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#115218992Friday, October 11, 2013 9:56 PM GMT

Europe, Soviet Union [Stalingrad] Diary of Alexei Ravehncopsks, Red Army Conscript Volume 16 Entry 1, November 20, 1942 At first, nobody thought it would end. One day of fighting and we were exhausted, one day. It was truly unreal when we were told we were going on another offensive. Another... Entry 2, November 21, 1942 Surprisingly, we took the first German Command Point in the city. That's were we are now, taking shelter in our enemy's once field base. We're still pushing against the krauts, but mostly we switch sides. Defensive, then offensive, then defensive, then offensive. It never changes. But slowly, our offensive side is getting better. Some think we might actually win this, but I doubt it. Entry 3, November 22, 1942 We're doing better then expected. The krauts are getting more week by the moment. Their falling. But it's weird, just a few days ago they were winning. Strange... Entry 4, November 23, 1942 We took it! We took the central German Command Center. That messes them up a lot. I can't believe it, neither can my battalion. But the fighting is still going on...Just looks more in our favor. For now, we're on the defensive for a few hours. Entry 5, November 24, 1942 We're pushing more and more, pushing the krauts back. Now everybody thinks the Germans are going to loose. Those fascist... Entry 6, November 25, 1942 High command tells us we're going to win in one week's time. That's not true, though. I just know it...Anyways, it's looking pretty bad lately, the krauts are throwing all their bombers at us. Many are getting killed, faster then a few days ago. I hope I won't suffer that fate... [Blank Pages] Information: The Battle of Stalingrad was a bloody battle that lasted for many months and took many lives. Over 1,190,000 Soviet men died in the battle of Stalingrad, and it was not a good sight. The Soviets launched a counter offensive called Operation Uranus in November 19th, 1942. It was a counter-offensive to push the Germans back, in which many conscripts were risked. Conscripts where drafted men with poor training, and only used as mere pawns in the battle. Many conscripts died, and many saw the city in ruins. Now, we are here to tell the story of this battle, and it's bloody outcome. Rules: 1. Roblox role-playing forum rules apply. 2. Roblox forum rules apply. 3. The admins can change mostly everything at will. 4. *Only admins may title change.* 5. No godmodding, oping, or trolling. 6. *****You may be a GERMAN soldier or a SOVIET soldier.***** 7. Dice-roll system: This is an example for how the dice roll system works, Ex: "Attacks German soldier [Waiting For Roll]" then I, the owner, roll a dice and if it is low, it is a bad outcome, if it is high, it is a good outcome. the highest number achievable is 6. You have to acknowledge the outcome, and you cannot change it. You have to suck it up and deal with it if it is low, no exceptions. Admins: Owner (Minerface) Any Other Admins Chosen By Owner CS: Name: /-\ge: Side (German Or Soviet): Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon (Has to be small arm): Equipment (Ex: 3 Grenades, piece of bread, barbed wire clippers): Appearance: Personality: Bio:
#115219072Friday, October 11, 2013 9:57 PM GMT

Name: Zionn Tenderrev /-\ge: 23 Side (German Or Soviet): Soviet Primary Weapon: Ppsh-41 Secondary Weapon: TT-30 Equipment: 1 Regular Explosive Grenade, 2 Molotov Cocktails, Military Knife, 8 Ppsh-41 clips Appearance: Standard issue yellow Soviet uniform for conscripts, dull yellow/gray backpack, dull yellow/gray helmet, blue eyes, decently large, tall, Personality: Angry, sad, confused, mad, and almost fearless in his current situation. Bio: At an early age, his mother died of cancer. Recently his father has been away from home on work in factories. He himself has been drafted to the Red Army, and was sent to the Stalingrad front by high command. Lately he is angered by his father's company, the war, and the Germans.
#115219346Friday, October 11, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

Anyone? 3 Players including myself until we begin.
#115219937Friday, October 11, 2013 10:04 PM GMT

Name: super dragon Age: 9999999999999999999999999999999 Side (German Or Soviet): both Primary Weapon: everything Secondary Weapon (Has to be small arm): everything Equipment (Ex: 3 Grenades, piece of bread, barbed wire clippers): everything Appearance: red giant dragon with white stripes and is 99999999999"9 tall Personality: awesome Bio: he killed everyone then they were revived and ww2 started That was fantastic! You just read my siggy! BRAVO!
#115222641Friday, October 11, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

