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#110041375Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

-Example- Name: Ethan A. Calaway Age: 18. Gender: Male. Height: 68 Inches. Weight: 150 lbs. Hair: Black Eyes: Midnight Blue Appearance: Hair standing up; falling down towards the right side of the head. Wearing a Bluetooth and Shades. Wearing a black trench coat. Personality: Silent and Calm, he does not get into conversations that often and stays quiet. In battle situations he is well trained and can take out his opponents quickly without a sweat. In a nutcase he is very mysterious and silent, due to his dramatic past no one knows about. Weapons and Abilities: An Icedagger, with the ability to freeze his opponents and kill them. An Blizzard Sword, upgraded from an Icedagger causes a blinding Snow which slowes his opponents down, but increases his speed and slowly drains his opponents health. Hunter Powers; not much to explain about it, but he has powers and to watchout. Backstory: A dramatic past no one knows about and he will never talk about, no one knows. [Post your Character Sheet in the comments, Beacon Academy!]
#110044205Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:55 AM GMT

Fein den. Here's my cs :L Name: Kayiline "Kaya" Dawn Age: 16 Gender: Female Weapon: Shot-gun like gun. Instead, shoots poision darts instead of regular bullets. [Can do damage constantly, and stuns the opponet] Weapon Name: Reailty Bug Hair: Brownish Hair Style: Long Eyes: Jade green Apperance: A light green jacket with usualy green pants or a green skirt on. Color: Light green Personality: Quiet most of the time. She always speaks calmly, unless truely enraged. She can be shy around groups of people. Family: Allie and Meidria [Idk if thats right :c][Hehe we're basicly sisters c:]
#110071527Saturday, August 17, 2013 1:44 PM GMT

Name: Arth "William" Gilraen Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 71 inches / 180cm Weight: 160 lbs / 72 kg Color: Azure Appearance: With well-groomed short dark brown hair, light tan skin and azure-blue eyes, Arth appears to be an above average-built young bloke. He wears an Azure-highlighted beige fur coat, a standard white shirt with the collars flipped up, loose Azure pants and complimentary laced boots. You may see him occasionally carrying a military-green shoulder-bag, generally when there's a mission. Although, what actually can be carried within is minuscule because of size of the bag. ( I additionally drew my character: http://www.roblox.com/Beacon-Academy-Arth-item?id=126680775) Personality: Arth is very expressive, introspective and a straightforward individual. The lad enjoys a wide circle of acquaintances, yet only few are trustworthy in his perspective. He tends to focus his attention on the big picture rather than the details and typically gives more weight for logic than social considerations. He does not cope well in dire situations, resulting in his judgement being delayed. As the conclusion of being constantly shoved into stressful positions, Arth has developed a habit of biting his lip whenever he is deep in thought. Weapon Name: Story-Weaver Weapon(s): An 80 cm broad-sword which has 2 handles. It can split into 2 individual swords. The larger of the two has a crescent-shape cut out of the blade, while the smaller is presented with similar properties to a katana. There is Dust (Crystal) latched onto the end of each handle; red for the broader blade, purple for the thinner blade. Abilities: When the red dust activates, the weapon is able to deflect strong blows. However, it also renders the sword to be less mobile. Meanwhile, when the purple dust activates, it enables the user’s attack power to escalate for a split second. It is trivial for the user to limit the activation of the purple dust as the cool down for purple dust multiplies by the uses. Back-story: Arth was born in a quiet happy-go-lucky, mother-and-father family. Growing up, he was surrounded by the subtle buzzing of machinery. His mother was an Inventor. Every day in her spare time, (when she wasn't educating Arth at home) she would coop up in the basement and work on one of her many "projects". Arth's Father was a Stationary engineer. Every so often when Mother Gilrean was too preoccupied with her projects, he would take Arth with him to his work place. Although it technically wasn't the safest concept, Arth was much more amused by his work. It wasn't until the age of 14 that the Grim slowly began taking back parts of civilization. Never once did Arth consider the horrid enemy would be strong enough to rival the hunters once again. He had always presumed that humanity could continue to live in harmony under the protection of the hunters. Reality slapped him in the face at that moment. Arth knew at that moment that he needed to be at the front lines to be of assistance to humanity’s fight. [Arth joined Signal Academy at the age of 15. Later admitted into Beacon Academy at the age of 17] ((You can tell that I got lazy at the end. Sorry for the big hunk of text, I really tried to cut out heaps of sentences. xD))
#110083199Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:08 PM GMT

Fixed link (colored and more proper image but no weapons) : http://www.roblox.com/Beacon-Academy-Arths-Colored-Sketch-item?id=126819641
#110100422Saturday, August 17, 2013 6:49 PM GMT

