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#11414219Monday, July 20, 2009 12:16 AM GMT

Rise of the Shadows is an RPG in where you have to destroy the shadows that lurk in the regions of Fetoran. Fetoran: Fetoran is a world of peace, however the evil shadows are now threatening the existance of the planet. Regions: Corella: Corella is the starting region, and is soon crushed by shadow in the beginning. Darkan: Darkan is where the shadow was born. The sun never shines on the region, therefore it is always dark. Manushard: Manushard is a legendary region that is rumored to have sunk into the shadow years ago. Xarvaz: Home of the ultimate warrior, Xarvaz is the only region that can't be touched by shadow. To start your adventure, type the information that you have to. Name: Gender: Class:(Can be Warrior, Magician or Rouge) Skin color: Sword of choice:
#11414293Monday, July 20, 2009 12:17 AM GMT

Name: Zyke Gender: Male Class: Warrior Skin color: White Sword of choice: Bluesteel Blade
#11416288Monday, July 20, 2009 12:49 AM GMT

(Sleeping) *Yawn* (Wakes up, gets out of bed, gets dressed, and walks to living room) Me: Let's see whats on T.V. (Flips through channels) (T.V. screen suddenly goes blank) Me: What the? I better check whats goin' on. (Walks outside and sees that Corella is being swallowed by something huge and black) Me: Oh crap. (Runs into boat and as I'm floating away I see Corella get destroyed) * * * * (Arrives at Xarvaz) Me: Alright, let's see if I can get a house here. (Walks to House Shop) Me: Wait, buying houses at a shop? Okay. Strange, but okay. (Buys house and walks out) Me: Now that I've got a house, I'm gonna- (Gets whacked in the side with a club) Me: What the crud? (Sees guy with the club behind me) Me: Why'd you do that? Guy: Ha ha ha. . . hello. My name is Shadox. Me: I don't want to know your name, just why you hit me with your clu- (Gets knocked across ground by Shadox) Me: Dude, you messed with the wrong guy. (Pulls out a Bluesteel Blade and fights with Shadox) Shadox: You're stronger than I thought, kid. Until next time, farewell. (Shadox vanishes) Okay, that was strange too. (Walks to house and rests in bed)
#26047388Friday, May 21, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

#26048011Friday, May 21, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

Name: Luke Tilaki Gender: M Class: Warrior Skin color: White Sword of choice: Black Blade
#26048235Friday, May 21, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

#26048268Friday, May 21, 2010 8:41 PM GMT

seriously, skin color? sheesh.

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