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#103947982Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

(This was suppose to be a story, but I changed it up a bit. I know I'm knew BUT I decided to give this a chance. I haven't found a thread that caught my eye, so I took my chances with this. I should join a thread before posting this I know. But its hard if none are what your looking for, right?) A bell rang out through the bank as a robbery had just started. The robbers took a brief moment to look around before shooting in the air and running out of the bank. As they ran out they shot 5 people, killing at least 2. One was a little girl. The other was a homeless man, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Screams filled the air. Soon enough a girl rushes in front of them, she looked about 26 and was dressed as an assassin. She of course was “The Assassin”. The only assassin who didn’t kill. “You’re under arrest.” She said as she kneed the first man in the stomach sending him to the ground than grabbed the other mans wrist as he began to run, and pulled him back. He pulled out a knife with his free hand and got her arm but she didn’t let go. She instead twisted his arm and pushed him on the ground. The police arrived and arrested the men, thanking her as they did so. She smiled and nodded. She grabbed out what looked like a phone and pressed the top right button. She then walked into an alleyway and vanished. More like teleported into a large underground base. For who? The League Of Legions. A large group of multiple super powered humans, and un super powered humans. They are recruiting some newer younger members, and happen to find you on the internet. You receive a message via a messenger you use. You read it, you want to show it to someone you know but it strictly says not to. So you choose to keep it to yourself. You have no idea where you’re meeting at, it wasn’t included in the message. You begin to think it was a prank so you forget about it and thought nothing of it. Suddenly your teleported to a random location with multiple others. It was inside the base, but you didn’t know. There was no door, and everything was white and so clean. Suddenly 3 of the League of legions had teleported into the room with you. The 3 who had started the team; Kurrox, Lurex, and Ansley. Ansley begans talking. “You have been picked out of hundreds of the people we looked at, some of you are harder to find and took us weeks to find you. Your skills and powers are what made you stand out, and made you the perfect choices for this team. Now, we accept you, but it’s not our choice and we’re not forcing you to join the team. It’s your choice. If you wish to join, speak now.” She said. This is where whoever joins on the first page or second page will start off. Anyone else who request to join will start off at some other point, as if your already part of the team or join later on. You can be a lone hero if you want. :P Rules No god-modding No Marvel or DC super heroes. Such as Batman, Superman, or Spiderman etc. Each hero has their own personal enemy at some point. No Marvel or DC villains, such as Joker Penguin, BlackMask, Mirror master, etc. Be creative with your hero name! :D Put Batman in others if you got this far. X3 Go as funky has you want with your powers! Romance is allowed, a kiss at the most. (Marriage is allowed and so is dating. But only in the rp.) C.S Name: Hero Name: Gen: A.ge: Regular appearance: Hero appearance Powers (If any): Other: (I welcome advice. :D Or any help.)
#103949528Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

Name: Tess Johnson Hero Name: Ebony Gen: Female A.ge: 12 Regular appearance: Brown hair that reaches down to her shoulders, blue eyes. Uusally wears a black t-shirt and jeans. Hero appearance: Black pants, black shirt, black gloves, black boots and a black mask. Powers (If any): Shapeshifting Other: Weakness is water
#103951504Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:38 AM GMT

(Accepted :P) Name:Chrysler Scott Hero Name: The Assassin Gen:Female A.ge:25 Regular appearance:Straight bleach blond hair that's about 3 inches past her shoulders. Green eyes. She often wears a plaid shirt unbuttoned with a white undershirt. She then wears skinny jeans and black sneakers. Hero appearance: She wears an assassin outfit, always with the hood up. Its a whitish tan with a dark red strap that goes around one shoulder and reaches her hip. It has many pockets with all kinds of doodads in it. Another strap around her her waist with some knives in it. Powers (If any): blue fire and lightning. she hardly uses them though. Other:Shes ones of the main 10.
#103951825Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:40 AM GMT

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#103952404Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:45 AM GMT

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#103953181Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:51 AM GMT

(Should we get rid of the romance rule? If we don't we'll just get a bunch of flamers like Raidorz here.)
#103953245Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:51 AM GMT

(Alright. :P I'm new, so I didn't know.)
#103953735Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

being new doesn't mean you can get off doing something without reading the rules
#103953845Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:56 AM GMT

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#103953945Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:57 AM GMT

I am not an ODer. Btw, I'll remake the roleplay some day.
#103956995Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:21 AM GMT

I just thought since so many other threads allow it that I could. .-.
#103957372Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:24 AM GMT

Night has a point. So many other threads allow romance, but to a certain extent. A kiss on the cheek at the most.
#103957427Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:24 AM GMT

christ, raidorz you could have stopped at "we don't allow romance here" you're sounding like a stereotypical 80's school bully with the leather jacket and switchblade and such
#103958087Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

The rp forum needs more people. She's new, you could have been nice about it. A simply. "Night, Romance isn't allowed." Could' e done the trick. You probably scared her away from the forum. Bad enough newbies are scared to join threads let alone put one up. We need to show them its okay to do so, and be kind when we point out a little flaw. Is that too much to ask for?
#103958156Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

Curse these typos of mine. >.<
#103958795Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:36 AM GMT

god dammit and now we're treating new people like easily scared off rabbits
#103959002Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:37 AM GMT

We're not suppose to treat them like crap. It's called being nice. You should try it sometime.
#103966111Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:34 AM GMT

no, but they aren't 5 just tell them "no romance" and move on
#104003709Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:19 AM GMT

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#104003862Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:22 AM GMT

(She doesn't have to get out. She recognized her mistake and have admitted to not abiding by the rules. Pressing on further with silly insults is completely unneeded.) "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#104003891Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:23 AM GMT

You need to work on your temper and problem-solving, Raidorz.
#104003925Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:24 AM GMT

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#104003950Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:25 AM GMT

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#104004012Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:27 AM GMT

(I'm not sure why you automatically assumed that I enjoy having online daters here I'm just making sure that someone isn't discouraged from productively becoming a member of this community. You can't expect someone to know right from wrong when they come to something new. also, you can't consider them gone yet. after all, it's only been twelve hours.) "Sir, w-w-we need 50% of the 99% a-and the support o-of at least 1% of the 1% if you're gonna have 42% of the 100% to get 50%."
#104004045Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:27 AM GMT

Huh, didn't know RP was a monarchy.

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