Go to hell.
#115222997Friday, October 11, 2013 10:38 PM GMT

Name: Bridgette Butt-hole /-\ge: 24 Side (German Or Soviet): German Primary Weapon: Buster sword Secondary Weapon (Has to be small arm): A baby arm Equipment (Ex: 3 Grenades, piece of bread, barbed wire clippers): Bobby pin (in hair), leather whip, Gimp mask Appearance: Blond hair, kept in bun - Pointed cap - Glossy leather uniform (short skirt) - Knee-high stilettos - Statuesque Personality: Tsundere, bossy Bio: Professional Dominatrix before WW2
#115223184Friday, October 11, 2013 10:40 PM GMT

Ignored. Peace.
#115223295Friday, October 11, 2013 10:42 PM GMT

@minerface why? What's wrong with her? (bridgette bauer is her given name - bridgette butt-hole is her dominatrix name)
#115223973Friday, October 11, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

(The rest of your CS lady... Plus there weren't German girls fighting in war.)
#115224393Friday, October 11, 2013 10:55 PM GMT

@minerface She isn't a soldier, she's a member of the National Socialist Women's League.
#115227326Friday, October 11, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

(Still, she has no purpose and stuff, like in equipment put like medkit or something.
#115231450Saturday, October 12, 2013 12:20 AM GMT

Name:Erik Fuchs Rank: Secretly: SS-Oberscharführer(Senior Squad Leader,NCO), On uniform:Feldwebel Job:Gestapo,making sure no one deserts. Personality:Likes or is indifferent to loyal soldiers. Hates deserters. He is a charismatic and loyal german soldier.Nothing will make him leave the german military. Appearance: //:CLOTHING:\\:Stahlhelm,with two lightning bolts(Hinting he is SS/Gestapo) on the back of the helmet.M43 tunic.Black Jackboots. Black leather gloves. //:PHYSICAL:\\:Blonde hair. Blue eyes. 6'3'. 185 LB. Primary Weapon:Maschinenpistole 35(Hinting towards he is SS/Gestapo) Secondary Weapon: Mauser C96 Inventory:Swiss army knife,just because. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Erik Fuchs /-\ge:43 Side (German Or Soviet):German Primary Weapon:MP35 Secondary Weapon(Has to be small arm):Mauser C96 Equipment (Ex: 3 Grenades, piece of bread, barbed wire clippers):Swiss army knife,and handcuffs. Appearance:See above^ but add bandages to the chest and head. Personality:See Above^ Bio:-[Classified]-
#115232017Saturday, October 12, 2013 12:26 AM GMT

alright alright pushy Name: Bridgette Bauer Dominatrix Alias: Bridgette Butt-hole /-\ge: 24 Side (German Or Soviet): German Primary Weapon: Luger P08 Secondary Weapon (Has to be small arm): Electro53x tazer Equipment : Bobby pin (in hair), leather whip, Gimp mask, medkit, Adult Baby bottle (filled with water) Appearance: Blond hair, kept in bun - Pointed cap - Glossy leather uniform (short skirt) - Knee-high stilettos - Statuesque Personality: Tsundere, bossy
#115232202Saturday, October 12, 2013 12:28 AM GMT

Things suddenly got steamy. I see who wears the pants in THIS family.
#115232896Saturday, October 12, 2013 12:38 AM GMT

oh whoops forgot bio Name: Bridgette Bauer Dominatrix Alias: Bridgette Butt-hole /-\ge: 24 Side (German Or Soviet): German Primary Weapon: Luger P08 Secondary Weapon (Has to be small arm): Electro53x tazer Equipment : Bobby pin (in hair), leather whip, Gimp mask, medkit, Adult Baby bottle (filled with water) Appearance: Blond hair, kept in bun - Pointed cap - Glossy leather uniform (short skirt) - Knee-high stilettos - Statuesque Personality: Tsundere, bossy Bio: Dominatrix before WW2. Member of the National Socialist Women's League.
#115233661Saturday, October 12, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

(Accepted, but this is a bit dead. I'll make a new one later.)

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