#159239122Friday, April 03, 2015 3:02 AM GMT

"I dunno. Xorp might have anti-teleport ruins in the castle. He's smart remember? He probably thought of every angle of attack we might try. This is going to be tough."Rita mused. "I'm sure we can bust through it easily! Although it would be fine to die with honor right Ross?"Kagura roughly pats him in the back! "Thats..hardly reassuring."Symphony sighed. (Oooh Get ready Kagura!)
#159255283Friday, April 03, 2015 8:25 AM GMT

"As fine as that'd be lass, I reckon' it'd be finer to continue living with honor." Kagura didn't pat his back particularly hard, but Ross could feel the strength within her . "You're exceptionally strong for a girl your size..." Ross noted.
#159266686Friday, April 03, 2015 2:08 PM GMT

"Oh that's because I'm a Yato. I'm a alien from another planet."Kagura said nonchalantly."My kind is all about combat and war. I'm not a big fan of it but I fight to protect my friends. Oh and my Papa is the strongest alien hunter! He's pretty cool!"
#159270829Friday, April 03, 2015 3:15 PM GMT

"Me and Kagura are friends!" Shi said happily, patting Kagura on the back, a loud rough slap noise coming out. She was proud of announcing that fact. Dod walked into the room, noticing another person inside. "Shi... Did you invite more people over?" He sighed. "At least it's another guy, and not a girl or monster..."
#159275204Friday, April 03, 2015 4:17 PM GMT

Arclight showed results, the exact GPS location of the castle. It also detailed a path, but since Shi could just teleport, it was superfluous.
#159275810Friday, April 03, 2015 4:25 PM GMT

(Well I thought there would be anti-teleport magic or whatever but okay.) "Alright everyone ready?"Rita said getting her sword ready. "Ready."Symphony nodded. "Yo ready!"Kagura lifted her battle umbrella up. "R-Ready!"Colette gulped staying next to Shi. "Alright Shi let's go."Rita it said.
#159279336Friday, April 03, 2015 5:13 PM GMT

(Xorp has never met Shi, and thus, would not instate teleport inhibitors. As far as he knows, Ivan can't teleport, so that should be enough. He also kind of wants them to be there...) Ivan merely nodded, pensive.
#159320529Saturday, April 04, 2015 1:43 AM GMT

"Did I get invited? I still have no memory of what I'm doing here..." Ross mumbled. "Anyways, I'm ready to go."
#159332514Saturday, April 04, 2015 4:04 AM GMT

Shi stabbed her sword into the ground, everything disappearing with a flash of bright purple light. They appeared in front of Tarkosh's castle...
#159344112Saturday, April 04, 2015 7:32 AM GMT

"'s so huge!"Colette said in awe. "How are we gonna get inside?" "Simple! We bust it down!"Kagura smashes the door with her umbrella! "Kagura wa-oh forget it they probably know we're here! Colette stay close to me!"Rita commanded as she got her sword out with one hand and flame magic in the other. Symphony spreads her wings and takes to the sky to scan the wide area!
#159345951Saturday, April 04, 2015 8:32 AM GMT

Name: vjsdf fkgfs.jglk He looks like a normal humans thats all
#159361325Saturday, April 04, 2015 2:50 PM GMT

(And here... we.... go) Bad move, Symphony. The winged (Cyborg? Robot? I forgot) was spotted as she took off through the skies. The militaristic grunts growled in a fair amount of surprise, but readied the weaponry. "THE ENEMY HAS ARRIVED! FIRE!" The lieutenant bellowed, pointing his longsword at the flying foe.
#159368309Saturday, April 04, 2015 4:27 PM GMT

Ivan took a quick moment to check who he trusted the most...He soon decided that he trusted none of them, so there went his plan. "Symphony, watch out!" (Symphony is a robot) Lucky for Tarkosh's men, the Ironforged made 16 iron cannons for them to fire. How lovely.
#159368889Saturday, April 04, 2015 4:34 PM GMT

