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#109959581Friday, August 16, 2013 4:06 PM GMT

Roblox a game targeted for children between the ages of 9-12 any online game targeted for children has a set of online rules. The list roblox has is simple enough standard rules that apply to most aspects of the Roblox community however the rules can be written as such that certain games and gamer's are banned Often for the use of mature language or content. often the content that was banned wasn't mature or in violation of the roblox terms and conditions and was a abuse by the moderating staff. Many changes have happened to the rules and regulations over the span of robloxes life span 2004-2013. However these changes in the rules have as consequence watered down the content of the robloxian community. the rules have become stricter probably as an attempt to make roblox appear neutral an obvious attempt to get more upon more children and teens playing it. This as a consequence often leads to the reporting and banning of more serious games and gamer's like realistic fps games or horror games or games with a serious meaning. Roblox treats it's players like an overprotective mother like the kids wont just go play l4d,mw3 any rated M game on there xbox 360 ps3 whatever console they prefer. many of the people who get banned for games like this are really among the real contributors of roblox. that's why i suggest 13+ games. the games would be in an independent section of the roblox game page like builder club games or paid games they would only be accessible for users aged 13 and up these game could be allowed to cover more serious topics and a wider range of new ideas and using roblox to a greater extent than builders currently do. there will still be a moderation system as there only a certain number of topics on can cover without being offensive still this can lead towards more diverse games. Possibly by doing this roblox could amass a bigger teen community and result in more profit for the roblox cooperation. After all people who have had positive experience with the game would and probably will recommend it to there friends relatives etc. and if a kid makes an account claiming to be 13 and older it's there fault if they get offended.
#109960113Friday, August 16, 2013 4:11 PM GMT

seems fair, the gun gears in the catalog are 13+ only
#109961256Friday, August 16, 2013 4:23 PM GMT

This would be good. And concerning kids lying about their age, it is the parent's responsibility to monitor what games the kids join and the age they enter, not ROBLOX's.
#109961601Friday, August 16, 2013 4:26 PM GMT

I made this suggestion but only 2 people responded Its good but kids younger should be allowed to join with parental approval i saw a 6-7 year old telling his mom he wanted COD the other day. She bought it. the narwhal of RT,C&G,VGF and somtimes S&I
#109962374Friday, August 16, 2013 4:34 PM GMT

But the disgusting games! You know what I mean. People will make those games 13 and older so they can stay forever. It will scar my childhood forever.... -shivers-
#109965468Friday, August 16, 2013 5:08 PM GMT

Not destroy all the rules and wont allow have well you know what but will allow lighter cuss words, like the stuff in pg-13 movies --s- crap the narwhal of RT,C&G,VGF and somtimes S&I
#109967684Friday, August 16, 2013 5:31 PM GMT

#109968567Friday, August 16, 2013 5:40 PM GMT

Just no! ROBLOX is a kids site. Younger kids could get on without parent approval and hide it. You've just got to respect the fact that there can't be 13+ games on ROBLOX.
#109968941Friday, August 16, 2013 5:45 PM GMT

5 year olds can also buy teen games at walmart with no parent approval! the narwhal of RT,C&G,VGF and somtimes S&I
#109969153Friday, August 16, 2013 5:48 PM GMT

TL;DR Version? D: ~ I eat haxors ~
#109969248Friday, August 16, 2013 5:49 PM GMT

Very much support, although I'm pretty sure it's in the WNTS. Quick, don't think about cats!
#109971921Friday, August 16, 2013 6:20 PM GMT

"• Stop being a kids' site/give us 13+ features. (We're aware of the interest.)" ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ ͡ bagels | If you want, follow me on twitter: @IncredyRBLX
#109973337Friday, August 16, 2013 6:42 PM GMT

75% agree. but like you said some idiot kids out there will claim being 13+ and the overprotective mother thing. I couldn't agree more. so overall Support Bump. "Shut up." -Mayor21
#109973507Friday, August 16, 2013 6:44 PM GMT

Support. It would be the parent's fault, not Roblox's. They would have no excuse.
#109975935Friday, August 16, 2013 7:08 PM GMT

yo, this would be a terrible idea due to the kids that lie about their ages. kk not approved
#109976379Friday, August 16, 2013 7:12 PM GMT

This is the best thread ive seen in ages , the people that are saying no are probably less than 13 years old @HalfPinky what you are talking about is 18+ material we are talkin about ages 13-17 because beyond that age people dont play roblox very often anyway @Dolphin first of all you dont know if it will happen or not and i can tell that your below 13 years old @Maileh thats their parents fault not ROBLOX's But sadly this is a WNTS but its not in the "Wont happen" section its in the "Might happen" section I give full support although they 99.9% wont look at this thread i hope for that .1% that they will
#109976933Friday, August 16, 2013 7:17 PM GMT

I willl change my age than. Simple.
#109977308Friday, August 16, 2013 7:20 PM GMT

If you lie about your age it's your (and your parents') responsability not Roblox. Lying is bad, Mmkay! Quick, don't think about cats!
#109977604Friday, August 16, 2013 7:23 PM GMT

#109979594Friday, August 16, 2013 7:41 PM GMT

Enough things are 13+ Not to mention the people who lie about their age. No. ~Im still a wise old man~
#109989384Friday, August 16, 2013 9:05 PM GMT

13+ games would allow users to push the limit on whats possible with roblox though i'm not saying that all 13+ games are going to be good (expect a whole lot of half made gave up at the middle games to be made essentially trash) but where will be a diamond somewhere in the middle of it all one that shows what users are capable of if they try there best pushing the limits in the roblox community. many people especially teens forfeit signing up because of roblox's childish nature and lack of serious content. video games can be a storytelling medium and with 13+ games more story's more interesting ones can and probably be shared with the millions of robloxians who play this game. All i'm saying is that video games can be a story sharing medium adding this feature would allow for more immersing realistic enchanting story's to be published shared and as we all know. Some story's stay with us forever. And i want that reality to be feasible on roblox there is so much that can be built that isnt being built and that has to change and a really good story can change a person for the good or bad ..... i choose good. ~antissa
#110001097Friday, August 16, 2013 10:44 PM GMT

yeah i agree robloxians should have more freedom ~kita kata kita kata kitasune!
#110001252Friday, August 16, 2013 10:46 PM GMT

Support :D
#110002976Friday, August 16, 2013 11:01 PM GMT

Sure make little kids Scar for life if they lie about their Age. Parents fault :D Support\ -CrowBar VS zombie-
#110004398Friday, August 16, 2013 11:14 PM GMT

13+ doesn't mean disgusting games. Anybody below 18 are STILL MINORS.

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