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#103363694Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:23 PM GMT

--[[For all tl;dr's. Please do not post tl;dr, leave it to people to decide for themselves whether it is too big for their tiny little minds to read. I'm sure they're smart enough to realize that they can't; cause if they can't read this then they probably don't have the brain capacity to look in the comments.] Info: I noticed now in the BC places instead of retaining all of your BC places that you got you can only keep five up. Not only that but it isn't even updated yet. So now all the people who had their BC places up after they lost BC just lost all those places; and not only that but in order to get their five places back up they have to get BC again. WHY ARE YOU SETTING UP AN UPDATE WITH AN UPDATE THAT SCREWS PEOPLE WHO GOT BC FOR THE PLACES AND NOW HAVE TO GET BC AGAIN TO GET BACK THOSE PLACES? AND NOW ONLY THAT BUT ALL THOSE WHO ARE GOING TO LOSE BC IN THIS PERIOD WILL LOSE ALL THEIR PLACES! YOU DUN GOOFED ROBLOX. Furthermore, if people got BC just to get more places (like me) it doesn't matter if you get TBC or BC or OBC, cause once it runs out you can only keep five places up? ONLY FIVE PLACES!?! WHY NOT KEEP THE ONES YOU HAD!?! It would make sense if you were allowed to keep 50% of the places you made; (BC = 5; TBC = 12; OBC = 50), BUT FIVE!?! So look; I'm not complaining about what roblox has done because it's no use, I can't get a refund or my places back up. But there has to be a better solution and roblox should be smart and inform people of this stuff; and finish an update fully in the case if it isn't finished fully it could screw some people. So my suggestion is: Go back to keeping all of your places; or if you want to reduce the number of places base it on the type of BC you got.
#103363900Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

Why, NBC menu says "only 1 place". Defeating the point der'
#103363914Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

EX-BCers are BCers- Telamon. Go whine some more or buy BC. That's the simple solution. They never intended for you to keep your places. And before you even dare go to that 2007 post, place slots didn't exist back then so it's completely invalid.
#103364052Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:26 PM GMT

And to add, you could buy BC again to reopen yor places.
#103364452Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:28 PM GMT

@frozen; if that was true why didn't they fix that back in 08 to 13? Why did they allow the five years for that idea to grow? @popular; because the places will be set to inactive once more after I lose BC.
#103365104Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:32 PM GMT

It was stated in 2009, and place slots are a 2010 feature... I think. 2009-2010. Definitely not 2008 though. But simple- Because times change. And by times change, I mean roblox did it to calm an angry population down. Something they really shouldn't have done, because now the population know what to do when something doesn't go even marginally thier way. All they have to do is give roblox so much hate and so much dislike and so much idiocy. Something you are not helping avert.
#103365415Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

It was 2008. I remember it since I got on, and it was one of the things I wanted. I'll try to find a quit roblox member who had BC from 2008.
#103366008Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:38 PM GMT

I thought that every active place still remains if your BC runs out..
#103366256Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:40 PM GMT

Not any more says roblox.
#103370552Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:09 PM GMT

April 2008, that's when place slots existed. They were more known as Showcase slots at the time. You could click and drag them around as you pleased which order you wanted the places to be in. Fun stuff. I can't seem to find that page anymore announcing them... Weird... ANYWAY... I'm fine with 5 active place slots, just that... It's taking an unusually long time for it to be released. I think they're not motivated or something. But I completely understand your frustration. late 2009-2013 at least had a warning before they bought BC.
#103372074Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:18 PM GMT

I first joined november 2008 and I distinctly remember slots coming out on this account. Either way 2008 is after 2007 so it doesn't matter. But can I be a conspiracy theorist? It is already done. You need to buy BC AGAIN to get them though. Just a theory but makes sense. Why look up over a million accounts for BC transactions?
#103375871Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:44 PM GMT

It's possible, but then they should update their help page. "What happens when my BC expires?" It still says 5 place slots is in the works... I think they would announce when it's released also. This is a highly demanded feature after all. I can imagine they would want to share the exciting news and put an end to everyone mailing them about it. I know I would.
#103376357Saturday, June 29, 2013 9:47 PM GMT

How about the go back to keeping the places idea like the old days? That stupid update almost made me ragequit Roblox. ~ Do you want to see the Rabbits David? ~
#103379921Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:11 PM GMT

Well in 2009, Shedletsky once hinted on a forum post it was too expensive to do that, because users would buy it once, make 10 places, and cancel BC.. That's one reason why they did it. I think they didn't intend on users doing that originally.
#103380796Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:18 PM GMT

I've had this idea for a long time: Why not buy places? I mean it makes so much sense. You would spend your own money to buy places; therefore deciding on whether you want to have gotten BC for the places or for the money to spend on stuff; or shirts ect. So why not be able to buy places for like 100 robux each?
#103381427Saturday, June 29, 2013 10:22 PM GMT

The good news is, that suggestion made it to the blog, and they were considering the idea. But there's no telling if they'll work on it any time soon. But it sure would explain why the 5 places thingy is taking so long. Hmm...

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