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#1099178Sunday, May 25, 2008 7:53 PM GMT

get a brick any color then get a humanoid for it so it can talk then add a killbotscript(make sure it shoots rockets)then add a regenbutton for it then make it chase then make it uncollidable then add a rocket mesh(make sure the point of the rocket mesh is pointing at you)then put a brick on the back of it make it stay but make sure it moves around with the rocket then make the brick on the back invisable then add sparkles then add a camera mesh to a brick and attach it to the rocket and make it like its part of the rocket(make sure it stays on the rocket as the rocket moves)then add a chase script so it chases then finnaly add colors to the rocket or techers to the camera and rocket after that you have a super rocket(this for advanced scripters)
#184858757Sunday, March 06, 2016 1:21 PM GMT


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