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#11135419Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:13 PM GMT

i'm sorry if i copyed somone's elses thread,i didn't know,anyways... TimeLine: --------------------------------------- 2009:a deadly virus called M1N1 dease spreads rapidly threw the south asian regions turning people in to zombie-like creatures,these goverments shut down there borders. 2010:the dease spreads threw elligal trading,it hits mexico,and South America. 2011:the dease travels north and in to north america by survivors carrying the dease,the EPACDA(emergancy Protection and Civil Defence Agency)is notified and starts sending in the national guard in to texes,new mexico,and california. 2012:the united sites closes down its borders,as along with canada,the dease has spread in to cuba and continutes by boats in to europe and it spreads threw africa,the middle east,and finally asia,austrila and antartica arn't infected...Yet.... --------------------------------------------------------- RULES: EVERYONE STARTS IN AN HOUSE NO UBERING. NO BERING A NOOB. NO GOD MODDING. NO FLAMING. NO SPAMING. DON'T KILL ANYONE'S CHARACTER UNLESS HAVE PERMISSION. HAVE FUN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you can play survivors or infected,you start in texes but you can travel,working cars are rare! also one more thing,its war-torn due to large battles with the military and infected.you have to search for food and water! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survivors sheet: Name: Age: Job before Apocolaspe(or currently have,if you don't have a job say:unenployed): Weapons(if any): Skills(3 only): Bio(optional): ------------------------------------------------------------ Infected sheet: Name: Age of infection: Special abilities(if any,and no ubering plz): Bio(optional): Infection Abilatyies
#11135526Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:15 PM GMT

Name:branch Age:22 Job before Apocolaspe(or currently have,if you don't have a job say:unenployed):ex-us marine Weapons(if any):desert eagle,m-16,knife Skills(3 only):aiming,driving,shooting Bio(optional):was an ex-marine.an smart man and 3 max abilities plz!
#11136196Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:27 PM GMT

bump can anyone join plz

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