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#108520086Monday, August 05, 2013 6:53 PM GMT

(Before you ask: Yes Sassle, I did just do a major copy of your thread. But I didn't have it stickied and I couldn't be bothered to find it. I'll make it up to you by making a superior OP.) http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=69832618 I guys, am a person with little or no life. I started S&Iing in feburary, 2009 (under a different account) and yeah... In 2009, there was a WNTS; I only brought it back a year ago (the above link is my evidence.) Now, this was to maintain ORDER on S&I, as evidenced by one little quote: "It would also make S&I actually useful: No more floods of complaint once you add in a feature, and no more" Back in 2009, 2010, early 2011, the WNTS did its job. However, people are just flat out ignorant of it now, which means the same WNTS isn't doing its job, the job that it managed to do perfectly all those years ago. As a result, I propose to make the WNTS more rigid. Personally, I think that any thread that contradicts the WNTS should get content deleted or even eated (removed.), and threads on S&I should be reportable for such an action (Under "other", typing in WNTS violation is what I mean) Sassle, a person I mentioned earlier in the thread, says to ban anyone who violates the WNTS. Kinda harsh, but still. The WNTS is completely final, and it should not be thought of otherwise. I reinstated the WNTS to stop these complainers. It didn't work, so I'm going to ask to crank up the gears. The WNTS is final. Q: "But if we don't complain endlessly, roblox won't listen to us!" A: "The WNTS is final. You're an example why they won't listen to us." Q: "What if someone didn't read the WNTS? They'd be punished for no reason!" A: "The WNTS is final. That, and, if we REALLY have to go down that track, force them to read the WNTS." Q: "What about false WNTS accusations?" A: "The WNTS is pretty simple to follow. If it is, it's clear. If it isn't, it's clear." Q: "Police state." A: "It needs to be stronger. It used to work, now it doesn't, so it needs to be stronger." Q: "But I have a suggestion on how to improve [idea]!" A: "They'll go through." The WNTS was final in the past, and I don't see any reason at all to not be final now. Most, if not all the veteran S&Iers I knew in 2011 and 2012 wanted the WNTS back so hard. A 50 page thread by a person named RevolutionGG is a perfect example, who had an argument most people cannot even fathom. It was that strong and flawless. It was irrifutible. So um... Mini-rage over. :/
#108520309Monday, August 05, 2013 6:55 PM GMT

Absolutely no support.
#108520343Monday, August 05, 2013 6:55 PM GMT

Support, I hate users who think they can do whatever they want because they think the WNTS is a useless forum. SUPPORT.
#108520558Monday, August 05, 2013 6:56 PM GMT

Punishment? It's funny when someone posts something that they're not allowed to suggest. Why remove the joy of assaulting them?
#108520805Monday, August 05, 2013 6:58 PM GMT

I remember when we use to rant about bringing back the WNTS, good times, good times. By the way Frozen, I'm RobloxVideo0 one of the major S&Iers back in 2010-2012.
#108547413Monday, August 05, 2013 10:17 PM GMT

@Globark: Because that "joy" has a severe consequence. And that consequence is stupidity. My thank you for the support mtr. Video and mr. nacho. Espcially you nacho, seeing you failed to give a reason so :/
#108570519Tuesday, August 06, 2013 1:15 AM GMT

Support. I have been called a WNTS so now that I am I WANT POWER!
#108570670Tuesday, August 06, 2013 1:16 AM GMT

No support, get out.
#108570958Tuesday, August 06, 2013 1:19 AM GMT

@BloxxerDJ Never.
#108695984Tuesday, August 06, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

My thank you mr. Zersdan. And Bloxxer, because you didn't manage to give any reason at all, I'll just assume that you support. So thanks for the support. Seriously guys, if you're going to not support, state a reason. You're far more likely to not look like an imbecile.
#108698490Tuesday, August 06, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

@Frozen: Notice, the people who don't support without a reason are the people who don't read the WNTS and think it's stupid. They can't change.
#108701634Tuesday, August 06, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

Well, that's a potential reason. I'd say it's just that people have degenerated over four years.
#108704011Tuesday, August 06, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

