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#11002656Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:06 PM GMT

Story:You were just having a normal day training in the millitary.When you hear on the news that eart is getting blown destroyed by thousands of spaceships.The leader of these ships name is darkoy and he is known for likeing to destroy planets.So you got in a spaceship and left earth in search of a new home planet.But you still wonder if there were any survivors.What did you do did you help darkoy in the attack or are you know searching space for a new one?arkoy heard nes of some survivals know hes looking for you and the others.Have fun make a char sheet and join in. Name:Kj Age:19 Gender:M Weapons:Assult rifle with loads of ammo Appearence:My robloxian Spaceship name:The Fire Blazer Spaceship appearence:Dark ship with red flames on the side Bio:Stronf fighter with hopes of finding a home planet
#11002956Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:12 PM GMT

KJ:*runs to the back of the ship and makes 5 bbots*.....Ummm you guys need to all go fix up any parts of the spaceship that may have been damaged. Bbots:yyyess ssirr Kj:ok im going to go ceck how auto pilots going KJ:*walks to the front of the spaceship*.........ASTEROIDS

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