ROBLOX? What happened to ROBLOX saying your not allowed to keep guests from your places? Their going to start charging to keep the guests out and NBC won't be able to afford it, not with their daily login and seriously the trade currency you have to pay at least 20 tix now for just 1 robux. Yes, they can make a good game and try to get it to the front page, but when was the last time a real NBC got their place on the front page? They can barely afford to launch any ads, and if they launch an ad for lets say 200 tix, how many clicks can they get? 3 to 5 clicks? NBC can already not afford 95% of the items in the catalog, and they can barely launch any ads and now they have to start paying? Why should the community work with ROBLOX when the admins can't work with the community? They want our feedback but once we give our feedback all they do is ignore us. Sorry if I sounded rude or anything I just wanted to state my opinion.
#103048836Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:06 PM GMT

but I do support these ideas, their pretty good.
#103048963Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:07 PM GMT

Read it completely and still hate the P2P update, but that might be because I'm NBC and would have to spend 4 years of money collecting on just one game. And I've never played a game on Roblox that was so good that it would be worth so much money.
#103049219Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:09 PM GMT

A TL;DR version should fix that, chicka: -Make prices for paid access games editible as quick as possible. -Allow subscription prices: people must pay the access price every period of time, and the owner can decide what the time period is. -Allow demos, so you can pay for a certain ammount of time before paying up. -Credits, basically making paid access easier to pay for. -And universal game passes, so you can buy a game pass for every game an account owns, -Reoccuring badges, badges you can get multiple times. Combining all of these ideas together, you turn paid access, a currently bad idea, into a currently good idea. Hope that helps.
#103050173Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:16 PM GMT

Yay, late posts: Tamoti, editible prices and demos help NBCers pay for these games. Credits as well. Smart game developers will also be nice to NBCers, more money that way. And buzz, tell me the last time during a rantstrom that someone tried to make the idea everyone hates good. I... well I can't say I don't remember it as I always do it, but I seem to be the only one. If people followed my example, roblox wouldn't ignore us. We're to blame for roblox's ignorance. We've made them deaf from our constant hate. You've heard the stories about people commiting suiside from how bullied they are, Sometimes I think we're doing the same to roblox- bullying them into suiside. Well, not as extreme. Our feedback is hate, turn that feedback into construction and then they will listen. I know it, 2009 and 2010 was full of construction and ideas were made. 2011, hate, roblox ignores us. 2013, try again, get hate, ignores us again. The admins can't work with the community because of the community. If they do ignore us, I would rather try to at least make the idea they suggest as good as I can, so I can laugh at thier faces when they look at my far superior edits and feel bad. That's my answer- we've proven ourselves that we are idiots. So let's show them we're not. Working with the admins gives them the chance to work with us. It's just a matter of benevolence. Quick refresh to make sure that I don't latepost. Nope. Yay!
#103050377Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:18 PM GMT