( Wow Ivan. How nice.) (Yeah she's a robot with a soul.) "Oh crap! "Symphony flew dowm to avoid getting shot."They got cannons!" "Great that's just what we need! Let's hurry and get inside so they don't blast us with them!"Rita yelled.
#159371238Saturday, April 04, 2015 5:04 PM GMT

(Wouldn't she technically be a cyborg or android since something is alive and human inside of the robot?) Shi made herself a shield and walked forward towards the gate. She will be acting as the tank for everyone else to follow behind in, like soldiers followed tanks in wars for protection.
#159375007Saturday, April 04, 2015 5:50 PM GMT

(No I don't think so. She doesn't have any real human parts besides the soul. It's all synthetic. The soul wasn't even hers really. It's a long origin story really. )
#159376160Saturday, April 04, 2015 6:03 PM GMT

"GET SOME GROUND TROOPS DOWN THERE!" The lieutenant roared. Several squads of heavily armored Orcs leapt from their position, and darted towards the entrance to the castle, to stand guard for when Shi and her friends attempted to break through the barricaded gate. Meanwhile, from above the gates, several archers remained poised, ready to send volleys of ranged attacks at the enemy forces.
#159376289Saturday, April 04, 2015 6:05 PM GMT

(We've already established that Ivan doesn't like Kagura or Rita. He doesn't dislike Shi, but generally, she behaves childishly. He trusts Symphony, but she just went and made a stupid decision by flying into enemy combat.) The Ironforged watched the combat from his own "office," that being a cellar. He was preparing something delightfully evil for everyone, drumming his iron claws against the floor. "Oh, good. They made it..."
#159417952Sunday, April 05, 2015 2:35 AM GMT

(Ah sorry the flying thing was a poorly thought up plan.) Kagura ran to intercept the ground troops! With a swing of her umbrella she cleared a row of them already!"You better run! This Yato is ready to unleash hell!" "Yeah yeah we hear you Kagura. Don't get too arrogant."Rita rolled her eyes as she blasts streams of fire!"Symphony! Above us!Archers!" "I got it!"Symphony's palms open up to reveal speakers. BOOM! Powerful concentrated noise slams into the archers!"That's the power of music!"Symphony smirked as she fired at any archers that dared aim at her friends. Colette stayed behind Shi!
#159423373Sunday, April 05, 2015 3:37 AM GMT

"Unlucky for those arhcers, I've got-" Ross looked up to see Symphony already taking care of the archers, "guns. Nevermind then..." Ross stuck behind Shi, looking for any opportunities to shoot something.
#159607847Tuesday, April 07, 2015 1:27 PM GMT

Symphony was hit by a powerful molten magma sphere from a cannon, which resisted the shockwave. The other 15 began to rain molten death upon everyone else... While it wasn't intentionally targeting the orcs, there might be a bit o' friendly fire... Meanwhile, in Ika's prison... There was an audible crackle as Xorp re-entered, carrying with him a silver dish covered with another silver covering. "Just the lady I wanted to see. I trust you are well?"
#159611929Tuesday, April 07, 2015 2:45 PM GMT

Part of Symphony's synthetic skin and clothing burned right off!"Tsk. Those cannons are a real pain. Don't worry about me! Shi keep that shield up! I'll deal with those cannons!" "Wait! Let me join you Symphony! I can help!"Kagura grabbed Symphony's hand. "Fine. Once we're done with the cannons we'll regroup with you guys!" "Better hurry! They're really bombarding us!"Rita yelled. Symphony flew quickly with Kagura in tow. Dodging projectiles with Symphony's speed and deflecting arrows with Kagura's umbrella,they reached the floor the cannons were on. Symphony dropped Kagura and she landed next to a cannon! Clearing any Orcs nearby, she used her Yato strength to pick up the cannon ans toss it at another! Symphony used her Judgement Beam to hit the ground beneath the cannons to make them fall down and be rendered useless! "I..I am fine."Ika grumbled as her stomach growled a bit.
#159613076Tuesday, April 07, 2015 3:11 PM GMT

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#159613852Tuesday, April 07, 2015 3:27 PM GMT

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#159614107Tuesday, April 07, 2015 3:32 PM GMT

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