Instant support. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=108703891 Read this, I want your feedback.
#108704057Tuesday, August 06, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

Absolute support. LOAD "*",8,1
#108706918Tuesday, August 06, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

I don't support because if there was a WNTS violation punishment, it'd be a stupid reason to get banned. Ignore the WNTS.
#108707005Tuesday, August 06, 2013 11:38 PM GMT

"I don't support because if there was a WNTS violation punishment, it'd be a stupid reason to get banned. Ignore the WNTS." Yet people are making stupid suggestions that are obviously against the WNTS. So, what is your point?
#108707036Tuesday, August 06, 2013 11:38 PM GMT

no support, roblox players deserve to have a voice against unwanted updates
#108707409Tuesday, August 06, 2013 11:41 PM GMT

"no support, roblox players deserve to have a voice against unwanted updates." Most of the updates people dislike won't be removed because that will be violating "No undoing massive updates." People who hate the updates that actually benefit the community are just bandwagoning hipster who don't do research.
#108769116Wednesday, August 07, 2013 10:36 AM GMT

Thank you for countering in my abscence, Video. @Bloxxer: The WNTS is designed to be final, and thus it *WILL* be final. Why would it be stupid exactly? Also, I said noth- Well, I mentioned Sassle's suggestion, but mweh. I suggested, if you didn't see it, to CD any thread that violates the WNTS. Where does the word "ban" appear in that sentence, or this quote? "Personally, I think that any thread that contradicts the WNTS should get content deleted or even eated (removed.), and threads on S&I should be reportable for such an action (Under "other", typing in WNTS violation is what I mean)" So shall I just label your argument down to assumption? And also, ignoring the one thing that stabilizes S&I is also a very bad idea. The WNTS is the single thing that kept S&I stable, not flooded with people demanding more "rights", or people wanting to give roblox heartache on some "holy crusade" against "tyrannical leaders" (using one quote from a protester.) It was a solid barrier that everyone respected and enjoyed. Now look at it- It's hated, ignored. That's why we NEED to punish those who ignore it- So it continues to keep stability. It is designed to be final, so we will make it final. @Zangoose: The WNTS is designed to be final, and thus it *WILL* be final. Correct, they do, and S&I isn't the place for that. The blogs are, and the groups and ATR are. S&I should not be A voice is not equal to a plauge rant that lasts weeks whilst using weak and pathetic arguments (I don't like it, remove it!... ¬_¬) and trying to use easily dispelled assumptions (The games page is finished, its crap, remove it.) I've seen over four years as well, that the "voice" people want really is less of a voice. It's more of a migraine. It isn't constructive, only destructive, and no "voice" should be heard if it's destructive. Roblox needs proper guidance, something the WNTS can keep, and something the WNTS should. This "voice" you seem to care about makes the roblox community look like imbeciles. Why listen to imbeciles? Roblox was very smart to ignore the community for two years, in my opinion; They NEED respite after what they've had to endure between early 2011 and early 2013, and thanks to this voice, still have to endure thanks to the ignorance people show the WNTS; This corrupted "voice" that makes roblox a very special company, being the only company I've ever heard of where the community directly ruins the game more than the developers. I would go onto a far bigger counter, but it'd be pointless. The basics are here. If the voice was worth listening to, they'd not be so shy in stating thier listenings. :/ Mweh. The WNTS was designed to be final, so it *WILL* be final.
#108769502Wednesday, August 07, 2013 10:47 AM GMT

Support I have nothing to say sorry
#108769592Wednesday, August 07, 2013 10:49 AM GMT

If you support, you support. No point invalidating a support :/. My thank you for the support mr. Dildry.
#109242667Saturday, August 10, 2013 11:42 PM GMT

Mweh, S&I has ambience to post this.
#109242840Saturday, August 10, 2013 11:44 PM GMT

Wait a minute.... NO SUPPORT!!!
#109242915Saturday, August 10, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

My thank you for the support mr. Zersdan. Bwamp.
#109243419Saturday, August 10, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

A lot of the WNTS are there because people suggest something too much. But ROBLOX never adds those >:(

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