#103052558Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:35 PM GMT

#103053450Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:42 PM GMT

"Second of all, to genuine new improvements: So just like BC, a kind of subscriptive paid access would be nice. So people could pay X (tix/robux) every [Time period here] So for example: I could make my game 6 tix every month. Again, make this not a fixed price ASAP. I could also be greedy and say 100 tix every day. People who want to have this subscription renewed for them can also set thier renewals to auto renewal, just like monthly BC. Optional: Add a place subscription expiry (sp?) system message. - Demo times would be nice. So you can play for X minutes before having to pay. This timer is allowed to freeze if you're not playing or you're allowed to play a certain number of times before having to pay. - Third idea, I know someone who's trying to indoctrinate me to play a game called EVE online. I've heard that the better you are at playing EVE, the less its renewal is, which brings me to my second improvement: Alternate access payment. So you can say that you get to play the game for free or a reduced ammount if you comply with a number of stats: If you are in a certain group, If you have a certain badge(s), If you are a friend/best friend, If you have favourited the place, Paying with credits (See universal game passes, badges and credits, below) If you have a (universal) game pass (Read the universal game passes, badges and credits) And maybe more. - And next, credits. Doing something in a game can reward you with credits. Credits earned during that game only work for other games by that person or just that place itself. The difference is in the reward script: PlaceCredits would give credits only useable for that place. Credits would give credits useable for any of the place's owner's places. Credits can be rewarded during gameplay or by badges. Credits allow people to pay access or game passes with credits. - Universal game passes is self explanatory- game passes that work for multiple games. Useful so you can pay, say 100 tix to reduce all of the prices of paid membership by 50 tix. Or you can have an expensive universal game pass that is equivilant to a bunch of different game passes. - And reoccuring badges, badges you can obtain multiple times. Self explanatory. Good for credits. - Third of all, combining ALL of these ideas together: Let's say you have a game. It costs 1000 tix every month to subscribe to, but people get a demo period of five hours. It freeze's if they're not playing not playing. All the badges in this game are reoccuring and reward credits. Every credit reduces the subscription by 5 tix, so if you can earn 200 credits every month people can play for free. People can buy a universal game pass to reduce the membership of this place and other places by you by 300 tix, but if they're part of your fan group and in a certain rank, they get an extra 200 tix off, so people with the universal game pass AND in your fan group can pay half every month, or 100 credits. Tell me guys: If you hate P2PGs, you now LOVE them, no? THIS is what you can accomplish if you work with roblox, not against them! I just turned an idea you HATE, a bad idea as it is, improved it, and now made it AMAZING. Follow my example, get off your seats and suggest improvements to what you dislike. It's what S&I's for." A subscription paid access feature is a bad idea. What if, at one time, someone cannot afford to pay the price? Then the person is kicked out of the place until he can pay up. However, if you pay up all the stuff at once, then you no longer have to deal with this. This gives people time to save up money for the paid access and to know when to pay. Demos can be exploitable. And it allows exploiters into the place, allowing them to copy the game or mess it up. The credit system shouldn't be allowed because what is the point of it if you are already paying to get into the place? And it is unfair because if you get credits to get game passes, free access, etc, then it will make people who paid their fair money for the features feel cheated out. Universal game passes will also make people who paid for the features feel bad. And recurring badges is exploitable.
#103053550Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:43 PM GMT

And your post had too many errors in it.
#103053782Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:45 PM GMT

Reported for spam.
#103053869Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:46 PM GMT

You should also stop bloody generalising complainers.
#103054479Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:51 PM GMT

I also posted something much smaller on this. The way i see it is another way to screw over nbc and make ''famous'' roblox members more rich. 1 tix per play for nbc 10 for bc and w/e the buy in to the game is.
#103062817Thursday, June 27, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

Frozen have you ever thought maybe the community will respect the admins better if the admins starts listening to us? They never ask for our opinions and they just release bunch of fail updates. People get mad because they just release these features without telling us. Whenever we give them good reasons not to release them they just simply ignore us. Before 2013 the users loved ROBLOX and the admins because they will always tell us on the blog about the future updates, and they actually listened to us, yes your correct of how people are disrespectful but there are ones that respect them and they just state their opinion about the feature, and still the admins won't listen. I loved ROBLOX in 2010 and 2011 it was the best 2 years I have had on ROBLOX, but now I can't say the same thing, I feel like i''m being scammed and ripped off by ROBLOX. ROBLOX gets all this hate because their asking for it, before we got banned because we will make these anti-guest scripts and now soon they will be blocking the guests and it's all fine then? There will be less hate if ROBLOX actually start doing what the users want. We are playing the game not them, shouldn't they create features we want?
#103071603Thursday, June 27, 2013 8:57 PM GMT

Xbox means no copy and paste .-. And buzz two things: 1) Why listen to imbiciles? If they would be nice we would get listened to. Simple as. You cannot hate the devs for not listening to imbiciles. Imbiciles destroy the dev's opinion of us and thus destroy roblox. I will not stand for that. I know roblox listens because I have seen it with my own eyes. NEVER did I hate roblox and it has shown results for me. WNTS for example. When a majority follows my example roblox will listen. More sense for us, the malignant to change than the devs, the benign. It is because of destruction roblox gets all the time. Even if it is peaceful destruction. IE- Petitions. Rants. Construct roblox. I will not change my reply but rather reword it. Construct. Construct. Destruction destroys. Construction improves. Also roblox stopped listening fully at early 2011 because of the ammount of destruction it got. Tried again 2013 but it was hopeless. We are the guests and we acommidate. P2P games have been suggested many times before 2013 so there was demand for it. 2) What are you trying to achieve I wonder? And everyone else I will get back to you. Thanks for your thoughts.
#103071964Thursday, June 27, 2013 8:59 PM GMT

Think about the improvements this would make! Creators would have more advertising money, badge money, gamepass money, and would be able to hire developers to make models and textures and such.
#103072182Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:01 PM GMT

@frozengaia: I have felt the way you do for a long time. Do you want me to create a group? It can be called 'the mature S&I'ers ', or something like that.
#103072304Thursday, June 27, 2013 9:02 PM GMT

Punk, it's not WNTS, Go back where you came from, or read the rules again

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