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#1062139Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:18 PM GMT

If someone has a saved project on flash 8 and they don't want the code anymore could someone copy & paste a full blown code for an object with physics. I want to see who rules at flash 8
#1062158Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:20 PM GMT

I'm gonna try and enter some code in here hold on a sec...
#1062167Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:21 PM GMT

var spring:Number = 0.1; var friction:Number = 0.8; var gravity:Number = 5; ball0.vx = 0; ball0.vy = 0; ball1.vx = 0; ball1.vy = 0; ball2.vx = 0; ball2.vy = 0; Rarm.vx = 0; Rarm.vy = 0; Larm.vx = 0; Larm.vy = 0; Rleg.vx = 0; Rleg.vy = 0; Lleg.vx = 0; Lleg.vy = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ball0.vx += (_xmouse - ball0._x) * spring; ball0.vy += (_ymouse - ball0._y) * spring; ball1.vx += (ball0._x - ball1._x) * spring; ball1.vy += (ball0._y - ball1._y) * spring; ball2.vx += (ball1._x - ball2._x) * spring; ball2.vy += (ball1._y - ball2._y) * spring; Rarm.vx += (ball1._x - Rarm._x) * spring; Rarm.vy += (ball1._y - Rarm._y) * spring; Larm.vx += (ball1._x - Larm._x) * spring; Larm.vy += (ball1._y - Larm._y) * spring; Lleg.vx += (ball2._x - Lleg._x) * spring; Lleg.vy += (ball2._y - Lleg._y) * spring; Rleg.vx += (ball2._x - Rleg._x) * spring; Rleg.vy += (ball2._y - Rleg._y) * spring; clear(); lineStyle(1, 0, 100); moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse); for(var i:Number=0;i<3;i++) { var ball:MovieClip = this["ball" + i]; ball.vy += gravity; ball.vx *= friction; ball.vy *= friction; ball._x += ball.vx; ball._y += ball.vy; Larm.vy += gravity; Larm.vx *= friction; Larm.vy *= friction; Larm._x += Larm.vx; Larm._y += Larm.vy; Rarm.vy += gravity; Rarm.vx *= friction; Rarm.vy *= friction; Rarm._x += Rarm.vx; Rarm._y += Rarm.vy; Lleg.vy += gravity; Lleg.vx *= friction; Lleg.vy *= friction; Lleg._x += Lleg.vx; Lleg._y += Lleg.vy; Rleg.vy += gravity; Rleg.vx *= friction; Rleg.vy *= friction; Rleg._x += Rleg.vx; Rleg._y += Rleg.vy; lineTo(ball._x, ball._y); } };
#1062172Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:22 PM GMT

This is one I made you can use the code but you have to make objects relating to those like: "Rleg" or "head"
#1062188Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:25 PM GMT

This is a small kind of "thing thing" character with physics. the character follows your cursor. by the way I Macromedia Flash 8 open and ready to copy & paste so I can make a character out of your physics.
#1062192Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:26 PM GMT

Stop talking to yourself,It makes my browser go slow. Hello,And welcome to the database center. You will now be guided through sereral tests,Leading you to cake and Top 100 poster.
#1062195Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:27 PM GMT

yeah.... does anybody have any code at all?
#1062202Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:29 PM GMT

Here's my code,Its the code to make evry computer running slow: ghrd0y.Herter(route) code:347nf8799 end end end 7¤%946G0Trb689c9.end end Hello,And welcome to the database center. You will now be guided through sereral tests,Leading you to cake and Top 100 poster.
#1062206Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:31 PM GMT

....Ok.... does anybody have any non- destructive code. klikafizzy is that for flash?
#1062209Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:32 PM GMT

No,That is for rejecting all the possible data out of your computer in exactly 6.47 minutes. Hello,And welcome to the database center. You will now be guided through sereral tests,Leading you to cake and Top 100 poster.
#1062216Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:33 PM GMT

yeah right.
#1062218Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:33 PM GMT

is that possible?
#1062227Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:36 PM GMT

Yes,Its very easy to explain. First,When the virus is injected,Nothing will happend,But after 6.47 minutes,The screen will go black,Then,It will start flashing,Then,When you turn on your cumputer,All your data is now lost. Hello,And welcome to the database center. You will now be guided through sereral tests,Leading you to cake and Top 100 poster. I am the computer program IxAs version 42.125.
#1062233Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:38 PM GMT

Thats a threat.
#1062251Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:45 PM GMT

*sigh* anyway... flash is a program where you can make movies, games, or other kind of...thing making games is pretty hard but once you learn about it you can make great things.
#157058175Monday, March 02, 2015 2:39 PM GMT

search bar works magic kirov reporting

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