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#109628204Tuesday, August 13, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

I don't know about you but I have 6 different mess ups in my group items I want to get rid of out of my group. But unfortunetly I can't get them out. I have an idea that has been said many times but I think is very critical in groups:) It's simple and easy. Here's a couple of ways it could work. 1. You could edit your item and their would be a section where it tells you what group(s) this item is used in and next to it is a rid of button to get rid of it out of your group. 2. Their would be a rid of button next to each item in the group that you could click to get rid of the item out of your group. Now this would not delete your item out of your inventory but just out of your group. Does that clear things up? This could be the most useful thing to be added to groups today. Anyone agree? Please support and if not state why?  

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