Name: Zaylix "Flake" Celtic Gender: Male Age: 17 Height: 70 Inches Weight: 156 lbs Hair: Orange, White streaks. Eyes: Cat-like Yellow colour Appearance: Medium-length hair that goes halfway down the neck, hair over ears and over forehead, swept to the left with several strands curled slightly upwards. Yellow and black coat with long sleeves and orange tinted collar and cuffs, black and orange jeans with two light yellow stripes running up the back of the legs that meet up in a complex pattern around the entire waste. light Skin colour. constantly chewing mint sweets. the symbol of a flint stone with several fire symbols surrounding it on the back of coat. Personality: Calm but can sometimes acts irrationally, shows no sign of over-confidence yet, gets annoyed when having a hard time with foes. Tends to be cranky in the morning and isn't very active. likes to be not bothered by others unless he needs help with things. feels capable of doing things but will take help if offered. Weapon Name: Asunder-by-Blazelock Weapon Description: A double barreled flintlock rifle that breaks apart and folds the barrel in that creates two flint lock pistols (the rifle and pistols have a modern all metal aesthetic with orange pieces of the metal) that connect and transform back to a rifle that can also split but not disconnect into two single barrel rifles that then two half-blades that connect and a hilt pops out the end and the handles of the symmetrical guns fold upwards to keep the large blade steady, and 4 small metal feather shaped blades slide out the handles to give a guard. The Double-barrel rapid-fire rifle basically becomes a one handed great-sword. Backstory: Born into a rich family in Vale, he was lost inside an old labyrinth found in the forbidden basement of his parents mansion, it had chest which opened to reveal an old wooden and dusty iron version of his weapon. He picked it up and magical (through the power of all the dust in the mansion) transformed to his weapon he has now. a year later, the creatures of grim burned down the place of him and his parents and he was the only one to survive, his weapon was destroyed, using recovered fire element dust and flint he recreated his weapon and decide to learn to fight. to take revenge on the creatures that killed his parents and destroyed his home, and to make sure no one is ever hurt by creatures of grim in this current world. After learning to handle his weapon with remarkable skill he showed his worth and has now entered beacon.
#110100645Saturday, August 17, 2013 6:51 PM GMT

Oh and my characters colour is Orange.
#110128291Saturday, August 17, 2013 10:58 PM GMT

Orange is taken by me and thunder already
#110129349Saturday, August 17, 2013 11:07 PM GMT

Name: Orawk F. Kilikir Color: Orange Age: 16-ish Gender: Male. Height: 5' 11" Weight: 137 lb. Hair: Dark Brown, some black tips Eyes: Black Appearance: Messy hair; some strands of hair fade to black at the end. Wearing Orange Armour. Personality: Outgoing, intelligent and curious, he loves to enter conversations with his friends, just to pester them and joke around even though he means no harm. In battle situations he takes his time and puts all his strength into it (he uses a hammer...). In a nutshell he loves to fight, hes outgoing, and he cares for his friends. Weapons and Abilities: Savant-Giant Sledgehammer which also doubles as a shotgun. He holds his sledgehammer with two hands, as well as the shotgun Backstory: When Orawk was a young boy, his mother and father were shopping in the city one day, and they had somehow got themselves tangled into a Dust Robbery. The thief had used a monster/Grim to murder his parents, and ever since that day he wanted to become a Hunter. Current Story: Orawk was accepted into Beacon Academy, and right when he had arrived he made friends. These friends include Allie, Ethan, Shawn, Jake, and much more. He was assigned into team BORG, being him, Ethan, Allie, and another male student that went by the name Grim Reaper. After Grim got expelled, the team was BOR. As a substitute, Nich, another male, took the place of Grim in his absence.
#110130877Saturday, August 17, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#110165195Sunday, August 18, 2013 4:31 AM GMT

I decide to post on here since I change some (I mean... alot) of my CS. Name: Zerato L. Manoft Age: 17. Gender : Height : 1m78. Weight : 70kg. Hair : Straight crimson red long hair, usually seen tied in a plait Eyes : Pitch red. Primary color : Crimson Red. Appearance : Hooded and masked (while battling), wearing a crimson trenchcoat with a black holycross necklace. Personality: Poetic and calm. Tends to stare at the landscape often in a state of social-neglectance. Is angered easily if someone disturbs him abruptly in this state. While battling, he uses his ability to support his friends in desperate times. Weapons : A double-edged, dual-sided blade forged with extreme amounts of passion and emotion. "Un Impeccable Rêve" is a swift, agile and deadly weapon. A military-graded assault rifle, a fearsome weapon with great repelling force that could knock the enemy off balance and let his comrades finish it off. Abilities : "Un Impeccable Rêve"'s temperature increases exceedingly when the Orange dust (crystal) is activated. The blade swells a bright red, yet doesn't catch on fire. This way, it is easier to maintain for combat purposes. Along with this ability, the weapon itself becomes immensely light-weight. Weaknesses : Has an attraction to cute or beautiful objects. Emotional self-harm when he makes a mistake. Backstory : Born in a noble family with a sole burning adventurous spirit, he decides to set out of the palace and explore lands with his trusty servants. On his travels, he had been given an Orange Dust (Crystal), an unsullied Raw Heat crystal. After Zerato received the Orange Dust, he decided to forge his first weapon with tremendous passion and emotion. Everywhere he goes, his blade "Un Impeccable Rêve" always watches his back. Zerato joined Beacon Academy looking for a landscape to quench his poetic thirsts. But of course with the additional wish for the greater good of this world. At the age of 15, when he first joined the Signal Academy, he met his first and current best friend, Arth "William" Gilraen. As a noble-son, he didn't have any knowledge about combat and forging weapons. Being an understanding person, Arth educated him about the basics, while Signal Academy extended on that knowledge. After they both graduated Signal Academy, Zerato and Arth enrolled to join Beacon Academy, where their first step to become a hunter began.
#110165277Sunday, August 18, 2013 4:31 AM GMT

