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#111108263Monday, August 26, 2013 2:36 AM GMT

I was surfing the internet and found a news article of how an 8 yr old had killed an 87 yr old caregiver after playing GTA. This just goes to show you the violent nature of GTA and how it can affect people,thats why i never let my son play M games. It serves no purpose. People asked me when i was young:"why dont you play M games" but i asked them "Why do you play them in the first place?". They serve no purpose,they only desensitize a person. The worst part are the parents. The kid cant do time due to Louisiana law(anyone under 13 cant face any charges) and the parents allowed him to play!? What kind of stupid,irresponsibly and outright pathetic parent lets their 8 YEAR OLD SON PLAY GRAND THEFT AUTO? No responsibility whatsover. I really hope those parents get a huge punishment for their role in this and i hope the kid does too. He did it INTENTIONALLY and really hope justice gets served,but lately,it hasnt so i wont be surprised if it wont be served again. This reminds of the Devin Moore incident where a 17 yr old had killed 3 cops after GTA and had recieved the death penalty. Games like that need to get banned,they serve no purpose and only harm society.
#111108521Monday, August 26, 2013 2:38 AM GMT

no. if someone played that game and killed or hurt someone there was something wrong with them. what about all the other people who play those games?
#111108581Monday, August 26, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

It's unclear if violence in video games stimulates real violence. Evidence strikes both ways. BUT it is common knowledge that being among a bad crowd/place often corrupts those who otherwise were better. Perhaps games have the same effect.
#111108687Monday, August 26, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

@Wander Nothing was wrong with him. No mental disorders or anything. A person may not outright kill someone but their behavior changes after always blowing someone's head off. They become more agressive and have a violent output on life.
#111108693Monday, August 26, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

meanwhile 6 year olds playing cod
#111108785Monday, August 26, 2013 2:41 AM GMT

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#111108874Monday, August 26, 2013 2:41 AM GMT

Even worse. Parents like that should get their children taken away from them. No responsibility whatsover. A disgrace to the marriage arrangement.
#111108917Monday, August 26, 2013 2:42 AM GMT

I declare Exterminatus on upon the Imperial thread of "8 year old kills caregiver over GTA.". I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire thread and consign the OP's soul to oblivion. May Imperial justice account in all manners, The Emperor Protects. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NNc242mbiUs#t=124
#111109042Monday, August 26, 2013 2:43 AM GMT

GTA SA FTW ~Fruit + Noob = Froob~
#111109077Monday, August 26, 2013 2:43 AM GMT

the problem with this is only partly the video game most of it is the fact that he was 8 and there was a loaded gun lying around easy enough for an 8 year old to find
#111109084Monday, August 26, 2013 2:43 AM GMT

I play GTA a lot, why am I not on the streets having a RPG and shooting down helicpoters and shooting people in the stomach, because I'm not mentally challenged.
#111109198Monday, August 26, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

@Skellor Exactly,thats why the parents should get the brunt of the judgement. No responsibility.
#111109313Monday, August 26, 2013 2:45 AM GMT

The video games didn't cause it, the bad parenting did.
#111109422Monday, August 26, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

@Super >implying all people who kill due to video games are mentally ill In most cases,the person is perfectly fine. Its just a natural tendency that if your exposed to something,you mimic what you see. That doesnt necessarily mean you shoot up everyone when you play games like GTA but your whole persona and out look on life can change. Even your speach. It becomes more violent like and apathetic.
#111109450Monday, August 26, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

I played Wolfenstein 3D when I was a kid and I never broke out of a Natzee prison and killed lots of gaurds
#111109469Monday, August 26, 2013 2:47 AM GMT

#111109493Monday, August 26, 2013 2:47 AM GMT

not sure if old man or troll
#111109500Monday, August 26, 2013 2:47 AM GMT

@wil The video game is a part of it.
#111109576Monday, August 26, 2013 2:47 AM GMT

Video games show young children " hey look! Kill this guy and get money! ". It stays with them their entire life, because it is taught at such a young age. Its the parents fault 100% .
#111109621Monday, August 26, 2013 2:48 AM GMT

if they cant differentiate real life and video games they are either a bit crazy or are too young. if they were too young they shouldnt be playing those games, if they are a bit crazy the would do it without the game anyways.
#111109640Monday, August 26, 2013 2:48 AM GMT

@Flex Kid kills relative due to GTA. Parents should be severely punished for bad parenthing and irresponsibilty.
#111109755Monday, August 26, 2013 2:49 AM GMT

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#111109922Monday, August 26, 2013 2:50 AM GMT

I played Wolfenstein 3D when I was a kid and I never broke out of a Natzee prison and killed lots of gaurds ____________________________________________________________________________________ Its not a good influence still. Really surprised your parents would let you play that game. Back in the 80s,parents were more strict when it came to their children,now it seems their preety lenient.
#111110003Monday, August 26, 2013 2:51 AM GMT

You guys don't realize it, you refuse to accept it and you think it does nothing, but video game mess around with your mind a lot.
#111110106Monday, August 26, 2013 2:52 AM GMT

It was the 90's dude Get it right And plus it wasn't even that violent.

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