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#111668177Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:58 PM GMT

-- In the Ancient Medieval times, there was a woman who was born a Medicine Doctor, a very poor Medicine Doctor. She worked in a small hut-home, and despite the few pence of money she earned, she never got rich because no one ever needed to come to her. One night, she was sweeping some dust off her dusty old floor with a wood mop when suddenly, she had a splitting headache. He sat down on her creaky old small chair and held her head in agony. Suddenly, she heard something. She opened her eyes and lifted her head up. Nobody was there. She sighed and held her head again. She heard words, this time. The words, not very clear at the time, were, supposedly; "You must be tired.... not getting money... visitors... be tired no more..." she then stood up and shouted; "Who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!" she picked up the mop, her only defense weapon. Nobody was there and she shook in her ragdress. She heard the voice again, this time, she could hear every word. "You must be tired... you're not getting any money, nor visitors... be tired no more... join us!" said the voice, now turning into separate voices. She sat down again, and decided to listen to the voice, as a voice couldn't do anything.... right? Suddenly, she fell to her knees and closed her eyes. Two voices were giggling evilly as she closed her eyes, then it turned into a horrendous cackle. When she opened them again, she was a different woman. She wore a dark purple robe and her home was now an island in the sky, named Chaos Island. Now, she had a huge tower and was standing inside it. Her mind supposedly seemed clearer, and she could concentrate, but this was all false, as the voices had corrupted her mind, see? Suddenly, she saw who was speaking to her. An angel [girl] with black wings, purple dress, dark purple eyes, and black hair, and a black halo, and a devil [girl] with, instead of red scaly skin and a red tail, was a purple scaly devil with a purple scaly tail, with black horns, and a black dress, were standing in front of her. "Who are you? What have you done to me?" asked the young Medicine Doctor. "Hush, little girl." said the Angel. "We are your friends..." said the Devil. "You own all this island now, and the tower, free of charge. You will be gifted with dark powers, and the world will fear you. Now is your chance to show the world your skills, Illusionist." said the Angel. "But... but... the world has done no crime to me! Also, i'm a doctor, not an illusion---" said the Doctor, but the Devil interrupted her. "The world has made you a poor soul, with not a penny in the world. Also, now you're an Illusionist, soon to be the leader of the world." That was it, something had snapped in the girl's brain. She became twisted, evil, corrupted. The powers drove her insane and all she thirsted for was death. She went down to earth, and summoned many dragons, beasts, and hydras to destroy kingdom after kingdom. It worked, back then. Apparently, a hero, his name unknown, was able to craft a gem and absorb the Illusionist into the gem. Then he sealed the gem in a dungeon. Now, in 2013, no one has really heard of the Illusionist. She was a myth, and that's it. Someone, supposedly, has released the Illusionist, on the condition that the Illusionist bows down to him, but obviously, once released, The Illusionist morphed the person into a horrific frog-type beast and now she seeks revenge. That is the supposed reason of these sudden outbursts of the urban monsters coming back to life, sudden change of weather, from sunny, to tornado, to lightning, to floods, and many more horrible stuff. This is true. Only a quarter of the people in the world know of the true Illusionists return, the rest of the humans are afraid of the "end of the world." which will happen if we don't stop the Illusionist, and fast! -- Before you say the Illusionist is a godmodder, you can see she has a weakness. "Apparently, a hero, his name unknown, was able to craft a gem and absorb the Illusionist into the gem. " Only the same gem the Hero had can do this, though. The gem is supposedly in the same dungeon, the dungeon's name, is unknown. -- Rules -- 1. No godmodding. 2. I am the Illusionist, but I do have a weakness, as listed above. 3. Keep romance to a limit [hugging.] 4. You can be from 15-25. 5. Follow all other basic rules. 6. Put 'Illusion' in Others if you have read this. 7. Finally, have fun! -- Monster List -- 1. Manticore 2. Dark Angel 3. Baby Dragon [age 200 - 400] 4. Pegasus 5. Drow [dark elf] 6. Lycan 7. Vampire [age 1000 - 3000] 8. Baby Hydra [age 200 - 400] -- CS -- Name: Age: Race [human, monster]: Appearance: Personality: Human form [if vampire, lycan, dark angel or manticore]: Likes: Dislikes: Inventory: Other: -- Thanks! If you like it, join. Finally, have fun!
#111668423Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:00 PM GMT