LOL, forgot gender Gender : Male
#110189033Sunday, August 18, 2013 11:37 AM GMT

#110194501Sunday, August 18, 2013 1:25 PM GMT

@B1TBUCKET What problem with 1m78? You are like 1m80. xD Anyway.... here are my additional Character Image : http://www.roblox.com/Beacon-Academy-Zerato-item?id=126925189
#110195424Sunday, August 18, 2013 1:38 PM GMT

@B1TBUCKET, You can't take orange now. I've already posted my character sheet before you.
#110196260Sunday, August 18, 2013 1:50 PM GMT

Lol x3
#110196571Sunday, August 18, 2013 1:54 PM GMT

#110198111Sunday, August 18, 2013 2:13 PM GMT

@Anakin I also PM'ed and told Ozpin my color way before you even joined. And then Thund told him. Then he said we could have the same color.
#110198371Sunday, August 18, 2013 2:17 PM GMT

@Zerat Woops. I read it as 1km....... derp o3o
#110201296Sunday, August 18, 2013 2:51 PM GMT

Name: Rue "Dusk" Flame Age: 16 Gender: Female Height: 5'7 Weight: 107 lbs Hair: Cinnamon Eye color: Midnight Violet Appearance: Long hair, Black and red stripped tank top with vest Weapon: Sword/Shot-Gun, Shoots highly explosive Shot-Gun shells with 100% percent of range with a very sharp blade and a custom handle Weapon's name: Sharp Blast Personality: Patient, Calm, Silent, Strong, intelligent Back-story: As a child, Rue was bright and really loved her parents and was always with them, until that day. One night she was about to go to bed until she looked out the window and saw her parents killed by monsters. When she ran out to stand next to their bodies, the house just exploded out of nowhere, she was cut by a piece of wood and had a scar on her right cheek. After the loss of her home and parents, she hasn't been talking much every since and swore that she would become a huntress and kill monsters and the one who bombed her home. It continues when she joins Beacon Academy.
#110207849Sunday, August 18, 2013 3:58 PM GMT

Name: Sapphire Edwards Age:16 Height:5'2 Weight: 99 lbs Hair: Blonde Eye Color: Violet Appearance: Long Hair, Ruffled Top with a pink bow and black and pink boots Weapon: Chainsaw Long Sword/ Long Sword with chainsaw spikes on the sides and motor as handle Weapon name: Kenji Personality: Active, Intelligent, Friendly, Outgoing Back-story: As Sapphire grew up she enjoyed spending time with her family. Her father then one day explained to her about Grim and she decided to leave her home to join Beacon Academy to fend off Grim with the help of others.
#110207988Sunday, August 18, 2013 4:00 PM GMT

M color is pink btw lawl...
#110208768Sunday, August 18, 2013 4:08 PM GMT

Wrong forum. Belongs in C&G. And no, just because it's a god damn roleplay group, doesn't mean it belongs here. This is for text-based RP/Stories, not to create your characters for a group you have.
#110240595Sunday, August 18, 2013 9:02 PM GMT

Kbai we don't want you anyway o3o
#110335082Monday, August 19, 2013 5:35 PM GMT

Name: Phillip Brooks Nickname: CM (CM meaning either chick magnet or Chicago Made) Punk Other Nickname: Bomb Age: 18 Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Weight: 143 lbs Hair: Dark brown Eye color: Hazel Appearance: Purple shirt with black jacket, custom purple jeans. Thin, long, white scar across left cheek Weapon: White-bladed sword, polished black shiny steel handle Weapon's name: Punk Personality: Smart, fast, strong, and (as he thinks of himself) a chick magnet. Always keeps eyes on either girls or what he's doing. Back-story: Enrolled at Beacon at age 15, days after accidentally setting off a bomb in the town plaza in New York, while he was visiting, becoming an unknown mass murderer. Has been living at Beacon for 3 years, ever since.
#110336165Monday, August 19, 2013 5:45 PM GMT

Added onto last post: Color: Purple.

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