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#11103015Tuesday, July 14, 2009 12:53 PM GMT

Before Humans even lived there were other space fractions that are now extict or not. These were the real greats of the universe make you fraction by useing the templete below. Basic details These are the basic details of your fraction For government you have to pick one of the folowing Empire-one supreme leader who controls all but the people have few rights and the ecomy is based on what the leader wants Democracy-The people vote for their leader and has onley some power. The people own their own buisness and the people have many rights. Galactic Republic-The leader has more power over the senate and controls part of the econamy. The peoples rights depend on the senate.The people vote for their leader. Complete Theocracy-The Leader is chosen by the royal worshipers. There goverment is based on the beliefs of their religion. The people and the econamy depends on what the worshipers belive is right. Demonicship-The leader is chosen by militry and the leader rules everything and spreads terror to the universe. Fraction's Name-The name of your fraction How long did the fraction last-how long did your fraction last for Goverment-See the goverment chooses above Reason of Collapse(opptional)-The reason your empire died out Military Power-How strong is your fractions military Wealth-How wealthy was you fraction Power-How big was your fraction Religion This is the religion of your nation you must choose one religion below and stick with it.Also fill out the template below. Zargos-A religion that teaches people to conqer and destroy for survival Carthrim-A religion the teaches peace and to be kind to others Melarthium-A religion that teaches people to kill the others who dont worship them and be kind to those who do Demonism-A religion that worships demon creatures and teaches to bring death to the universe Religion-Choose your religion for your fraction Belief in The religion-How much to you take your religion to a concern What religion you hate the most-Choose what religion your agenst the most Extra Info Fill out the template below of extra info Reasources your fraction needs-What are some reasources your fraction needs Allies-Do you have any allies At war with-Are you at war with anyone Names of your units-What are your units Friendly or Agressive-Friendly or Agressive What is your fractions goal-What does your fraction want to achive
Top 25 Poster
#11104188Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:32 PM GMT

Fraction's Name-The name of your fraction How long did the fraction last-how long did your fraction last for Goverment-Demonicship Reason of Collapse(opptional)-The reason your empire died out Military Power-Strong Wealth-REALLY POOR Power-REALLY POWERFUL Religion-Christianity Belief in the religion:100% What religion you hate the most-None.

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