Name: The Illusionist Age: Unknown, supposedly immortal. Race [human, monster]: Uhm, both? Appearance: In urban myth, she is supposedly wearing a purple robe. Nowadays, for the ones who know about her return, they know if they see a purple cloud, it means that is her. Personality: Evil, twisted, sick, seeks nothing but death, corrupted. Human form [if vampire, lycan, dark angel or manticore]: Likes: To kill, summoning evil beasts, watching others die. Dislikes: Rebels, her beasts being VERY RARELY defeated. Inventory: Other: Illusion
#111668803Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:04 PM GMT

Oh yeah, town list! -- Town List -- 1. Uriana - A wasteland now, due to the harsh weather and a hydra from the seas destroying it. Few survivors live there now, looking for other survivors and trying to rebuild homes from the wreck. 2. Shamix - A thriving, busy town. Many people live here but it is more likely to be targeted next. 3. Ernial - An almost-deserted town. It is not likely to ever be targeted. -- New CS: -- Name: Age: Race [human, monster]: Starting Town: Appearance: Personality: Human form [if vampire, lycan, dark angel or manticore]: Likes: Dislikes: Inventory: Other:
#111670264Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:18 PM GMT

#111671673Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:33 PM GMT

One night, two men where sleeping in their very small town so small, it wasn't named. Only to the men waking up to appearing in a torcher chamber. It said words like "join us" stuff like that on the walls. The illusionists where in the chamber, they where deciding on type of torcher, these two men, happened to be friends, and where war heroes from the Cold war. They decided on escaping, so the rocked in their chairs, t'll they fall down, on oppiset sides. Only to see that their plan had failed, they are jabbing the guy on the opposite side, he dies in his own pool of blood..The girls laugh a psychotic laugh, they walk to the guy, and he's gone..."WHERE HAS HE GONE???!?!" says one of them...The man found a firearm, some bullets..He tried to run away, not making a sound..The girls trying to find him..By the time he escaped, the illusionist was up there, and he was killed. His family, friends where not aware of his death; but found out one night, when his family went to see a psychic person, "He's dead.." The men appeared not being in a grave, but still in that ol' torcher cell, just laying their, but their body, was unable to rot. They where to become a summoning demon, who may access only soviet firearm, by summoning them their selfs, they could be killed, but where un-summoned when hit..Only to heal up their strengths.
#111671786Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:34 PM GMT

what? CS first, please.
#111671987Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:36 PM GMT

Lol, you learn that later in the story! Like a story, "Hatchet" you don't learn his personality, etc t'll later in the book..
#111672499Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:42 PM GMT

yes but, all RP's require a CS, first.
#111672865Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:45 PM GMT

#111672940Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:46 PM GMT

Pardon me, but i'm not even back to school yet. I've been off for 2 darn months and haven't done a piece of writing. I've been lazy.
#111673137Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:48 PM GMT

Name: Sofia Age: 17 Race [human, monster]: Half human Starting Town: Shamix Appearance: While being human: bright yellow hair, blue eyes, very thin. While being vampire: white skin, red eyes, dark purple hair. Personality: a chatbox, agressive and mean to almost everyone Human form [if vampire, lycan, dark angel or manticore]: half vampire Likes: making little kids cry, having night trips, skipping lessons. Dislikes: being still and silent Inventory: Health potion Other: During day is a human, during night turns into a vampire
#111673553Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:52 PM GMT

"Human form" was meant to be your form when you are not a vampire. Appearance was for the vampire form.
#111675294Saturday, August 31, 2013 5:09 PM GMT

Oh oki ^.^
#111675366Saturday, August 31, 2013 5:10 PM GMT

fill it in now, please.[;
#111676621Saturday, August 31, 2013 5:22 PM GMT

On appearance if we are human can we just put none or do we write it on there. Also if so can we just take out human form part???
#111676706Saturday, August 31, 2013 5:22 PM GMT

