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#109041654Friday, August 09, 2013 10:32 AM GMT

Alright. Clothes. 2D. Lacks realism, Can make clothes seem a useless part of roblox, when in fact, they ARE extremely important. I Have found a way roblox could implement it (Optional) To the current template - Without wrecking packages etc - While adding 3d clothing. In ALL good Image editors which the majority use for clothes making E.G Photoshop and Paint.Net. Have a option to change transparency. IF people were to lets stay use 50% instead of 100, the pieces that were at 50, would extend Outwards, while Any pieces at 100 would stay 2d, and 0 would Equal transparent. However you MAY Want different pieces in the clothing to extend at different rates, therefore every step down from 100 (In transparency) would stick out a different rate - With 1 being sticking out a fair bit. There are small problems as to HOW roblox could recognise transperency when uploading as PNG, So off course that may need to be changed - However the small changes needed would improve clothing a load. I have given a short summary of the pros and cons PROS -Allows 3d clothing -Allows realism for natural creases in clothing -Allows clothing to become a lot more realistic -Allows people to experiment with it, which would lead to games having more realistic outfits (E.G A assassin game could have people in capes etc - as in assassins creed) CONS -Complex -Small changes needed -Could be easy to bypass filter by making rude shapes come out (Although should be easy for a mod to see) Support?????? I as a clothing maker do.
#109041758Friday, August 09, 2013 10:35 AM GMT

#109041778Friday, August 09, 2013 10:35 AM GMT

no im appie
#109041820Friday, August 09, 2013 10:36 AM GMT

You guys do realise it would not cause barely as much lag as building. It would simply make it like hats.
#109042230Friday, August 09, 2013 10:48 AM GMT

all your pros are for realism and no
#109043025Friday, August 09, 2013 11:08 AM GMT

Forget those posts, I'm a graphic designer, not a clothing maker. But I know that this is a great idea. But it was already used. There is a shirt that it's a noob trapped in a box, and you can see through the box. I love the idea though. Nice job. 100% Support.
#109090362Friday, August 09, 2013 8:12 PM GMT

#109090427Friday, August 09, 2013 8:12 PM GMT


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