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#10328072Monday, June 29, 2009 2:13 AM GMT

The warrior cats have lived for many moons in peace and harmony, few battles, much prey and happiness everywhere... But one day ThunderClan leader, DawnStar, gets a prophecy about one of the kits who is about to become an apprentice. "3 cats will have the power of blood and death, 3 cats will either take control of the forest with power, preserve it the same or maybe destroy it. They will be involved in the rise of the ancientest clan ever." Said StarClan. Dawnstar had no idea who it could be... The medicine cat, Barkfur had no idea either... But they keep this to themselves for they do not want to disturb the clan with this madness... *FOR READERS OF THE BOOK ONLY* -ThunderClan- Dawnstar - Female leader. Windfang - Male deputy. Barkfur - Male medicine cat. Rainkit - Female kit, sister of Silentkit, mother is Goldrose, father is Bramblepelt. Goldrose- Female queen, mother of Silentkit and Rainkit. Ambereyes - Male warrior, mentor of Widowpaw Longnose - Male warrior Widowpaw - Female apprentice of Ambereyes. Sharptooth - Male warrior Bramblepelt - Father of Silentkit and Rainkit. More you can make or I left out. -WindClan- Runningstar - Male leader. Lightheart - Female deputy. Squirrelpool (hehe) - Female medicine cat. More you can make or I left out. -ShadowClan- Darkstar - Male leader. Leafeye - Female deputy. Dancingpaws (For he is always moving :3) - Male medicine cat. More you can make or I left out. -RiverClan- Silverstar - Female leader. Rockfur - Male deputy. Starwatcher - Male medicine cat. More you can make or I left out. Sheet: Name: Gender: Status: (Apprentice, Warrior, Queen etc.) (Talk to me about medicine cat) Clan: (If loner or Kittypet say so) Fur Color: Eyes Color: Battle Marks: (Scars from battle or thorns and such) Origin: (Like teh bio except this is your past.) Belief in StarClan: (Yes or no) Bio: (Basically how he/she is)
#10328189Monday, June 29, 2009 2:16 AM GMT

Name: Silentkit Gender: Male Status: Kit Clan: ThunderClan Fur Color: Black and dark brown Eyes Color: Black Battle Marks: None Origin: Clan born that's all there is to it Belief in StarClan: Yes Bio: Can be serious, fun and going
#10328309Monday, June 29, 2009 2:19 AM GMT

Silentkit smelled something... It was freshkill! "Bet you can't steal it." Teased Rainkit. "I can get it alright!" Retorted Silentkit who launched quickly at the prey. Rainkit dashed to the side still holding the prey in her mouth. But the Silentkit quickly lunged at and ran away. "I'll get you!" Cried Rainkit dashing after him
#10328459Monday, June 29, 2009 2:23 AM GMT

Name: Bloodstar Gender: Male Status: Leader Clan: StarClan has deleted this knowledge. Fur Color: Dark silver fur. Eyes Color: Blood red Battle Marks: A scar on his right eye Origin: StarClan has deleted this knowledge. Belief in StarClan: Yes Bio: "I seek revenge on the cla-" StarClan has deleted this knowledge. (Don't worry he comes later) Silentkit kept on running with the prey ignoring his surrounding and the taunts from Rainkit, well atleast he thought they were taunts...
#10328619Monday, June 29, 2009 2:26 AM GMT

Suddenly Silentkit stopped and looked around... This wasn't the Clan Camp... IT WAS THE FOREST! Snake Rocks to be excact, but he didn't know that. Silentkit climbed up the rocks, panting when he reached the top.
#10328739Monday, June 29, 2009 2:29 AM GMT

He took a bite of his prey, which was a rabbit. He made his gulps last... It was delicious. He wondered how kittypets could live with their tasteless food
#10330141Monday, June 29, 2009 3:05 AM GMT

He got sleepy and forgot about going back to camp and quickly fell asleep.
#10330180Monday, June 29, 2009 3:06 AM GMT

Name:Rainkit Gender: Male Status:Kitten Clan:None Fur Color:Light blue fur Eyes Color: Bright blue Battle Marks:N/A Origin:Unknown Belief in StarClan:Doesn't know about StarClan Bio:Mother was killed by a rouge though this kit was just able to feed on prey. (i do read the books :3.is this forest or lake?)
#10330229Monday, June 29, 2009 3:07 AM GMT

(forest and Rainkit is already taken) Silentkit awoke with a start, he decided to explore more of the forest.
#10330241Monday, June 29, 2009 3:07 AM GMT

(whoops wrong name X3...just that i use Rainkit in games like this.can the kit your playing be named Snowkit?Pwease :3)
#10330295Monday, June 29, 2009 3:08 AM GMT

(Sure, you can do: Rainkit: Hi Or story mode) Silentkit suddenly saw some light blue fur...
#10330305Monday, June 29, 2009 3:09 AM GMT

(if not then i guess i go with Snowkit) ???kit:*wonders around forests*i wonder where anyone is...*meows loudly but no one hears him**scents a mouse and catches*yay!*eats the rabbits making his bites long and tasteful*
#10330344Monday, June 29, 2009 3:09 AM GMT

Silentkit slowly approached the bundle of light blue fur... Then he pounced on it
#10330356Monday, June 29, 2009 3:10 AM GMT

(mah i'll just go with Snowkit since Rainkit is already taken) Snowkit:*feels someone watchin him and picks up mouse and scampers off(oh and since i am Snowkit my fur color is white)*
#10330385Monday, June 29, 2009 3:10 AM GMT

Snowkit:*stops after feeling the cat stop chasing him*whew..*finishes mouse*
#10330418Monday, June 29, 2009 3:11 AM GMT

The kit darted away, but silentkit chased it... Then he pinned it to teh floor (Kits can't hunt D:)
#10330497Monday, June 29, 2009 3:12 AM GMT

(ok well i am stioll kit but old enough to be apprentice...just never apprenticed) Snowkit:*slides out under the arms of it and scampers off*
#10330537Monday, June 29, 2009 3:14 AM GMT

Silentkit felt him move, but quickly darted and pinned him to the floor there was no way to escape. "Why are you in ThunderClan territory?" Silentkit hissed
#10330597Monday, June 29, 2009 3:15 AM GMT

Snowkit:grrrrrrrr*spins around and hits Silentkit in the stomach throwing him off Snowkit and runs off too fast for the kit*
#10330638Monday, June 29, 2009 3:16 AM GMT

Silentkit was winded for a second when he heard a slithering noise... "ADDER!" He thought alarmed
#10342433Monday, June 29, 2009 2:50 PM GMT

Snowkit:*stops cold when he heard the adder*oh no
#10346575Monday, June 29, 2009 4:09 PM GMT

The adder slithered towards him... Silentkit began to run
#10347275Monday, June 29, 2009 4:21 PM GMT

Snowkit:*wonders what to do*yeah i should...*jumps on top of the Adder and quickly beheads it*how was i able to do that??ah well...*runs away*
#10347933Monday, June 29, 2009 4:33 PM GMT

The adder dodged the attack. "He can't defeat an adder as a kit!" Thought Silentkit furiously
#10349564Monday, June 29, 2009 5:03 PM GMT

Name: Poisonkit (Warrior - Poisonblood) Gender:Female Status: Kit Clan: Thunderclan Fur Color: Black Eyes Color: Poisonous green Battle Marks: N/A Origin: A kit who showed up at the clan, dying, and the clan took her in. (:3) Belief in StarClan: Yes. Bio: Believes that she met Starclan, which made her believe in them. None of the kits believe her though... Doesn't remember anything of her past.

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