You write your appearance on Appearance if you are human. You do take out the human form part, yes.
#111678592Saturday, August 31, 2013 5:40 PM GMT

Name:Nick Age:19 Race [human, monster]:Human Appearance:Dark-Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes, Tall, Usually wears a Black Robe. Personality: Quiet, Sneaky, Sarcastic, Jokes Around. Likes: Being Alone, Watching my Enemies Suffer. Dislikes: Annoying People, Having to Retreat from a Fight. Inventory: Bow, Dagger Other: Illusion
#111678760Saturday, August 31, 2013 5:42 PM GMT

Name: Michael Okami Age: 15 Race [human, monster]: Le monster Starting Town: The one thats almost abandoned. Appearance: Like a normal white wolf. Blue eyes. Personality: Happy, but ragedriven when fighting. Human form [if vampire, lycan, dark angel or manticore]: You know what im gonna put. Likes: Derps, pizza, wolves, more wolves, the color white. Dislikes: Crosseyed, fish eggs, less wolves, no wolves, the color of evil. Inventory: Sleek black katana. Other: Illusion You should have known i would come.
#111679674Saturday, August 31, 2013 5:50 PM GMT

Name: Atara Trallice Age: 18 Race [human, monster]: Human. Starting Town: Shamix Appearance: Atara has dark brown hair, and reaches down to her lower back, and brown eyes. She is 5' 5", and has brown skin. Even though she doesn't act like it, she is actually a very physically strong person, and has a very stout body shape. Wears a light blue dress that hangs above her knees, and simple black shoes. Personality: She is rather gentle, and has a stronge sense of justice. Atara usually fights using her fists, but also uses knifes. Likes: Flowers, the morning sky, fish, fighting and violence. Dislikes: Being underminded by other people, orange and yellow. Inventory: Two knifes for self defence. Other:Illusion (by seeing other character sheets i can already tell this'll be very fun)
#111682181Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:16 PM GMT

Name: Slate (The puuuuns!) Age: As old as the stone from which it was wrought Race: Sentient Gargoyle Appearance: A 6’ 7” humanoid, which unlike the name, is composed entirely out of gabbro. Whoever carved this figure seemed to be a master mason or stoneworker, because it seems that excruciating detail was put into it, as even the smallest fingernail was properly sculpted on it. It looks like a stone, average, thirty-some male with rather long hair arranged in a ponytail, and with two bat-wings jutting out of its back. Its face seems to be sculpted in an eternal grimace, and simply staring at it would seemingly drain one’s spirit. Many nicks and dents of various sizes adorn this figure’s body. Also, oddly enough, the sculpture has no eyelids, as if to signify vigilance. Personality: I’m not even sure if Slate even HAS a personality. It’s just cold and uncaring, and doesn’t even possess a hint of self preservation. It just does its job as an eternal watchman, somehow woken by unknown forces. Likes: Doesn’t really have an opinion on this, but he thinks pink roses are nice. Dislikes: Birds, for mocking his inability to fly. Inventory: Absolutely nothing. Other: It’s all an illusion!
#111682454Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:18 PM GMT

(Oop, forgot the town. He's located around the outskirts of Shamix, but originated from Uriana.)
#111683465Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:27 PM GMT

Name: Crathæ Ðevala Age: 21 Race [human, monster]: Human Appearance: Long, straight red hair that reaches her belly. She has no fringe, her forehead showing , she has dark shades around her eyes, she has strangely white teeth. Her lips are a dark red, her skin quite pale. She wears a brown tank-top like shirt, she has black trousers and is barefoot. Personality: Stubborn, dry. Human form [if vampire, lycan, dark angel or manticore]: Human... Likes: Food and Dark colours Dislikes: Anything she wants. Inventory: 3 small rusty axes, still sharp. A massive fine steel axe on her back. Other: Illusion
#111683976Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:32 PM GMT

(Town thingy: She's from the City of Khalude Pannarakos-High Greytr, or just Greytr. But now lives in a small city, which can be seen from Shamix, as it's right by it called Ryandor.)
#111684244Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:34 PM GMT

@All accepted except Ethan at the moment @Ethan, you can only have one of the monsters from the list! Sorry!
#111684316Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:35 PM GMT

Shall we begin?

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